Loan Balance When Buying a Car
Your existing loan balance will affect the price of the car you can afford, as you will need to repay your current car loan. It’s an additional expense on top of insurance, fuel costs, and the new monthly payment for the car, and it will be a factor in determining your ability to obtain a new car loan. Use this information to guide your car purchase process.
Outstanding Loan Balance
The outstanding loan balance is typically not a good sign and usually refers to the amount due for repayment. If you are late on loan payments, you will receive a notice indicating this amount due. This may include some steep late fees, depending on the terms of the loan agreed with the lending entity. Sometimes, “outstanding balance” simply means the entire remaining amount. This is a neutral use of the term and there is no need to worry about it.
Best Loan Calculators
If you cannot find your loan statement, you will need to know some details about your loan to calculate your loan balance. Use a traditional loan calculator and enter the remaining time on your loan, the monthly payment, and the interest rate. Of course, you can also contact your lender or check your account online for an accurate statement of your loan balance. You can access the exact number you are looking for using a loan balance calculator.
Trading a Car with a Loan Balance
There is usually no problem trading in a car, even if you have an outstanding loan balance. If the trade-in value of your car is higher than the amount owed, you will be in a better position. You can then pay off your loan and use the remaining balance to purchase your new car. There are different options available to you if you owe more than what the dealer wants to pay for your used car. You have the opportunity to pay off the remaining balance yourself, or you may be able to roll the remaining balance into your new car loan.
Rolling over your loan balance is likely to put you in a bad position on your new car loan, meaning the loan is larger than the value of your car. Being underwater on a loan is never a good idea, and having an underwater car loan often makes it harder than it’s worth, requiring additional insurance and stress. If you have to roll over your loan balance, you will need to make significant efforts to pay it off quickly. Of course, it’s best to avoid all of this by purchasing a car you can afford before trading it in for a new one. Adding hundreds or thousands of dollars to the price of your new car is not enjoyable at all.
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