Review of Wacaco Nanopresso: Portable Espresso on the Go

The Wacaco Nanopresso is a portable espresso maker that promises to deliver what neither a moka pot nor an AeroPress can achieve – real crema. This simple, hand-operated device is one of my favorite ways to get a caffeine fix on the go. Its compact size makes it suitable for a backpack, handbag, or even a fanny pack, and it brews coffee with an excellent flavor by manually building pressure through a hand-loaded pump. It’s easy to use and reaches a maximum pressure of 18 bars, but it requires some practice to get the best possible results from it. In this guide, I will share how to use this powerful device and how to make the most of it.

Quick Summary and Conclusion

The Wacaco Nanopresso is a fantastic solution for espresso lovers on the move. Whether you’re on a plane, in a hotel, outdoors, or even at home, this portable and powerful device takes up little to no space and requires nothing more than hot water and coffee beans to operate. If you’re looking for the same quality in taste and texture that your favorite coffee shop delivers, don’t expect that. The Nanopresso espresso is good and smooth, with crema on top if used correctly. However, it cannot match the taste and flavor experience of a professional espresso machine. Also, if the Nanopresso is used alone, you might find that the output of 16 to 20 grams is weak and leaves you wanting more. In this case, the Barista Kit is a great tool as it allows you to brew more espresso shots that come closer to the real deal.

Design and Capacity of the Nanopresso

The Wacaco Nanopresso is a compact device made from polypropylene plastic designed to withstand high temperatures and pressure. The device consists of 7 parts, including a small spoon and a brush. The water tank holds 80 ml / 2.7 oz of water, and the filter basket can hold 8 grams / 0.3 oz of ground coffee. If you brew at a 1:2 ratio, it will produce 16 grams of espresso. The Nanopresso is lightweight, weighing only 336 grams. It took me a few days to realize that there is indeed a small espresso cup attached to the water tank, which can be pulled out. Efficiency at its finest. It comes with a travel case to keep all the parts in one place.

How to Use the Wacaco Nanopresso

To get started with your device, fill the water tank with hot water and pump several times until it empties completely into the cup. Both the Nanopresso and the drinking vessel are warmed during this prep cycle.

You want to choose a grind size finer than drip brew but coarser than espresso. I use anywhere from 10-15 clicks on the Comandante grinder depending on the coffee type. Generally, when it comes to coffee grinding, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all grind, so you may want to experiment to find the best grind size.

Fill the filter basket with the ground coffee. This can be tricky unless you fill the scoop, place the filter basket on top, then twist to catch the coffee grounds in the basket. Give a little sprinkle of coffee beans using the measuring spoon. Add an extra gram when placing 9 grams of coffee and press again.

Fill the tank again with hot water up to the mark and securely attach it to the device.

Gently open the plunger, then hold the Nanopresso over the cup and pump it five to six times for pre-infusion. Wait 10 seconds before continuing to pump once per second. Use a coffee scale for accuracy and press until the desired output quantity is reached in the cup. For me, I can usually pump up to 10-11 additional times after pre-infusion. You should see good crema on top.

slowly drain the water tank to dispose of the excess water or use it to complete your espresso. Dispose of the coffee grounds after the machine cools down and wash all parts thoroughly.

What type of coffee do you use with Nanopresso?

It’s best to choose a medium to medium-dark espresso bean, depending on your preferences. I found that this works better than lightly roasted coffee, as the Nanopresso tends to under-extract and turn beautiful acidity into harsh acidity. If lightly roasted coffee is your idea, you might want to experiment with grind size and pressure to enhance the espresso’s taste. I use a manual coffee grinder capable of grinding beans finely enough for espresso.

Barista Set for Nanopresso

If you feel like having more of your espresso with the Nanopresso, the Barista Set is the solution. It comes with all the necessary accessories for making a double espresso, including a 140 ml / 4.73 oz water tank with a cup attached, two filter baskets that hold up to 16 grams, one filter basket that holds up to 8 grams, a tamper, and a double espresso adaptor ring.

