Index funds that are often the cheapest are usually the best to buy because they all do the same thing: passively track a benchmark market. Often, it doesn’t make sense to buy high-cost index funds, as cheaper funds can achieve the same goal.
Cheapest S&P 500 Index Funds
These funds track the S&P 500 index, which consists of about 500 large-cap stocks in the United States measured by market capitalization. The Schwab S&P 500 Index Fund (SWPPX) has an expense ratio of 0.02%, or $2 for every $10,000 invested. There is no minimum investment required to start.
Cheapest Large-Cap Growth Index Funds
Large-cap growth index funds often track the Russell 1000 Growth, Nasdaq Composite, or Nasdaq-100. They invest in large-cap stocks in the U.S. that are considered growth stocks based on market capitalization.
Cheapest Large-Cap Value Index Funds
There are not many index funds that track value stock indices. Some of these funds are pricey, while others are good and inexpensive. Value stocks are often considered undervalued in the market, so they are sold at a discount. Value stock funds tend to be dividend-paying funds. Value stock index funds often track the Russell 1000 Value or the S&P 500 Value Index.
Cheapest Mid-Cap Index Funds
Just like large-cap index funds, you can find mid-cap index funds that track growth indices or value indices or indices that combine both styles. Mid-cap stock index funds, such as the S&P MidCap 400 or the Russell Mid Cap Index, often include a mix of growth and value.
Cheapest Small-Cap Index Funds
These funds track an index that combines growth and value styles. Small-cap stock indices
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