PearBudget Free Budgeting Spreadsheet


If you’re feeling the pressure from financial matters, you might benefit from creating a budget and sticking to it. This is where PearBudget comes in. This free budget tracker provides essential tools for individuals looking to learn more about their cash flow and spending habits.

Essentials of PearBudget

PearBudget is a budgeting tool that offers an online budgeting interface along with a free budget spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is designed for use with programs like Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc (or any spreadsheet software that supports .xls files). Once set up, the spreadsheet will help you track your spending from month to month.

PearBudget can track personal or family budgets and allows for budget adjustments by using irregular expense categories for annual, quarterly, or other non-monthly expenses. You simply enter an annual amount for irregular expenses, and PearBudget will tell you how much you need to save to cover the bills. Then, any unused amounts for irregular expenses are carried over to the next month to work as a budget application based on financial circumstances. The spreadsheet tracks fixed, irregular, and variable expenses separately, making it ideal for budget analysis.

Don’t worry if you’re new to budgeting. The spreadsheet is user-friendly once you get used to it. New users will find everything they need to get started under the “Get Started Here” tab.

Benefits of PearBudget

First and foremost, the PearBudget spreadsheet is free. This is a huge advantage for anyone, especially for those who struggle to stick to a budget. If you’re falling behind on bills or just need to improve your financial health, this free tool will be valuable to you.

Since it is a standalone .xls file, the PearBudget spreadsheet is versatile. It works with most spreadsheet programs, whether you have a Mac or Windows operating system. It’s also easy to set up. Most users take about 20 minutes to set up their budgets (although it requires data entry weekly).

Even though it’s free and easy to use, PearBudget provides a very detailed view of your expenses. The analysis feature automatically draws on previous months to give you a clear understanding of your spending goals and how you’re performing. You can dive deep into the details of your spending habits and create plans based on the data.

Drawbacks of PearBudget

PearBudget may not be as convenient as other free personal finance management software. This is by design; the company does not want to spend the resources required to create secure bank connections. This means that the service does not pose a security risk, but it also cannot automatically pull your spending and income information from accounts. You will need to enter all of that information manually. Overall, PearBudget users can expect to spend between 10 to 20 minutes entering data each week.

PearBudget may be confusing for users who lack spreadsheet experience. The service is not overly complicated, and you don’t need to be an expert at creating charts to make the most of PearBudget, but it may be overwhelming for someone who has never used Excel (or a similar program) before.

Complete Application: Additional Features

If you like the PearBudget spreadsheet but feel you’re missing out on the full suite of services provided by traditional financial software for Mac and Windows or online use, you’re in luck! PearBudget offers a full online application version. The program is free for the first 30 days, and then it will cost you $4.95 per month.

If you’re satisfied with the standalone spreadsheets, feel free to continue using this service without upgrading to the full program. PearBudget has no plans to discontinue the service or add fees to its spreadsheet service.




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