Do you want my social security number on the job application?

The Main Controversy Surrounding Controversial Practices

Some requests made by employers in job advertisements are controversial, causing confusion for job seekers. They know that if they do not comply with the requests, they may never be invited for a job interview. Employers have the option, if a job applicant fails to follow their instructions to apply for the job, to ignore the request.

Job Seekers Concerned About the Privacy of Their Personal Information

Job seekers are concerned about the privacy of their personal information in job applications that are filled out and retained by potential employers, whether on paper or online.

In fact, to complicate matters further, many online applications may not save a job seeker’s request and entries unless all relevant fields are filled out. Few provide a way for online applicants to communicate with HR staff to discuss providing some information when the applicant becomes a potential candidate for the job.

There is also a discrepancy regarding when and how much information is appropriate to request from potential employers when no commitment has been made by the job seeker.

Is It Legal to Request a Social Security Number from Applicants?

The most controversial practice is that of employers requesting Social Security numbers from every applicant regardless of whether the individual will receive further consideration. Requesting a Social Security number on a job application is legal in most states, but it is a very poor practice. (Some states prohibit private employers from collecting this information due to concerns about identity theft.)

It is not advisable to provide this information on a job application. But remember that on many job applications, you are signing to give permission for reference checks, background checks, and to allow a criminal record check, and confirming that all information you provided in the application is truthful.

If you do not provide a Social Security number in the application, you may have to go to the company to fill it in if the employer wishes to offer you a job. (Do not send sensitive information like this via email. Even the U.S. Postal Service is not always the safest way to transmit information.)

Applicants Are Unhappy About Providing Social Security Numbers

Applicants are increasingly opposed to automatically providing their Social Security numbers. In this context, even if it may cost applicants the job opportunity, job search advisors recommend that applicants write “Social Security number available upon job offer” in that space.

Employers claim that having this number upfront allows them to streamline the hiring process. But employers should understand that some of the best candidates refuse to provide their Social Security number. Some will not fill out an application that does not allow them the option to refuse it on the assumption that they will not receive consideration. As the war for talent escalates, this will become a larger issue.

When an employer invites a job applicant for an interview, especially if they plan to offer the candidate the position, job seekers should understand that the employer will need the Social Security number to conduct background checks. Also, remember that the applicant is signing the application to give the employer permission to check references, conduct background checks, and allow a criminal record check, and confirm that everything they have provided in the application is truthful.

Requesting Salary History and Salary Requirements and Proof of Current Salary

Not as controversial as requesting Social Security numbers, but still contentious, both the request for salary history and salary requirements from employers also annoy job seekers. Job seekers consider the request for salary history a violation of their privacy.

They believe

Moreover, by providing potential employers with this information, they also give the employer the upper hand in any subsequent salary negotiations. This makes sense when you consider the conflicting interests of both parties in salary negotiations.

Although it is not a strong invasion of privacy like asking for salary history, providing salary requirements also gives the employer the upper hand in salary negotiations. Most candidates are looking for the highest possible salary increase when changing jobs.

In fact, making more money may be the reason for changing their job. Evidence also suggests that the practice of asking for salary history is one of the reasons behind the gender pay gap, as women are more likely to have spent longer periods out of work.

Requesting proof of current salary is an annoyance and a problem for many job seekers. Asking for salary history and current salary is a recurring practice that causes frustration among potential candidates when you can obtain this information during reference checks with the candidate’s permission.

Conclusion on the search for personal information in job applications

Given how job seekers feel and react, employers should carefully consider when and how to ask for this type of information. You may lose exceptional candidates who vote with their feet. It may cause candidates to feel confused and panic about how to decline your request without ruining their chances.

Employers also face a dilemma. If you request this information and most candidates provide it, how do you hire the candidate who did not? The goal of hiring an employee is to achieve job fit; why allow the hiring process to alienate candidates?


Please note that the information provided, although reliable, is not guaranteed to be accurate and legal. The site is read by a global audience, and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and from country to country. Please seek legal assistance or help from international, federal, or state government sources to ensure that your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.



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