The idea of collecting checks for the rest of your life and generating passive income can be very enticing. If this sounds like the type of investment strategy that suits you, you may want to learn more about dividends and investing in dividends.
Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding Dividends
If you are new to dividend investing or just want a refreshed educational course, this step-by-step guide is the perfect place to start. It explains the three dates that matter to dividend owners, provides explanations of cash dividends, dividend yield, and how dividend reinvestment programs work. It’s the perfect resource for new investors to receive great education. Discover everything you need to know about dividends and dividend investing.
What is Dividend Investing?
Dividend investing is based on building a portfolio of safe blue-chip stocks that provide large and regular dividend returns, generating money throughout the year. Dividend investors enjoy seeing regular cash deposits show up in their brokerage or bank accounts. Take a few minutes to learn about the characteristics that some investors believe are part of good dividend stocks.
Don’t Just Buy High-Dividend Stocks
If you are a dividend investor, you cannot just choose high-dividend stocks. This might seem counterintuitive, but often there is a reason behind very high dividend payouts. There may be issues with the underlying business, or the payout ratio may be too high and threaten future growth. The company may have a debt-to-equity ratio that makes investors believe the company cannot survive in the long term. You may want to consider certain factors when looking for the highest dividend stocks for your investment portfolio.
Why Don’t All Stocks Pay Dividends?
Given that research shows dividend-paying stocks outperform non-dividend-paying stocks, why don’t all companies pay cash dividends on their shares? In this article, you will understand some reasons that may convince a company’s board of directors not to pay cash dividends and instead reinvest them back into the business, pay down debt, or acquire another company. Discover why not all companies pay cash dividends.
If Stocks Don’t Pay Dividends, How Can They Have Value?
If stocks don’t pay dividends, how can they have value? This is a question many new investors ask. To help you understand the nuances of stocks that don’t pay dividends, there’s a story that will make this topic easy to comprehend. It starts with a fictional American apple company. You will see how a company can make its owners wealthy even without paying any dividends.
Cash Dividends vs. Stock Buybacks
What is better for you as a business owner: cash dividends or buying back your own stock? This is a very important question because one method is more tax-efficient while the other requires less trust in management. To understand the important things you should contemplate when deciding on whether to favor companies that pay dividends, take a moment to briefly consider these factors.
How Dividend Tax Works and Dividend Tax Rates
Dividend tax can sometimes confuse new investors because there are “qualified dividends” and “non-qualified dividends.” This overview explains how dividend tax works and the individual tax rates associated with the money you receive from your stocks or other income-generating assets. Keep more cash in your pocket by reading this article.
Dividend Trap and How to Avoid It
Sometimes you may find a stock that seems to provide large cash dividends and returns that vastly exceed the interest rate available at your local bank. Take a moment of calm and proceed with extreme caution. You may have stumbled upon a dividend trap. Learn how to avoid the dividend trap.
Dividend Stocks vs. Non-Dividend Stocks
Professional professor Jeremy Siegel has proven in his research that 97% of the increase investors feel after inflation comes entirely from reinvested dividends. In this special feature, you’ll see how this is possible, discover statistics about rich investors in the past who became owners of dividend stocks, and learn the investor return principle that he believes is the reason for the stock market’s outperformance. Find out why boring dividends could be your new favorite friend.
Use Dividends to Recover from Significant Losses
If you’ve suffered a devastating hit to the value of your investments or 401(k) expenses or your stock portfolio, you may be able to harness the power of compounded dividends and reinvestment along with dollar-cost averaging to rebuild your assets over the next five to ten years. This article is designed to help you understand the process and guide you in the right direction to regain control over your faltering finances. Learn how to rebuild your portfolio and recover from losses with the help of dividends.
Dividend Stocks Tend to Decline Less During Market Crashes
Did you know that a portfolio full of dividend stocks is likely to decline less during a market crash than stocks that do not pay dividends? To learn the four reasons why this is true, take a moment to read this insightful explanation.
Using Dividend Yield to Determine if Stocks are Overvalued or Undervalued
One of the strategies used by professional investors involves comparing dividend yields to other investments to determine whether the stock market is expensive or cheap. It will take you less than thirty seconds to learn this method, and it will empower you to understand the risks you take when buying individual stocks or index funds. Learn how to use dividend yield to evaluate stocks.
How Financial Journalism Misleads Investors About the Role of Dividends
Did you know that stock charts have one fatal flaw that can mislead you and lead to poor investment decisions? In fact, charts may be responsible for what some call the “cult of capital gains.” New investors mistakenly focus on share price increases without understanding that most long-term gains come from dividends that are reinvested into additional shares. Over time, the power of compounding leads to you owning a much larger percentage of the company, even if the share price only rises a few percentage points each year. The truth is worth knowing. Take a moment to read how the reporting system is manipulated against you and why focusing on total return can lead to better outcomes.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Profitable Investment Portfolio
If you’ve ever dreamed of living off your money, dividends are a big part of making that dream come true. This ten-page guide walks you through everything you need to know about starting to build an asset portfolio that will ensure enough income to live off the interest and dividends and rents you receive instead of having to sell your business for an allowance. Start living the dream by learning about income investing.
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