How does the first-time homebuyer assistance program work?

You can get help buying a home

How does down payment assistance work?

In most cases, your state’s housing finance agency oversees the loans and grants for down payment assistance that help coordinate and support affordable housing. These government entities may have names such as “Department of Housing” or “Housing Finance Agency” or “Housing Authority” or “Development Agency,” among others.

Who qualifies for down payment assistance?

Eligibility criteria vary, but programs typically target low- to moderate-income homebuyers and first-time homebuyers. Down payment assistance programs may also assist special categories such as military service members or other professions, residents in rural areas, homebuyers with family members who have disabilities, or homebuyers of American, African, or Latino descent, among others.

What types of homes qualify for down payment assistance?

Down payment assistance loans and grants are typically provided for single-family homes, whether they are detached houses, condos, or co-ops, or any home used as a primary residence, and not as a second home, investment property, or vacation home.

How is down payment assistance provided?

There are many forms of down payment assistance programs as loans, grants, and hybrids. Here are some examples:


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