Design of Polymer Membranes with Balanced Moisture Control for Efficient Ion Transfer


Ion exchange membranes, such as “Nafion” and “poly(ether ether ketone)”, are essential elements in electrochemical applications, facing challenges related to the balance between ionic conductivity and selectivity. This article discusses the complex interaction between membrane structure and ion transport rates, highlighting new design approaches aimed at improving performance by controlling pore size and hydration environment. We will reveal how polymer systems, with microporous structures, can achieve superior performance through redesigning the local environment around ionic conduction groups, providing us with vital tools towards achieving high-efficiency membranes in various electrochemical applications.

Microscopic Structures of Commercial Ion Exchange Membranes

High-performance membranes like Nafion and sPEEK consist of complex heterogeneous microstructures, forming ionic fields that create nanometer-sized aqueous channels upon hydration. The configuration of these intricate channels leads to a challenging trade-off between ionic conductivity and selectivity. Although mesoporous materials with internal voids, such as soluble polymers with intrinsic porosity, show great promise as components for high-performance membranes, there are still performance limitations. For instance, soluble polymers with intrinsic porosity only retain a moderate amount of pore dimensions for selective ion transport, but they often exhibit medium to low ionic conductivity. Addressing these issues requires precise structural control over the pores of wet membranes to overcome this trade-off between conductivity and selectivity.

Strategies for Engineering Membrane Materials for Better Performance

One strategy employed to enhance membrane performance involves introducing carefully charged groups to create ideal interactions between ions and pores. For example, researchers have utilized sulfonated groups confined within a rigid amorphous framework, significantly reducing swelling and increasing interaction between ions and pores. Crystalline materials, such as metal-organic frameworks, have specific advantages where ordered pores can enhance ionic selectivity due to their well-defined boundaries and better compression.

Modifying Pore Size in Wet Membranes

The soluble polymer linked to amide oxide (AO-PIM-1) was chosen as a precursor to study multifaceted polymer applications. By modifying the carboxylic group, negatively charged sites were formed within the pores, boosting the membranes’ capabilities. For instance, by introducing various aromatic groups, researchers demonstrated that increasing the number of aromatic rings in the groups helps improve the wet pore characteristics. This was reflected in the measurement of the number of water molecules surrounding the studied groups, indicating the presence of water pores facilitating effective ion transport.

Understanding Pore Structure Evolution of Membranes with Varying Hydration Levels

Despite variations in polymer structures under humid conditions, both small and wide-angle X-ray scattering showed that all dry membranes exhibit significant signals formed at a certain momentum transfer level, imposing notable changes in the overall structure. Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to determine the pore size distribution in both dry and wet states, providing a comprehensive insight into the changes. Compared to membranes containing aromatic groups, such as cPIM-BP, membranes with flexible groups exhibited significant increases in pore swelling.

Transport of Water and Ions through Multiscale Membranes

The cPIM series offers a unique platform to explore water transport and local motion through membranes that differ in pore sizes. Water pressure transport across the membranes operates efficiently, showing how membranes respond to changes in pressure and humidity. These experiments can be utilized to understand transport mechanisms across membranes with varied compositions or structures, allowing the identification of points that can be improved for superior performance in diverse applications, such as ion transport applications and more. Herein lies the importance of enhancing the mechanical and structural properties of membranes to achieve the desired performance, which necessitates a detailed examination of the mechanical properties of the membranes under realistic conditions.


Water and Ions in Membranes

The study of the properties of water and ion transport through membranes is significantly important in developing new technologies such as advanced electrochemical batteries that depend on ionic membranes. Focus on microscopic properties, such as water diffusion and ion conductivity, occurs in response to the varying pore size and chemical composition of the membrane. The membrane acts as a filter that can control the movement of substances, where numerous experiments illustrate how these factors influence the rate of water and ionic species transfer. Experiments using techniques such as pulsed field spectroscopy and quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) have shown that the movement of water can be local (Dloc) and long-range (Dlr) in membranes, reflecting the importance of the ambient environment of the membrane. For example, as the pore size in membranes increases, the movement of water increases, leading to an improvement in ion conductivity as a result of achieving a balance between pore size and water flow rate.

