The annual performance review is an important opportunity to review your goals and achievements, receive feedback on your past performance, and get suggestions for improvement.
Keep a Record of Your Goals and Achievements
Good preparation for the annual performance review should be an ongoing process throughout the year. Track your achievements and goals throughout the year so you can showcase your progress during the review. Maintain a detailed record of your goals and achievements that you can refer to throughout the year and use in preparation for your annual review. This will ensure that the information you provide is detailed, comprehensive, and accurate, reducing the likelihood of missing a key element in your review.
Understand Your Role and Your Manager’s Expectations
Gain an understanding of management’s expectations and your goals before the annual performance review. Look at the job posting that was used to advertise your position. When you first applied for the job or when you were new to the role, you may have only had a superficial understanding of your job’s responsibilities. However, once you’ve been there for a few months, you should have a better grasp of the job requirements.
Many managers schedule weekly meetings with their staff to stay updated on their work, which can include reviewing job expectations, especially as tasks shift with changing company goals. Above all, it is important for your manager to explain how your performance will be evaluated throughout the year.
Even if you do not have a manager or a company with a formal process for establishing goals or creating a development plan, you can still set informal goals with your manager. By doing so, you not only demonstrate to your manager that you are ambitious and care about results, but you also reduce the chances of being caught off guard during the annual review discussion.
Get Regular Feedback
Ask for feedback from your manager twice a month or monthly. This can be done during scheduled status meetings. This information will help you track your goals and achievements and clarify expectations. Feedback will also help you make any necessary improvements. You can therefore ensure that you are performing your job correctly throughout the year.
Keep Your Manager Informed
Do not assume that your manager is aware of your performance and achievements. Without overdoing it, inform your manager when you do something great. You should also take responsibility for any mistakes, as managers tend not to enjoy surprises and will appreciate your accountability for your actions.
Provide Inputs During Your Review
Provide input to your manager, even if not requested, during your annual review. Your input during this meeting is a rare opportunity to mention your accomplishments to increase your chances of advancement.
Understand Your Company’s Annual Performance Review Platform
Many companies have adopted an effective process that records and tracks your progress throughout your years of employment. For example, there are programs that streamline the review process by asking management to fill in your goals to be achieved throughout the year.
You then describe, in the required fields, how you achieved these goals along with providing specific examples. The manager reviews your comments and achievements and may evaluate you from “did not meet expectations” to “exceeded expectations” and adds their own comments. You then meet with your manager to review the results, which serve as the basis for the annual review.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can I prepare for the annual review?
The key is to prepare throughout the year by tracking your achievements and goals, understanding your manager’s expectations, obtaining feedback from your manager, and informing your manager about the different achievements you make.
What can I say in a performance review meeting?
When appropriate, provide your ideas on how to improve your performance, adjust your role to increase efficiency, and how you can work more effectively with your manager.
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– Bernard Marr & Co. “How to Prepare for a Performance Review.”
– Lattice. “How to Ask for Feedback from Your Manager.”
May Busch. “How to Keep Your Manager Informed and Do It Well”.
– Michigan State University Human Resources. “Preparing for Your Annual Performance Review”.
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