Tag: SQL
كيف تستدعي الدوال باستخدام نماذج الدردشة
In the world of modern technology, there is an increasing focus on enhancing the performance of artificial intelligence models, especially chat models like GPT. This article aims to detail the methods for using the Chat Completions API to improve the functional capabilities of these models. We will discuss how to…
Mini Resume Template and Examples
When should a mini resume be used? A mini resume contains a brief summary of your key accomplishments and professional qualifications. It highlights your achievements instead of providing a lengthy resume that includes full details about your work experience, education, and accomplishments. Mini Resume Template Contact Information: The first part…
The ideal length of a resume is usually one page for entry-level positions and up to two pages for more experienced candidates. It’s important to keep it concise and focus on relevant information that highlights your skills and experiences.
The resume is considered one of the most important documents to present when applying for jobs. However, the question arises: how long should a resume be? The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the level of experience and the type of job you are applying for. How…
How to Impress a Potential Employer
In this article, you will find the content of the article written in English. Rewrite it in Arabic and divide it into subheadings using tags . Provide a brief description for each subheading below it. Do not put it in HTML tags only or as a main title; use and…
Summary of Qualifications: What is it?
Definition and Examples of Qualifications Summary What is a Qualifications Summary? A qualifications summary is a section in a resume that lists achievements, skills, and experiences. This section is optional and if used, it should be tailored for each job. How Does a Qualifications Summary Work? A qualifications summary can…