Investors looking to increase their income through dividend-paying stocks are seeking help in narrowing down their options. Brokerage firms typically provide pre-screened lists of stocks or guidance tools that allow filtering stocks based on dividend yield. If you are looking for more data and analytics, consider a site focused solely on dividend-paying stocks. The selected sites below offer in-depth lessons on dividend investing, news, picks, and discussions.
01 of 05: provides comprehensive information on dividend investing and promotes its Dividend Advantage Rating System. This system is used to rate and analyze 1,600 stocks based on five criteria: relative strength, total return attractiveness, earnings reliability, and earnings trend. The site’s articles are regularly published and cover news and general topics. In addition to free content including stock recommendations, strategy explanations, tools, calculators, and tips, offers a newsletter and a premium service for paying members.
02 of 05: Dividend Investor
Dividend Investor states its mission as “providing the most accurate and unbiased dividend information tools available online.” The site offers detailed dividend data for visitors, which can be found through symbol searches. It also provides some free tools such as a dividend growth calculator. To access the earnings calendar, financial scorecard, 20-year earnings history, and other premium features, you will need to pay a monthly or annual fee. The premium content is updated five times a day, which may be sufficient for some investors.
03 of 05: The Dividend Detective
Some investors who focus on dividends may find The Dividend Detective’s homepage design a bit outdated, but it separates free content from premium content, making it more user-friendly and effective than other sites that require you to sift through lists before discovering the data you want behind paywalls.
The homepage of The Dividend Detective offers plenty of free and helpful content to educate new investors on dividend investing, including information on favorite stocks, closed-end funds, REITs, and Canadian stocks, as well as content about high-yield stocks in the U.S. Basic training lessons and advanced tutorials will explain terminology and investment strategies.
Premium content includes breaking news and sample portfolios, which can be useful for investors looking for more guidance.
04 of 05: Dividend Growth Investor
Dividend Growth Investor is a blog that offers insightful commentary and free educational information on high-yield stocks. The site author shares in-depth investment strategies, resources for ongoing education, and explanations of terms and techniques.
Dividend Growth Investor also offers a newsletter that documents building a portfolio from the ground up and shows gains over time using their system. Investors who want to see real-time progress may find it a helpful addition to their email.
05 of 05: Dividend Stocks Online
Most of the content on Dividend Stocks Online is restricted to its paying members. The site shares a list of stocks that pay monthly dividends and shows stock earnings dates by month, but to access other key data in the charts, you will need to join for a fee.
Members have access to pre-screened lists of dividend-paying stocks, high-yield stock ratings, high dividend yield investors, and other stocks. Premium content is updated monthly, which may not suit investors looking for the latest information.
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