How Recession Affects Your Savings
During a recession, your savings may be negatively impacted. If you lose your job, you may have to rely on your savings to pay your bills. Even if you don’t lose your job, the value of your investments and the amount of passive income you receive from them may decrease.
What to Do Before a Recession Starts
Before and during a recession, you can take steps to bolster your savings rather than waiting and hoping for the best. Here are four steps you can take when a recession is imminent to ensure you have a safety net when the recession hits.
What to Do During a Recession
Once the recession occurs, you can take steps to ensure that the savings you have set aside don’t disappear overnight.
What to Tell Yourself If Things Get Worse
Recession can rob you of financial comfort. Remember, however, that a recession doesn’t last forever. At some point, the economic atmosphere will shift from stormy to sunny. In fact, recessions have lasted an average of less than 10 months since 1980.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where should I save my money during a recession?
Is saving good during a recession?
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