الوسم: BIC
The impact of phrasing positive and negative statements on measuring educational burnout among university students.
Likert scales are a common tool in education and psychology, allowing respondents to express their opinions on specific topics through graduated options that reflect varying levels of agreement. However, research shows that the mixture of items with positive and negative wording in these scales can lead to undesirable systematic effects that impact the reliability of…
The Impact of the Built Urban Environment on Walking Activity and Health of Older Adults in Nanjing, China
**Introduction** The built environment is considered one of the key factors affecting physical activity, especially among older adults in densely populated urban areas. In this context, the current research highlights the complex relationship between urban design, land use, and older adults’ perspectives on physical activity, based on a study conducted in Nanjing, China. Despite the…
The spread of drug-resistant mutations to integrase inhibitors in Botswana before the switch to dolutegravir combination therapy
The problem of drug resistance is one of the significant challenges facing the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), with the importance of studying drug resistance-related mutations continuously increasing. In this context, this article presents a comprehensive study on the prevalence of documented genetic mutations associated with resistance to integrase strand transfer inhibitors among…
تأثير نقص الأكسجة على الوظائف العصبية والمعرفية في المرتفعات العالية
تُعتبر حالة نقص الأكسجين الناتجة عن الظروف البيئية، والتي تُعرف بالهيبوكسيا، موضوعًا ذا أهمية كبيرة نظرًا لتأثيرها العميق على النظام العصبي المعرفي، حيث ترتبط بشكل خاص بزيادة مستويات القلق والتوتر. يواجه الدماغ، الذي يعتمد على الأكسجين بشكل كبير لأداء وظائفه المعرفية، خطرًا كبيرًا من الأضرار الناجمة عن نقص الأكسجين، سواء على المدى القصير أو الطويل.…
### Environmental Innovation: Towards a Sustainable Future through Innovative Strategies
In an era characterized by increasing environmental challenges and climate change, environmental innovations emerge as key solutions for achieving sustainability and balance in resource use. This new phase of technological development and strategic planning requires all stakeholders, from governments to businesses and local communities, to work together to overcome environmental obstacles. This includes a variety…