Preferred Stock Dividends in the Income Statement

How do preferred stock dividends relate to net income?

The income statement is a type of financial statement. It includes a company’s revenues, expenses, profits, losses, and net income, which is the total profit after taxes for the period. It is calculated before deducting the required dividends paid on outstanding preferred stock.

You cannot rely completely on the reported net income at this stage due to the nature of preferred stock and its dividends. Regular cash dividends paid on common stock are not deducted from the income statement. For example, suppose the company earned $10 million in profit and paid $9 million as dividends. The income statement will show $10 million, and the financial statement will show $1 million. The cash statement will show $9 million as distributed dividends.

Preferred stock dividends are deducted from the income statement. The reason for this is that preferred stockholders have a higher claim on earnings than common stockholders. Many companies include preferred stock dividends in their income statements and then present another net income amount known as “net income applicable to common stock.”

Now suppose the company earned $10 million after taxes and paid $1 million in dividends on preferred stock. The net income applicable to common stock will only show $9 million in the income statement.

Understanding the Nature of Preferred Stock

Essentially, preferred stock acts as a hybrid of stocks and bonds. Fixed dividends are paid for each preferred share, which are considered distributions of the company’s profits. Preferred stock dividends play a role in understanding income statements.

Financial statements are an important part of analyzing companies and making investment decisions. Investors and financial analysts must understand how preferred stock affects financial statements and the reported earnings and losses of companies.


Preferred stock offers stability without the potential return that common stock provides. This is due to its primary position in the priority line for dividend distributions. Companies include preferred stock in their income statements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How are taxes applied to preferred stock dividends?

Preferred stock dividends are often held for a long time, so the dividends are often taxed at the lower “qualified dividends” rate. Qualified dividends are taxed at the capital gains tax rate. In most cases, if a preferred stock share is owned for less than 61 days before the dividend payment, the income is taxed at the ordinary income tax rate.

How can preferred stock be purchased?

Preferred stock can be purchased in a manner similar to buying any other stock. However, you may need to use a specialized search tool to find them, as not all brokers offer the preferred stocks you wish to buy. For example, Fidelity offers preferred stocks to its clients, but you will need to select the “preferred securities” search tool instead of the “stocks” search tool to start looking.

Thank you for using our website! We hope this information has been helpful in understanding preferred stock dividends and their role in the income statement.



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