How to Include Your Contact Information in a Cover Letter

Contact Information Elements in a Cover Letter

You should add details that identify who you are whether you are drafting a written cover letter or an email. In the case of a written letter, you should also include information about the recipient.

Your information (whether for written messages or email) should indicate:

  • Name: Add your full name.
  • Street Address: Specify the address where you currently live.
  • Location: Also include your city, state, and ZIP code.
  • Phone Number: State the number where you can be easily reached.
  • Email Address: This is only required for written cover letters. For email cover letters, the email itself is a record of your email address. Be sure to include a professional handle for your email contact information, ideally derived from your name or its abbreviation.
  • Preferred Method of Contact: Identify the quickest way to reach you from the available options – whether that be a mobile phone number or email contact information.

The recipient’s information (which only includes written cover letters) should include:

  • Name: This should be the recipient’s full name if you have this information. If necessary, check the company’s website or LinkedIn to find the hiring manager’s name. If you cannot determine a contact name, use the department name in the contact information. For example, “Dear Hiring Manager.”
  • Job Title: Add the recipient’s job title – for example, “Sales Manager.”
  • Company: Specify the name of the recipient’s company.
  • Address: Include the recipient’s company address.
  • Location: Add the city, state, and ZIP code of the recipient’s company.

Note: Including the hiring manager’s name in a written cover letter can help it reach them faster, especially if their company is inundated with mail.

How to Format Contact Information in a Cover Letter

The placement of the information depends on whether you are drafting a written cover letter or an email. However, the general system for the information is the same in both cases.

Placing Contact Information at the Top of Written Cover Letters

If you are writing a cover letter to print and mail, or scan and upload to a job board, add information about how to contact the potential employer at the top of the letter.

Follow the standard business letter format. Record your contact information first – in the top left of the document. Use single spacing and one line format it as a block of text. Include your name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number, and email address on separate lines with single spacing.

Add a space, then include the date of the letter, the recipient’s name, job title, company name, address, city, state, and ZIP code on separate lines with single spacing.

Here’s a sample format for the applicant’s and company’s contact information:

Contact Information in a Printed Letter

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, ZIP Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address


Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Job Title
City, State, ZIP Code

Inserting Contact Information at the Bottom of Email Cover Letters

The standard business style for email communications is different because the size of the device viewing the message may not allow for a quick visual scan of the full text in the same way as paper. Instead of listing your contact information at the top, include it in your signature. Do not include the employer’s contact information.

Your signature can lag behind the street address and location if you prefer. But you should provide your name and phone number. You can also include relevant links to your professional social media profiles, such as your business website or LinkedIn profile. These links can help establish you as an authority in your field and indicate your status in your profession.

In the end,

Here’s a sample template for contact information in an email:

Contact Information in Email Signature

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Website Address (URL to your profile or LinkedIn)

A small illustration such as a business logo can be accepted in your signature, but avoid large images that distract from the text. Keep graphics simple and professional.

Include Your Preferred Method of Contact in the Body of the Email Cover Letter

Since you will include more than one way to contact you at the top or bottom of the message, it’s important to indicate your preferred method of contact in the main text of the message. This makes it easy for the recipient to reach you via a source you check regularly. For this reason, your preferred method of contact should be one that you check most effectively.

If you are sending a written cover letter and check your email frequently throughout the day, you can write “You can reach me during business hours at the email address above” at the end of the message before your signature. In an email message, end with a sentence like “I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me on my mobile number in the signature below.” This way, there will be no doubt for the recipient about how to reach you.

Save Contact Information in Templates

It’s best to use the same basic style above each time you share your contact information in a message or email. If you prefer to send cover letters via email, save each template in one file and copy and paste it into cover letters as needed. If your contact information changes, you will only need to update it in one place.

Using a consistent template for contact information will ensure that you avoid errors that can lead to communication breakdowns and increase your chances of getting a response to your dream job.

Review Cover Letter Examples

Review cover letter examples for various professions and get templates you can use to write your own letters.


Whether you are sending a cover letter by regular mail or via email, it is essential to ensure that your contact information is prominently included. In written letters, follow the business letter format and place your contact information at the top of the page, followed by the date and the recipient’s contact details. In email messages, include your contact information, including your phone number and email address, in your email signature. Using templates can help ensure that your contact details are included in every cover letter you send to potential employers.

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