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10 Simple Ways to Learn to Love Your Job

What should you do if the job you thought you would enjoy turns into something unexpected? Maybe your job felt like love at first sight, but it slowly turned into a struggle, or perhaps you accepted it because you needed a job but knew the situation wasn’t ideal.

In any case, it’s possible to rekindle your relationship with your job. If you’re reading this now, you’ve already taken the first step.

Article Summary

About 70% of Americans are not engaged at work, according to a Gallup poll. If you are unhappy with your job, there are ways to return to a point where things aren’t too difficult. Look for the positive aspects of your job by setting goals, identifying problems, and working toward achieving your professional objectives.

10 Ways to Learn to Love Your Job

If you don’t love your job, you’re not alone. Only 30% of Americans are engaged in their work, according to a Gallup poll. However, there are some strategies you can use to try to change your perspective. At best, your job might turn into what you expected. At the very least, you can start looking for a new job in hopes of trying something new.

Note: Even the best job won’t seem great if you have a negative mindset, so the fact that you’re striving to improve your outlook means you’re on the right path.

1. Work with Your Supervisor to Set Goals

Your job may feel truly boring if you don’t feel like you have something to strive for. Work with your supervisor to set reasonable, inspiring goals that will motivate you and help provide structure for each day. Achieving these goals can also give you an opportunity to negotiate for a promotion or a pay raise, or provide flexibility for switching teams, departments, or roles in the future.

2. Make a List of Things You Want to Improve

Create a list of aspects of your current job that you want to improve because you can’t start solving a problem until you define it. Take some time to clear your mind and step away from any biases or negativity. Then, set a timer for ten minutes and write down everything you dislike about your job. Be as specific as possible.

Note: “Distracting environment” or “rude coworkers” are very vague phrases for solving the problem, so break things down into more specific elements. “Having your desk near the elevator makes it hard to concentrate” or “Seth in marketing always dismisses my ideas in meetings” can help clarify your next steps.

3. Discover What You Really Enjoy Doing

Think carefully about your job and what parts you enjoy. Nothing is too big or too small for this list. Then, write a dream job description. If you could wave a magic wand and have any job, what would it be? Finally, look for overlaps.

You might consider discussing with your supervisor about making these tasks a larger part of your daily work. If there are no overlaps, you can look for opportunities to transition within the company. Or if the “dream job description” includes responsibilities you aren’t qualified for yet, it’s time to put together a plan to figure out how you can get there.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Support

If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed at work or struggling with a certain aspect of your job, don’t hesitate to consult a trusted colleague or manager about ways you can find support. See if they can help you identify ways to delegate work, schedule tasks so the workload is more balanced, or even point you to resources (like training or education) that would make those daunting tasks more manageable.


Expand Your Network

While the challenges you face in your specific role or industry may seem unique to you, it is very likely that others are going through the same thing. Build connections in your field by attending industry meetings, events, or conferences. This can help create a support system that you can consult or simply empathize with when times get tough.

Note: Expanding your network does not necessarily have to be with people outside your company. You can benefit greatly from building relationships with coworkers in your organization.

6. Take Advantage of Your Benefits

You may not love your job, but there are benefits that you might easily love! For example, your health insurance might cover self-care practices like massages or acupuncture, or you might have a tech budget to treat yourself to a new monitor, or your company may offer free gym memberships to its employees. There may even be benefits you don’t know about, so make the effort to find out what is available and then prioritize taking advantage of them.

7. Stay Present

It’s impossible to love your job if you’re aimlessly scrolling through Facebook, CNN, or Amazon all day. Try to stay present and focus on the task at hand. If you don’t have a lot to do, consider finding a side project to work on. Completing additional projects showcases initiative and will have a positive impact on your supervisor. If you have a lot to do but can’t focus, set concentrated time blocks and then reward yourself with small breaks when you complete tasks.

8. Create a Positive Workspace

Transform your workspace: declutter, hang up an inspiring quote or some photos of places or people you love, buy a new pen or planner that makes you smile, bring headphones so you can listen to your favorite music, or light a motivational candle. By creating positive associations with your workspace, you’ll feel better about going to work each day.

9. Create a “Gratitude List” for Your Job

Write down all the little and big things you are grateful for, from the coffee shop you stop at on your way to the office to the fact that your job helps you support your family. Studies have shown that writing down everything you’re grateful for can help you be more optimistic about your current circumstances.

10. Remember Why You Accepted the Job in the First Place

Think about the initial job offer and why you accepted it. Maybe you’re being paid well, or you’re working for a good cause, or your schedule is flexible, or the benefits are great. Even if things have changed since then, remembering why you accepted the job offer (and what’s important to you now) can help you navigate the next steps, whether that’s taking action to improve your job or making a plan to find a new one.

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Gallup. “What Your Company Can Learn From the Best”.



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