How to Get a Job Without a Social Security Number

You may wonder if you can get a job without a Social Security Number; one of the requirements for work in the United States. This number could be the most valuable for any resident in the United States, as these nine digits determine whether you can legally work in this country.

The Social Security Law

The Social Security Number (SSN) was created after the Social Security Act of 1935 to track workers’ earnings history in the United States. The purpose of using the number is to determine social security benefits and calculate benefit levels. To track benefits, every employee must have a Social Security Number.

Why Do I Need a Social Security Number?

You need a Social Security Number to get a job, collect social security benefits, and access some other government services. The United States grants legal employees benefits, including retirement, survivor, and disability benefits, which are funded by the Social Security Administration. Wage earners in the United States fund these benefits by paying income taxes and receive benefits when they retire.

Can I Work in the United States Without a Social Security Number?

Employees must provide original documents showing their identity and work authorization within three days of starting work, and the employer must certify the receipt of the authorization.

However, you can provide receipts showing that you have applied for documents. You must present your Social Security Number and other documents to your employer within 90 days. You have options to secure employment while waiting to receive your Social Security Number. Therefore, it is important to apply for a Social Security Number as soon as possible.

How Long Does It Take?

Whether you are a citizen born in the United States or an immigrant, it will take about two weeks to receive your Social Security Number and card after applying. The same waiting period applies to replacement cards. If you lose your Social Security card, you can apply for a replacement card in person or online.

Types of Jobs You Can Get Without a Social Security Number

Some freelance jobs may not require a Social Security Number when hiring you. However, if the contracting company is compliant with government regulations, it must request that independent contractors complete a W-9 form before the end of the year for tax purposes.

Some employers in manual labor may hire undocumented workers and do not ask their employees to prove a Social Security Number. However, companies that violate the law are subject to federal intervention, which may include the loss of business licenses and/or deportation of undocumented workers.

Requirements to Verify Eligibility

Employers in the United States must verify that employees have provided accurate information during the hiring process and confirm their eligibility to work in the United States. New employees will fill out Form I-9 and may undergo a special background check or a check through the federal government’s E-Verify system.

How Can an Employer Help You?

If you have an employer who considers you vital to their business and is willing to help you, they may be able to assist you in obtaining a work visa and a Social Security Number.

There are several work visas in the United States that employers can start the process for on your behalf.

Can I Report Earnings Without a Social Security Number?

Until you receive a Social Security Number, you cannot pay taxes, nor can you qualify to receive social security benefits. However, once you have your Social Security Number, how you report your earnings depends on whether you are a salaried employee or an independent contractor.


If you were an employee, your employer will report your wages and Social Security contributions. If you are self-employed, your contributions will be paid as self-employment tax.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your specific state laws or the latest changes in the law.



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