How to answer the question Why are you the right person for the job?

What does the interviewer want to know?

The interviewer wants to ensure that you understand what they are looking for in a candidate for the job and that you have the ability to perform the job if hired. One of the aims of the interview is to determine whether you are a good fit for the role and the organization. On the other hand, you will also need to determine whether the job is a good match for what you are looking for in your next role.

How to answer the question?

There are several approaches you can use to answer this question. The first way is to explain how your personality or personal attributes make you an ideal candidate. To do this, carefully match your qualifications with those listed in the job advertisement before the interview. Be prepared to explain why you are a good fit for the job.

The second way to answer is to focus on the unique skills you possess. If you have skills that make you a strong candidate (especially if not many people have those skills), mention them. The skills that the employer is looking for may also be listed in the job posting. If not, look at similar jobs to see what criteria employers are seeking.

Another option is to show the employer that what you have achieved in previous roles qualifies you for this role. Share examples of your accomplishments that relate to the job you are applying for.

Examples of the best answers

Take a look at these possible answers and adjust them to fit your qualifications for the job and your professional background and work experience:

Tips for giving the best answer

Prepare in advance. Before the interview, think carefully about what makes you an ideal candidate for the job. First, look at the job posting and identify the key skills or qualifications. Then, review your resume and note any specific experiences or skills that align with the job posting. Highlight those qualifications in your response to the question.

Share examples. It is important to be as specific as possible when answering this question. Whether you are emphasizing your skills or a personal trait, make sure to provide one or two specific examples that demonstrate you have those traits and how you will use them in the workplace.

Focus on how you can help the company. Avoid answers that emphasize why you want the job. Instead, focus on how you can add value to the company. To prepare for this type of answer, make sure you have some knowledge about the company beforehand. Review the company’s website, social media pages, and other information about the organization available online.

Do not compare yourself to others. Even though the question is about how you compare to other candidates, it is best not to criticize other job applicants. This can come across as negative or rude. Instead, affirm what makes you unique in a positive way without attacking or insulting other candidates. It is important to sell your qualifications without coming off as arrogant or conceited.

Potential follow-up questions

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Research the company before the interview and write a list of how your work skills align with the “preferred” qualifications mentioned in the job posting. Then, in your answer, make sure you talk about these key skills, using examples where possible, to demonstrate you are the right person for the job.

Avoid comparisons. While it is smart to emphasize the skills you believe set you apart from other candidates for the job, it is best not to cast shade on others. Maintain a positive tone and talk about what you can bring to the company instead of what you cannot offer.


based on the employer’s needs. In your answer, describe all the hard and soft skills that would add value if the employer hired you. Do not make your answer about yourself (i.e., begging due to your strong desire to get the job).



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