Tag: Prompt Caching
What You Should Know Before Buying Mutual Funds and ETFs
What are Inverse Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)? Inverse Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are index funds that gain value when the correlated index loses value. This is achieved by holding assets and derivatives such as options that are used to profit when the underlying index declines. The ProShares Short Dow 30 (DOG) fund…
How to Return to Work After a Career Break
By: Madeline Buri Madeline Buri writes about careers and job searching for The Balance website. She covers topics related to career changes, job hunting, and returning from maternity leave, and has been writing for The Balance since 2014. How to Return to the Workforce Many working mothers consider taking a…
Discover a 5% Cash Discount Calendar from Discover.
How Discover’s 5% Quarterly Cashback Works There are three Discover cards that offer a 5% cashback on a rotating schedule of categories, including the Discover cashback card, Discover it student cashback card, and Discover NHL card. To earn the high cashback each quarter, you will first need to activate the…