Why Does Your Resume Not Need an Objective?

If you’ve learned how to create a resume ten years ago or more, you may be surprised to learn that the objective is no longer a core part of a standard resume. In fact, some hiring experts might tell you that having an objective on your resume is unnecessary at best and outdated at worst. Like the phrase “references available upon request,” it’s a filler that prevents hiring managers from getting to the essence of your resume.

Personal Statements and Profiles

The personal statement or profile has replaced the objective for most resume writers. In this short introductory paragraph, job seekers provide a quick elevator pitch that summarizes their experiences, skills, and qualities that capture their career and qualifications at a glance.

Resume Headline

A resume headline allows you to condense your skills and work experiences into a brief statement that will quickly impress the hiring manager. If you lack work experience, you can use the headline to highlight your personal attributes and skills.

Using Keywords in Your Resume

Selecting the right keywords is essential to get past applicant tracking systems and human reviewers. These keywords are not the same common words in your resume – those words are often overused and will send your resume straight to the discard pile. The keywords in a resume are specific to the job you’re applying for and should be changed each time you submit your resume for a new position.

How to Choose Keywords

To find the best keywords to use, scan job listings and make a list of the most important words, such as job titles like “Regional Manager” or “Data Scientist” and skill words like “Proficient in JavaScript” or “Proven Salesperson.” Use words that apply to your experience and skills and history, and craft a professional profile or personal statement.

Keep Your Resume Honest

While it’s acceptable to focus on your most relevant experience, it’s bad to lie, especially when it comes to the job titles you’ve held or the skills you’ve acquired. You won’t be of any benefit in getting a job if you can’t deliver what you promised in your resume to the hiring manager.

If You Really Want an Objective on Your Resume

Can’t let go of the idea of having an objective on your resume just yet? You’re not alone – many people still want to stick to the traditional format with an objective at the top of the page. If you really want an objective, make sure it’s the right one and that it focuses on the job you’re applying for rather than what you want.

Your resume objectives should:

  • Change according to the job you are applying for. The same objective should not be used for multiple job openings. Resist the urge to tweak a word or two and instead craft a fresh resume objective for each job under consideration.
  • Contain specific keywords from the job listing and the most valuable skills.
  • Provide more than just the job title and description. Don’t waste a hiring manager’s time by repeating information they already know, such as the job you’re applying for or its core duties.
  • Explain why you are a strong candidate for the position.
  • Describe what you have to offer the employer, not what you are looking for in your next position or company.


Every part of your resume should be meaningful, including the objective, if you feel the need to include one. Remember, you only have seconds to make a first impression on the hiring manager or recruiter. You cannot afford to waste time, especially at the beginning of your resume. Capture their attention with a concise and well-crafted opening statement and keep it.



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