The Relationship Between Chemical Structure and Ion Transport

The chemical structure of membranes plays a crucial role in determining how ions are transported through these membranes. Techniques such as molecular dynamics have been employed to understand the interactions between ions and the different molecular sites within the membrane. For example, results have shown that the presence of carboxyl groups on the surface of the pores significantly affects the transport of potassium ions (K+). The interaction between ions and functional groups of polymers can determine the mobility of ions through the membrane structure. While some ions tend to remain bound to carboxyl groups within the surrounding hydration shell, other ions can move more freely in less reactive areas, resulting in noticeable variations in membrane performance. The challenge lies in achieving a balance between providing free movement for ions and ensuring an effective molecular interaction that supports good electrical transport.

Potential Applications in Modern Electric Batteries

The design of membranes that can be used in modern electric batteries ensures the potential for achieving higher energy storage efficiency. A specially fabricated membrane provides high ionic conductivity while preventing the flow of active molecules to other parts. One promising application lies in flow batteries that rely on organic electrolytes. This type of membrane helps reduce the so-called “interference” effect that results in decreased battery lifespan. Alternative analysis itself is key to enhancing sustainable energy systems. Experiments have shown that membranes made from microfiber provide significantly better performance compared to traditional materials like Nafion.

Response to Environmental Changes and Their Impact on Performance

The response to environmental changes such as temperature and humidity is a crucial aspect of evaluating membrane performance. Significant shifts occur in the movement of water and ions upon exposure to different temperatures. For example, it has been recorded through experiments that membranes with flexible molecular structures exhibit important transitions in their behavior at certain temperatures, which may affect the flow of ions. While the movement of water slows down under certain conditions, the ions may be affected differently due to temperature changes, leading to variations in overall ion conductivity. Additionally, changes in the properties of internal polymers and the membrane influence the amount of water they can retain, indicating the continuous attention needed to optimize designs under varying conditions for optimal performance.

Future Challenges and Design Improvements

Improving the design of membranes to address future challenges remains one of the prominent areas of scientific research. Recent studies indicate an urgent need to tackle the complex processes of ionic transport and molecular interactions to enhance performance in commercial applications. The use of new techniques such as molecular dynamics and biological programming allows for designing membranes that better adapt to external conditions. By expanding the scope of research in this field, polymer-based solutions can be developed that enable enhanced performance in various components of electrical devices and multiple applications, including renewable energy and efficient storage.


Polymers Using Anhydrides

One of the most important steps in the manufacture of polymers is the use of anhydrides, which play a significant role in forming the repeating units of materials such as AO-PIM-1. Three types of commercially inexpensive anhydrides were used, including succinic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and diphenyl anhydride to introduce side groups such as ethyl, phenyl, and biphenyl into the polymer structures. After dissolving the complete anhydride, potassium ethoxide is added, contributing to the formation of the final compound. These reactions were effective, demonstrating their potential use in post-polymerization modifications, where complete conversion was achieved within several hours under ambient conditions.

A deep understanding of the chemical processes related to the addition of anhydrides to polymers is essential, as it affects the final properties of the polymer such as solubility and stability in aquatic environments. Research has shown that reaction conditions such as temperature and mixing time play a crucial role in the quality of the final result and the dissolution process. These types of reactions can contribute to the development of new materials that can be used in diverse fields such as pharmaceuticals and engineering components.

Manufacturing Polymer Membranes

Polymer membranes were manufactured quickly and effectively by dissolving polymer powder in thiophene, providing a solution at a certain concentration. The design of the membranes primarily focuses on achieving required properties such as permeability and compensability. Single stirring is used to avoid impurities and variations in composition. Polymer solutions are coated onto glass to evaporate the solvent without disrupting the membrane properties. Membranes made from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) are ideal for supporting structures due to their good mechanical properties.

When treating polymer membranes with alkaline solutions, it improves the hydraulic properties of the material. The process of deprotonation and ion exchange in acidic solutions requires a specific time, sufficient for the membranes to acquire a rare nature at a microscopic level. After these steps, techniques such as micrometry are used to measure the thickness of the films and the types that have been successfully manufactured.

