Behavioral Interview Questions and Model Answers

During the job interview, behavioral interview questions are likely to be asked. What are behavioral interview questions in a job interview, and what is the best way to answer them?

What Are Behavioral Interview Questions?

Behavioral interview techniques are used across all types of companies. Unlike traditional job interview questions that ask you to describe what you did in a role or share qualifications, these questions seek real examples of skills and experiences that are directly related to the position.

Why Do Employers Ask Behavioral Questions?

Behavioral questions aim to understand how you will respond to a specific situation in the workplace and how you will solve problems to achieve a successful outcome.

Common Behavioral Interview Questions and Sample Answers

Below are some common behavioral interview questions that may be asked during a job interview. Review the sample answers and think about how you would respond to the questions, so you are prepared to give a strong answer.

1. Tell me about how you work effectively under pressure.

What they want to know: If you are being considered for a high-pressure job, the interviewer would like to know how well you can work under pressure. Provide a real-life example of how you handled pressure when responding.

Sample answer:

I was working on a major project that was due for delivery to a client in 60 days. My supervisor came to me and said that we needed to speed it up and be ready in 45 days, while keeping our other projects on schedule. I turned it into a challenge for my team, and we added just a few extra hours to our schedules and completed the project in 42 days by distributing the workload. Of course, I had a fantastic team to work with, but I believe that effectively distributing tasks was a key factor in the project’s success.

2. How do you deal with a challenge? Provide an example.

What they want to know: Regardless of your job, unexpected things may happen and work may not always go smoothly. With this type of question, the hiring manager wants to know how you would behave in a difficult situation. Focus on how you resolved a challenging situation when responding and consider outlining what you did and why it was successful.

Sample answer:

Once, my supervisor had to travel unexpectedly, and we were in the middle of complex negotiations with a new sponsor. I was tasked with preparing a PowerPoint presentation just from the notes left and some information from his manager. The presentation was successful. We secured the sponsorship, and even the management team recommended that I be recognized.

3. Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it?

What they want to know: No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. The interviewer is more interested in how you handled the mistake when you made it rather than the fact that the mistake occurred.

Sample answer:

Once, I miscalculated the fees for a specific type of membership at the club I worked at. I explained my mistake to my supervisor, who appreciated my willingness to communicate with him and my honesty. He told me to suggest waiving the application fee for the new member. The member joined the club despite my mistake, and my supervisor was understanding, and although I felt bad for making the mistake, I learned to pay attention to detail so that I could provide accurate information in the future.

4. Give an example of how you set goals.

What they want to know: With this question, the interviewer wants to know about your ability to plan and set goals to achieve what you want to accomplish. The easiest way to respond is to share examples of successful goal setting.

Sample answer:

Within a few weeks of starting my first job as a sales assistant in a department store, I realized that I wanted to be in the fashion industry. I decided to work my way up to department manager, and by that time, I would have saved enough money to enroll in design school full time. I actually did that, and even got my first job through an internship I did the summer before graduation.


Give an example of a goal you achieved and tell me how you accomplished it.

What they want to know: The hiring manager is interested in understanding what you do to achieve your goals and the steps you take to accomplish them.

Example of an answer:

When I started working at XYZ company, I wanted to earn the title of Employee of the Month. It was a motivational challenge, and not all employees took it seriously, but I really wanted that award.

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