How to Make a Good Impression in a Job Interview

The most important part of a job interview is the beginning. This is the time when you have the chance to make a great – or bad – impression on your interviewer. In one study, over 30% of hiring managers decided whether to hire a candidate within the first five minutes of the job interview.

Even if you encounter one of those hiring managers who takes longer than that, it’s still important to set a good tone during the first few minutes of the job interview. Keep it up throughout the rest of the conversation, so you have a good chance of securing a second interview and a job offer.

Quick Tips to Impress Your Interviewer

Here are some tips on how to impress the hiring team:

Before the Interview

1. Practice: Review common interview questions that employers ask and think about how to answer them. Ask a friend to conduct a mock interview to see your skills in action and provide feedback on your interview style.

2. Research the company before the interview: Conduct thorough research on the organization so that you know as much as possible about it. This way, you’ll be prepared to answer questions about what you know regarding the company.

3. Get insider information: In addition to researching the organization, try to gather some insider information about the company and its employees. Check LinkedIn, Facebook, and your college alumni network to see if you know anyone who can share insider information with you.

4. Review the job posting: Learn as much as you can about the role. Review the job posting and understand what the employer is looking for in the person they will hire. Also, review your cover letter and resume so you’re clear on what you can offer the employer.

5. Check out the interviewer on LinkedIn: If you can find the interviewer on LinkedIn, check them out. This will give you an idea about the person you’ll be meeting with, as well as their career path and tenure with the company.

Preparing for the Interview

1. Wear appropriate interview attire: It can be awkward if you show up for a job interview in overly casual or inappropriate clothing. Always dress appropriately for the interview to make the best first impression.

2. Avoid strong perfumes: Some people are allergic or sensitive to perfumes. Some have strong reactions to scents – and not always positive reactions. Make sure the interviewer can focus on your qualifications, not your choice of fragrance.

3. Avoid sweaty hands: No one wants to shake a damp and clammy hand. If you can visit the restroom on your way to the interview, wash your hands and dry them thoroughly. When that isn’t possible, use a tissue to ensure your hands are dry.

During the Interview

1. Take a deep breath. Then another. Interviews can be stressful. While in the restroom, take a few deep breaths and remember you are here because you were chosen for the interview.

2. Greet the interviewer warmly. Introduce yourself by saying hello and offer a handshake if appropriate. Make sure to make eye contact with the interviewer but avoid staring or gazing too long into their eyes. You want to appear friendly and open.

3. Smile. Smile when you meet the interviewer and when appropriate during the interview. Positive people with strong interpersonal skills are more likely to be hired.

Note: Just as with direct eye contact, you can overdo the smiling. Make sure your smile comes across as friendly by seeking feedback during mock interviews.

After the Interview

Follow up after the interview. A final way to leave the best impression and show your interest in the opportunity is to follow up with a thank-you email, note, or phone call. In addition to thanking them for the interview, reiterate why you are a great candidate for the job.

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Rachel E. Frieder, Chad H. Van Iddekinge, and Patrick H. Raymark. “How Quickly Do Interviewers Reach Decisions? An Examination of Interviewers’ Decision-Making Time Across Applicants,” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Accessed July 13, 2021.


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