What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

Writing cover letters is not anyone’s favorite part of the job search process, and the body of the letter is the hardest part. Here, you try to grab the attention of the hiring manager and emphasize the unique qualifications you possess for the job, without repeating the same information included in your resume.

What is the Body of a Cover Letter?

The body of a cover letter is the part that tells the hiring manager which position you are applying for and why the employer should choose you for an interview. You are selling your qualifications to the reader, so it’s important to be specific about your qualifications and how they relate to the position.

The body of a cover letter should include an explanation of your interest and qualifications for the job you are applying for. These persuasive paragraphs aim to convince the reader that you are the ideal candidate for the position.

A successful cover letter will win you an interview, so it’s important to be persuasive and show the hiring manager that you are a strong candidate. The hiring manager will spend seconds reviewing your letter or email, which means you have a little time to communicate with the employer and make a positive impact.

What to Include in Each Paragraph

First Paragraph

The first paragraph of your letter should include information about why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and where you saw the posting. Include the name of a contact or referral if you have one.

Middle Paragraphs

The next paragraph of the cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Create strong connections between your qualifications and the job requirements. Specifically mention how your skills and experiences match the position you are applying for. Use several short paragraphs or a bulleted list of your qualifications instead of a large block of text. This will make it easy for the reader to scan and absorb this important information quickly.

Final Paragraph

Conclude the cover letter by thanking the employer for considering your application. Include information on how to follow up if you have a contact for the hiring manager to do so.

What to Include in the Other Part of the Letter

The other part of the letter is also important. You will need to include your contact information, which is listed at the top of the written letter or below your signature in an email.

Your letter also needs to include a professional greeting, a professional closing, and your signature. You will sign your name on a printed cover letter. If you upload or email the cover letter, your signature will be your typed name.

Including Keywords

This is especially important if you are submitting your cover letter and resume to an online listing. To overcome Applicant Tracking Systems and reach a real human, your cover letter will need to contain the right keywords. To find these keywords, scan the job listing for keywords related to the required skills and qualifications.

Writing a Customized Cover Letter Every Time

It’s fine to start with a template for your cover letter, but you will want to customize your cover letter for each role. Include details such as how you learned about the job, why you are particularly interested in the role, and why your experience, skills, and qualifications make you the ideal candidate.

Example of a Customized Cover Letter

Applicant Name: Jasmine
Street Address: 123 Main St
City: Any Town
State: California
ZIP Code: 12345
Phone Number: 555-555-5555
Email: jasmine.applicant@email.com
Date Written: September 1, 2018
Manager’s Name: Michael Lee
Human Resources Manager
Calico Corner
123 Business Rd
Business City, New York 54321
Dear Mr. Lee,
I am writing to apply for the Store Manager Intern position as advertised on the Calico Corner jobs page. I was excited to see this posting because I enjoy shopping at your stores and have experience in retail management.
Reading the requirements, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the managerial position. I have spent the last three years as an assistant manager at a small retail store while completing my bachelor’s degree. This position has given me the opportunity to manage staff and work with the general public. Additionally, I have a background in textiles and recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western State University, majoring in business and marketing.
I have included my resume so you can review my education and experience, as well as the skills I have acquired, such as customer service, staff management, communications, social media marketing, and design.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about my qualifications, please feel free to contact me. My mobile phone number is 555-555-5555 and my email address is jasmine.applicant@email.com.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this exciting position.
Jasmine Applicant

When sending a cover letter via email

If you are sending a cover letter via email, clarify your contact information after your written name instead of putting it at the top of the message.

Short and concise is good

Do not feel the need to keep writing. Three well-crafted paragraphs that highlight your experience and enhance your case are better than a long letter that no one will read.

The goal is to use natural language

While resumes are more focused, you are trying to capture the hiring manager’s attention, which means you let your personality and enthusiasm shine through. Think about what would catch your attention if you were reading this letter. What would inspire you to call for an interview?

Proofread and proofread again

It cannot be emphasized enough, ask a trusted friend to proofread your cover letter before sending it. Even professional editors overlook mistakes in their own writing. Get a second pair of eyes on your cover letter before you send or upload it.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-to-include-in-the-body-section-of-a-cover-letter-2060306


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