Tips for Job Searching as a Transgender Person

Find Companies That Support Transgender Individuals and Get a Job

Whether you plan to disclose your identity at work or not, your day will be more comfortable in a place where you can count on working with non-biased people and for a company that won’t tolerate anti-transgender statements and behaviors.

S.E. Smith, a California-based journalist and editor who has been open about her identity for 15 years, says, “I don’t want to work in a place where I have to hide my gender history. I want to be in a workplace that is not only aware of the existence of transgender people but is also welcoming and inclusive.”

But how can you know a company’s values? Smith recommends starting by carefully examining the company’s website, including looking for a diversity and inclusion statement. Meanwhile, life and career coach Kyle Elliott suggests reviewing the company’s social media as well to see if LGBTQ issues are discussed and how they are discussed.

The Corporate Equality Index from the Human Rights Campaign is a good place to get an idea of the company’s stance on equality for LGBTQ individuals, according to Elliott. In this context, Smith recommends reaching out to people you know who work at the company – or know someone who works there – to get a sense of the company’s inclusivity.

Try Job Fairs and Recruiters

Look for job fairs that are explicitly organized for transgender job seekers – searching online reveals options in Los Angeles, Tucson, Sacramento, Charlotte, Philadelphia, and many other cities across the country.

Remember that companies attending this type of fair are taking active steps beyond just a statement on the company website – paving the way for diversity and inclusion.

Also, try reaching out to recruiters who can give you insight into the company, according to Ted Keyport, a senior recruiting officer working with manufacturing candidates in Minneapolis. Getting reassurance about the company can help you feel comfortable during the interview process.

Consider Whether You Want to Disclose Your Identity

As you apply for jobs, write cover letters, and prepare for phone interviews, consider whether you want to share the fact that you are transgender.

Elliott says, “Some job seekers choose to disclose their identity on the application form while others prefer to wait until during the interview process or after starting work at the company. Of course, when and how you disclose your identity is entirely your choice.”

Depending on the employer and your comfort level, you may want to add your pronouns to your resume, cover letter, or email signature. Above all, Elliott recommends keeping your safety – physical, emotional, financial, and professional – in mind when making this decision.

Sometimes, disclosing your identity can be strategic. For example, as a journalist, Smith might note that she is transgender during an interview at a media outlet to highlight areas where the publication could improve its coverage.

Keyport recommends that if you disclose your identity during the interview, it can give you the opportunity to ask direct questions like “Are there other transgender employees at the company?” or “How do you think the team would react to working with a transgender person?”

Shine in the Interview

Going into the interview knowing that the company embraces progressive principles can help ease stress. In addition to having prior knowledge about the company, here are some other tips to help you conduct a successful interview:


Your Clothing: As long as you wear clean and neat professional attire to your interview, you can choose any type of clothing, including gender-nonconforming outfits.

Prepare in Advance: Before the interview, you’ll want to prepare like any other candidate by researching the company and closely reviewing the job description while practicing your answers to common interview questions.

Understand the Company Culture: Throughout the interview, remember that it is a two-way street. The potential employer is getting to know you – but you are also getting to know your potential manager, coworkers, and the company. Interviews are a window into the company culture. Be sure to ask the interviewers questions about the company’s diversity and inclusion program, as the way it is discussed can be revealing.

Prep Your References: The best advice for any candidate is to communicate with your references before sharing their contact information with a potential employer. This allows you to ensure that the person is available and willing to provide the reference. It also gives you the opportunity to share some details about the job position, refresh the reference’s memory about you if it has been a while, and even suggest key points you would like them to highlight in their recommendation or conversation.

For transgender individuals, this is particularly important: “Make sure to talk to your references and let them know the name and pronouns that the potential employer will be using,” recommends Elliott. “You don’t want to face any surprises.”

Alert About Name Changes if Necessary: If you have some work available under a name you no longer use, which is something you would like to address in the interview, you may want to notify the employer of your name change during the interview. You can keep it simple, saying something like: “Since I changed my name in 2021, you may find that some of my work is listed under my previous name, first name last name.” If you wish, you can also include the name change on your resume, although this is not necessary if you prefer not to disclose it.

Smith points out that name changes can cause confusion in the background check that the employer conducts. If the background check is being performed by a third party, you can avoid disclosing it to the employer and share the details only with the company. If the process is internal, you can inform HR and ask that the name change be kept confidential.

If You’re Unsure, Don’t Accept the Offer

Trust your instincts. Being unemployed is a bad situation, but being employed at a company that practices discrimination is a bad situation too.

Smith says, “There may be a temptation to jump on the first job that comes along,” especially for new graduates or workers with limited experience. “But if you feel hesitant, especially regarding transgender inclusivity, don’t accept it. It isn’t worth it.”

Not only can this lead to a toxic work environment, but it can also lead to problems in the future if you have to use a former anti-trans employer as a reference.

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The National Center for Transgender Equality. “2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Report, page 9.”


Human Rights. “Corporate Equality Index”.


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