To make a double espresso, simply remove the filter holder from the Nanopresso, screw the adaptor ring onto it, and fill the double espresso filter basket with ground coffee. Although the Nanopresso suggests it can accommodate 16 grams, I found it can comfortably hold 13 grams of coffee unless you pack it tightly. This carries the risk of water not flowing through the grounds, leading to over-extraction, so I don’t recommend that. Attach the filter holder and start pumping. Thanks to the increased water capacity and additional filter baskets, you can fit several baskets in the unit to boost output.

Can capsules be used with Nanopresso?

The NS capsule adaptor for Nanopresso allows you to use NS capsules for a quick and convenient shot of espresso. All you need is a compatible capsule and hot water to prepare your coffee with little room for error. This setup is perfect when you’re on the go or when you’re in a hurry, or simply don’t have space to carry a grinder and coffee beans.

To use it, simply unscrew the top filter head with the filter basket and set it aside. Then place the coffee basket inside the Nanopresso and insert a suitable capsule, with the metal side facing inward, then securely tighten the head piece. Fill the tank with hot water up to the small line. It’s time to start pumping. That’s it!

Is the Wacaco Nanopresso worth it?

On its own, the Wacaco Nanopresso is a great little device that will deliver you espresso topped with real crema, provided it is used correctly. However, the limited capacity makes it hard to justify the setup of the device and the subsequent cleanup. What really makes it worth it for me is using the Nanopresso with either the Barista Set to increase output or the NS capsule adaptor for convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean Nanopresso?

When it comes to cleaning the Nanopresso, it’s quite simple. Empty the water tank and remove the filter holder to dispose of the used coffee. If there are old coffee residues, you can rely on the provided brush to help you. Now let’s say you’re on the go or don’t have access to dish soap. Don’t worry! Rinse it quickly under water to remove most coffee residues and prevent any build-up that might affect your espresso experience. Once you’re done, make sure to dry all components so that no moisture or water droplets are left inside the Nanopresso. You don’t want mold or rust to develop inside the device without realizing it.


Is it recommended to use Wacaco Picopresso or Nanopresso?

Picopresso is a newer model that features more capabilities than Nanopresso, such as a larger basket, pressure gauge, removable handle, and 9-bar pressure regulator. However, it is also more expensive and demanding. Picopresso may attract professionals who seek control and precision, while Nanopresso might be more accessible and convenient for everyday users.

How can I make a double shot using Nanopresso?

Nanopresso can make a double shot using the included Barista Kit, which consists of a larger water tank, a larger filter basket, and a converter ring. The Barista Kit allows Nanopresso to hold up to 16 grams of coffee beans and 140 ml / 4.73 ounces of water, which can yield two espresso shots or one lungo.

How to make crema using Nanopresso?

Nanopresso can produce crema by using freshly ground coffee beans, preheating the device with hot water, tamping the coffee grounds firmly and evenly, and pumping water quickly and steadily until the first coffee droplets appear, then reducing the pumping speed until the desired volume is reached. The thickness and color of the coffee crema may vary depending on the bean type, roast level, grind size, and extraction time.

How long does it take to make espresso using Nanopresso?

Nanopresso can make espresso in about 2 minutes, without counting the time to boil water, grind coffee, and preheat the device. The actual brewing time may depend on how fast and how many times the user pumps the device. Generally, it takes approximately 15 to 20 pumps to produce a single espresso shot weighing 8 grams of coffee beans and 80 ml / 2.7 ounces of water.

How much pressure does Nanopresso generate?

Nanopresso can generate pressure up to 18 bars by using an innovative hydraulic system that restrains the force applied by the user. The pressure can be adjusted by changing the pumping speed and grind size. The higher the pressure, the greater the extraction and crema potential. However, excessive pressure may lead to over-extraction and bitterness.



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