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Your insurance expenses may be billed monthly, annually, or quarterly. If the latter is the case, you should include these recurring costs in your budget so you’re not caught off guard by premium payments. Here are some types of insurance you may need to plan for:
- Home/Renter’s insurance: If this is not included in your mortgage payment, such as through an escrow account, or if you have already paid off your home, you should create a plan to ensure funds are available when due.
- Car insurance
- Life insurance
- Disability insurance
- Health insurance (if you purchased your own policy)
- Dental insurance (if you purchased your own policy)
- Vision insurance (if you purchased your own policy)
- Umbrella insurance
Taxes, Retirement, and Charitable Contributions
If you haven’t been making contributions throughout the year, these contributions can quickly turn into significant expenses that you’ll have to fund at the end of each quarter or year, causing major disruptions to your budget. Here are some common contributions you may need to plan for:
- Estimated tax payments
- Property tax: If this is not included in your mortgage payments, or if you have already paid off your home, you’ll need to have a plan for making annual payments.
- Income tax payment: If you think you may owe money at the end of the year, you’ll need to set aside some savings to cover the cost.
- Retirement contributions: If you wait until the end of the year or tax time to make your contributions, make sure you have funds available when needed.
- Charitable contributions
Home Expenses
It’s important to stay on top of the care and maintenance of your home, but these expenses often catch us by surprise. Here are some things you need to plan for in advance:
- Home maintenance
- Home repairs
- New or replacement household appliances
- Furniture replacement and additions
- Bedding, kitchen supplies, and towels
- Yard care
- Garden expenses
- Tree care and removal
- Homeowners association fees
Vehicle Expenses
There are many expenses associated with owning a car, truck, or motorcycle beyond just fuel and insurance costs. Here are some items you need to plan for:
- Vehicle maintenance
- Vehicle repairs
- Tires
- Vehicle registration
- Vehicle inspections
Utility Expenses
Utilities are typically monthly expenses, but there are some random costs you may encounter, including:
- Replacing your cell phone to upgrade to the latest model, or when lost or stolen
- Prepaid cell phone minutes
Education Expenses
Studying or having children in school can become expensive quickly. Here are some expenses that are likely to arise:
- Tuition bills
- Class fees
- Technology fees
- School and office supplies
- School pictures and yearbooks
- Field trips
- Testing fees
Health Expenses
Even if you have a good insurance plan, some unexpected expenses are likely to arise throughout the year. Here are some things to consider:
- Annual check-ups (medical and vision)
- Glasses/contacts
- Medical bills
- Dental cleanings
- Dental work
- Insurance maximums (enough to cover the highest deductible)
Pet Expenses
Your best friend can also lead to many unexpected expenses, including:
- Pet check-ups, vaccinations, and prescriptions
- Pet grooming
- Pet licensing
- Pet care
- Pet health insurance
- Emergency medical care for pets
Personal Care Expenses
What you wear and how you look can cost you a lot of money over time. Make sure to plan for the following:
- Hair and nail care
- Clothing and shoes
- Jewelry
- Cosmetics
Entertainment Expenses
People often make hasty decisions in this area, but it’s better to set aside money well in advance:
- Vacations
- Travel, including transportation, accommodation, food, and entrance fees
- Magazine subscriptions
- Newspaper subscriptions
- Streaming TV and movie subscriptions (like Netflix or Amazon Prime)
- Season tickets and passes
- Fine dining events
- Single tickets (for concerts, plays, conferences, amusement parks, festivals, etc.)
- Home electronics, computers, and mobile devices
- Hobby supplies
- Sports activity supplies, clothing, shoes, equipment, and fees
- Membership fees (for clubs, gyms, business-related organizations, large clubs, cooperatives, etc.)
- Children’s activity fees (sports, dancing, scouting, after-school clubs, camp, etc.)
- Gifts
- Christmas (food, travel, clothing, gifts, decorations, etc.)
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