Characterizing Membrane Properties and Measuring Expansion and Ionic Conductivity

The study of polymer membrane properties requires precise measurement techniques. The water absorption rate and dimensional changes are calculated through specific quantities. Mathematical equations are used to determine the absorption ratio and expansion using advanced laboratory measurements. For example, the term absorption refers to the ratio of the mass of the solution compared to the dry mass of the material, depending on the amount of polar groups.

When measuring ionic conductivity, using alternating current compensation techniques with a description of ionic movement provides a greater depth of understanding of the electrical properties of the membranes. Electrochemical analysis experiments illustrate how the membranes’ responses under different conditions affect their electrical properties. Stainless steel is used as a foundational element in conductivity measurements to enhance results and accurately measure resistance.

Analysis of Ion Transport and Permeation through Membranes

The measurement process of the permeation of chemically active materials through membranes represents an important point in understanding the behavior of these materials when exposed to different environments. The interference rate is measured on broken membranes, contributing to the study of the permanent behavior of materials when subjected to pressure or tension. Tests are conducted over a specific time frame, where samples are taken to measure concentration after certain intervals. This analysis serves as an important means to explore how ions interact with membranes and provides accurate results regarding membrane performance under practical conditions.

Applying Fick’s equations, alongside other parameters, allows for the study of flow dynamics and determining the effectiveness of transport through membranes. This data can be used to guide future research towards developing membranes with enhanced properties that are more efficient in ion transport and improving the performance of applications requiring precise transfer operations.


Transport in Multi-layer Thin Membranes

The effectiveness of multi-layer thin film membranes (TFC) largely depends on their transport resistance, which is a critical factor in determining filtration efficiency and material permeation. Results indicate that the transport resistance from the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) support was negligible, meaning the porous fabrics have achieved high productivity. For example, K4Fe(CN)6 permeation rates showed a value of 0.28 mmol l−1 h−1, which is extremely rapid compared to traditional TFC membranes. This outcome highlights the support’s effectiveness and the enhanced functional performance of the membranes.

Performance improvement can be attributed to the porous characteristics and the aeration cycle of the materials used. Researchers should focus on designing membranes that have a high permeability rate but are also controllable in terms of transport resistance. Techniques such as fixed-pressure measurement help in accurately assessing performance. This measurement can provide valuable information on the membranes’ efficiency under real operating conditions.

Tests of Compressed Water Permeability

Water permeability tests were conducted using a mixed feed pump cell under varying pressure. Pressures ranged from 1 to 9 bar in experiments using a dead-end cell activated by a spring. In preparing for this test, an initial pressure of 20 bar was applied for six hours to ensure permeability stability. The results can provide accurate information about how the membranes perform under different operational conditions.

Results from these tests demonstrate that the membranes exhibit high permeability that corresponds with increasing applied pressure. Tests are repeated to enhance the reliability of results, contributing to the development and monitoring of membranes for optimal performance. Additionally, collecting repeated data and comparing results aids in refining the design process and providing data-driven recommendations for overall performance enhancement. The impact of external factors such as temperature and experimental conditions is of particular importance, and comprehensive data is essential for successfully translating results into practical applications.

Use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

Advanced NMR techniques were utilized to monitor the structural properties of the membranes. The Bruker Avance III spectrometer is considered one of the main tools, providing flexible and reliable experiments. Measurements indicate that specific values of relaxation time, such as \({{T}}_{2}^{\ast }\), reflect an increase in the quality of the observed membranes. This data offers deep insight into molecular interactions within the membranes.

Superlative analyses require precision in measurements and often involve several repetitions to ensure reproducibility. Variables such as temperature and the ion used have a direct impact on the results, so care must be taken when analyzing the data. Additionally, the possibility of measuring chemical shifts aids in providing insights into changes in structural properties.

Analysis of Molecular Mechanics and Simulation

Dynamic molecular simulations contribute to understanding the interactions between polymers, ions, and water. Using tools like the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, practical simulations are conducted to comprehend the dynamic behavior of these materials. The success of simulations reflects the relationship between pores and motion patterns, providing valuable information about the permeability of water and ions.

Facilitating the analysis of multiple systems establishes a solid foundation for understanding the physical behavior of chemistry. Advanced techniques like Zeo++ are employed to conduct comprehensive analyses of porous voids, supporting recommendations related to the development of new membranes. Experiments related to this field can yield important results that must be considered in future applications, especially those concerning filtration and treatment technology.

