What if my husband does not want to merge finances?

When you get married, you become a team working towards achieving your shared goals, which include financial goals. That’s why, once married, it’s best to merge finances.

Setting a Household Budget

If your spouse is not willing to merge finances, you should understand the reason, and then work on finding a solution that allows you to merge finances in the future. Even if they are not willing to merge with you, you will need to set a household budget and work to cover expenses together, in the same way you would if you were living together without marriage.

What Your Budget Should Include

Your household budget should include everything from rent to utility bills and groceries. If you are insured together, it should also include insurance costs. It may not include your personal clothing, your car fuel, or your car payment if these are not shared expenses. However, if it includes one car payment, it should include both.

Reasons Your Spouse May Not Want to Merge Finances

Your spouse may not want to merge finances for several reasons. The reason may be that they merged their finances with someone else in the past and it didn’t end well. Or they may feel concerned about how you handle money. They may also be hesitant to fully disclose how much debt they currently have and want to keep things separate to protect you.

What If I Don’t Want to Merge?

You may be the wife who does not want to merge finances. There are many reasons that may make you reluctant, but you should also consider the consequences of not merging finances. It may be harder to achieve your financial goals this way. It may also negatively affect your marriage, as you may not trust each other completely. If this causes real resentment, consider visiting a marriage counselor together to discuss the reasons you feel this way.

Ultimately, you can work together to solve this issue and create a clear plan outlining what needs to happen for you to feel comfortable merging finances. And even if you don’t end up merging, make sure to set long-term goals together and separately. Talking to a financial advisor can help you determine how to plan your future together and separately.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-if-my-spouse-won-t-combine-finances-2385589


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