The Best 40 Websites for High-Quality Free Images (2023)

We have compiled a comprehensive (and recently updated) list of stock photo resources you can use to find high-quality free images to build your brand. Whether you need premium stock images for commercial use or for a blog article, you will find what you’re looking for here.

We Know Your Struggle

You are searching for the right images for your online store, website, or social media feed. You don’t have the time to photograph the products, so you’ve been searching everywhere for free images to use but are struggling to find stock images that aren’t clichéd, like people raising their hands in meeting rooms or laughing at their salads.

The good news: There is a large assortment of free and paid photography sites available for commercial use online. You just need to know where to look. 41 Best Sites for Free Commercial Use Images

Browse the list of free photo sites below to find free images for your business or project:

1. Burst by Shopify: A site offering high-quality free images operated by Shopify. Its photo library includes thousands of high-resolution images captured by a global community of photographers. New high-resolution images are added every week. These public domain images can be used free of charge for commercial or personal use, whether you’re a designer, a blogger, or an entrepreneur in need of beautiful stock images.

The site has a search feature where you can find images by keyword or popular category. Another great feature of Burst is the “Business Ideas” section. Here you can find free downloadable images and business tips divided by niche, including women’s fashion, art supplies, socks, and more.

2. Pixabay: A free stock photo site that has over 2.2 million stock images, videos, and music clips available for download from the Pixabay community. It offers copyright-free photos from contributors that anyone can modify and use without permission or attribution to the artist.

The stock images on Pixabay cover a wide range of topics. All photos are released under the Pixabay license, which is similar to Creative Commons CC0 but has slightly more restrictions.

3. Unsplash: A site that features over 2.5 million beautiful stock images taken by a global community of photographers. All images are free to use in any way you wish, and Unsplash adds new pictures to download every day. By creating a free account with this free photography site, you can collect images and access them from your iPhone, iPad, or computer.

4. Pexels: A free stock photo and video library licensed under the Pexels license, which is similar to CC0. You can download, copy, distribute, and modify images licensed by Pexels. This site features hundreds of thousands of carefully curated photos from images uploaded by the Pexels community. All images are tagged and searchable and can be easily found on the discovery pages of the site.

5. Shutterstock: A leading provider of licensed stock images, vectors, illustrations, and music for businesses and consumers worldwide. It has a growing community of over a million creators and adds hundreds of thousands of creative content every day.

To date, over a billion images, videos, and music tracks have been downloaded from Shutterstock. It holds a library of over 300 million free stock images, with clients in over 150 countries.

Other Free Photo Sites

Here is a list of some other free photo sites:

6. Getty Images: Getty Images provides stock photography, editorial photography, video, and music from a library that contains over 200 million pieces of content. Getty Images mainly targets businesses and creative professionals in advertising and media.


The images are not free – you will have to pay licensing fees to use them. However, you can use some images for free with Getty’s Embed feature, which is designated for non-commercial use only. Free images are watermarked with Getty Images at the bottom, and you cannot remove them.

7. Canva: The popular graphic design tool Canva also provides free stock images on its site. Canva’s library has millions of paid and free images for download or use in the platform’s design editor. You can switch between images and colors without navigating between tabs.

8. iStock: iStock by Getty Images is another leading stock photography site. It offers millions of popular images, illustrations, visual art pieces, videos, and audio clips. It is also known for paying contributors well. Although you will have to pay licensing fees for most content, iStock offers free stock images weekly for download.

These are some great sites to get high-quality free stock images. You can use these sites to easily find the right images for your project or business at no additional cost.

Free Image Licenses

Let’s take a look at the different terms and licenses used by stock photo sites:

– Free images: You can use the assets without paying licensing fees or intellectual property rights.

– Creative Commons License: Grants you the right to share, use, and build upon an image that is copyright protected. Attribution may be required or not required when downloading a stock image.

– Attribution: Refers to giving proper credit to the creator’s work. It may be required or not required when downloading a stock image.

– Commercial use: Describes any activity in which you use the assets to obtain financial gain. Stock photo sites may allow licensed images for commercial use (like ads or editorial use) or may not allow it.

– Membership: Means you have to register an account with the site to use its images. Some sites may require subscription fees, while others are free.

Note: Always check the licensing terms for stock photo resources listed below. We conducted our research while compiling this list, but licenses may change and vary depending on the photographers or stock libraries you purchase from. Some may require consent for commercial use, while others may be entirely free for download and use.

Using Free Images for Your Website

Now that you have seen the best places online to get high-quality free images, it’s time to build the best eCommerce site for your business. With all these amazing images at your fingertips, your creativity will surely flow.

So, whether you use the images for a blog post, your website, your store, a Facebook ad, or a presentation, you are all set.

Are you ready to create your business? Start your free Shopify trial – no credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions About Free Images

What is the best site for free images?

Burst is a free photo site powered by Shopify. All images are free for commercial use, and attribution is not required.

Where can I get free stock images?

You can get free images from the following sites: Burst by Shopify, Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, Shutterstock, Getty Images, Canva, iStock, Freepik, Picjumbo.

Can stock images be used for free?

Yes. However, the photographer of a stock image must make their work available for licensing, and then you can obtain it by paying a fee for use or through a Creative Commons license.

What can I use instead of stock images?

There are two options to obtain creative images instead of using stock images. You can take your own photos or hire a photographer to capture images for your business or project.




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