Tag: Freelancer
What is self-employment tax?
Definition: Self-employment tax is imposed on self-employment income of $400 or more and covers Social Security and Medicare taxes. Self-employment tax applies to income earned as a freelance or independent worker, such as working as a freelancer or consultant. How does self-employment tax work? Self-employment tax is imposed on self-employment…
الجدول C في النموذج 1040 هو وثيقة ضريبية تُستخدم من قبل الأفراد الذين يعملون لحسابهم الخاص لتوثيق دخلهم ونفقاتهم المتعلقة بالعمل. يُعنى الجدول بتقدير الربح أو الخسارة من النشاط التجاري، ويتضمن معلومات عن المبيعات والإيرادات وأي نفقات يمكن خصمها. يُساعد هذا الجدول الأفراد على حساب صافي الدخل من أعمالهم الخاصة ومن ثم إدراجه في إقراراتهم الضريبية السنوية.
The C Schedule in Form 1040 is a tax reporting sheet known as the “Profit or Loss from Business” statement. Here, you report your earned self-employment income for the year and deduct business expenses to arrive at your taxable income. How does Schedule C work? Schedule C in Form 1040…
Learn How to Prioritize Your Debt Payments
Paying off debt can be a long journey depending on how much debt you have. It’s very easy to lose motivation and give up, especially when you have other financial goals competing for your limited resources. That’s why it’s crucial to create a plan for your debt repayment. Organizing Your…
Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Employees vs. Hiring Contractors
Your Employees Share in Your Company and Culture Your company provides a vision for the security of employees’ futures, which makes them more likely to invest more of their time and personal energy into promoting your company’s goals and engaging in its projects. Those groups of people wearing company shirts…
What is the annual interest rate for your retail credit card?
What is the annual interest rate on your retail credit card? A survey conducted by CreditCards.com in 2020 found that the average annual interest rate for retail credit cards was 24.43%. This rate is over 4% higher than the overall average annual interest rate for credit cards in general, which…
Top 10 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs
Accountant Accountants are responsible for preparing, maintaining, and analyzing financial records, invoices, and taxes. They are in high demand during tax season, as organizations or individuals may hire part-time accounting support. In addition to the daily maintenance and monitoring of financial operations, accountants must also ensure that the company’s financial…
The difference between gross income and net income: what is the difference?
What is gross income? Gross income is the total amount of income you receive from all sources. Gross income may include your salaries or wages from your employer before any taxes or other deductions are taken out, such as health insurance premiums and retirement contributions. What is net income? If…