Correlation Assessment and Statistical Analysis

By applying statistical techniques such as radial distribution function, advanced evaluation of interactions and molecular properties is achieved. These analyses allow for a precise understanding of the distribution dimensions of atoms and how molecules correlate with each other across minute distances. Statistical computation contributes to the understanding of complex phenomena associated with the interactions of polymers with water and ions, providing a clearer vision of the membranes’ efficiency in industrial applications.


This is a continuous effort to analyze data, which forces researchers to use advanced tools to evaluate the various relationships between multiple parameters. Statistical evaluation is considered a fundamental element in developing predictive models for the future performance of membranes and is a main focus for investigating the potential benefits of practical use. Through these analyses, it becomes possible to identify patterns and trends that may indicate improvements in design or processes to be more efficient and effective.

Analysis of Neutron Dynamics in Membrane Systems

The analysis of neutron dynamics (QENS) is one of the advanced methods used to study the dynamic behavior of materials in various systems, especially in complex systems such as polymers and solutions. In the scientific context, QENS files are obtained using a specialized spectrometer such as IRIS, which allows for accurate measurements over a wide range of angles and energies. This analysis is usually conducted in specific time domains, with delays ranging from 5 to 100 picoseconds (ps). This time range enables researchers to capture different dynamic motions such as translational and rotational movements of components within the studied system.

When analyzing scattering functions, attention is drawn to how energy changes with momentum transfer, allowing for an understanding of the static and dynamic relationships between different nuclei. For example, analysis can show how the elastic variance of nuclei changes with changes in motion, providing important information about how materials respond to environmental changes. A Gaussian model is used to describe molecular movement in constrained geometries, where this model is widely applied to systems such as Nafion and polyimide. These analyses allow for a precise understanding of the details of water movement translated in complex structured pores.

Sample Preparation and the Role of Water

Sample preparation is a critical step in membrane studies, where different types of water, such as D2O and H2O, are used to separate the specific dynamics of water from the dynamics of polymers. In D2O-treated samples, spatial movement related to the polymer matrix is observed, reflecting dynamics in the swollen state. On the other hand, H2O-treated samples capture both polymer dynamics and translational water dynamics.

Membranes are prepared by a mixture of salts to regulate moisture levels and ensure the desired dynamic properties are maintained. The preparation process also requires special care to avoid any contamination that may affect measurement results. The membranes are placed in specially designed aluminum cells to achieve optimal neutron transfer. Additionally, data analysis through techniques such as Mantid and DAVE helps to provide a clear picture of the dynamics within the studied samples.

Flow Battery Testing and Electrical System Performance

Flow battery testing is one of the essential stages for evaluating the effectiveness of materials used in electrical storage systems. A special structure involving individual graphite plates is used to assemble flow cells. It is important to maintain a specific flow rate to ensure effective battery performance; thus, peristaltic pumps are used to achieve this.

The testing process involves measuring the resistance of the membranes and the battery capacity, conducted over sequential cycles under equal conditions to ensure data accuracy. Analysis after the cycles indicates whether there are any intersections in the chemical components of water, how this affects the overall performance of the battery, and measuring the rate of performance decline over time.

Current studies focus on the potential use of cPIM membranes in aqueous battery environments, where dynamics vary under acidic conditions. The focus is also on the flexibility of the membranes and their ability to withstand changing environments under different conditions, including temperature and humidity.


Membrane Resistance and Economic Analysis

The requirements for membrane resistance relate to the economic effectiveness of battery systems. Economic analysis indicates that resistance should remain below 1.5 ohms per square centimeter to ensure the likelihood of long-term viability. Successful membranes like Nafion are primarily used in fair performance tests, allowing for comparisons with other materials. This approach is essential for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of performance requirements and the associated costs.

Although cPIM membranes offer the potential for composition control, charge loss in acidic environments poses a significant barrier to their use. Studies show that pore shrinkage does not align with desired design processes, affecting the overall performance of the battery. All these factors contribute to painting a clear picture of the future development of membrane technologies and how performance can be enhanced in future applications.

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