The Best (and Worst) Reasons to Leave a Job

Before You Decide to Resign

You should make the decision to leave your job carefully. While there are good reasons to quit working, there are also compelling reasons not to leave your job. It’s important to think carefully about your decision before you tell your boss. It is much more difficult to backtrack on a resignation if you decide to change your mind from the decision to stay.

The Best Reasons to Leave a Job

Millions of people leave their jobs every month, and there are many legitimate reasons for doing so. You may want to explain your reasons in your resignation letter, but you don’t have to provide an explanation. Especially if you are leaving under difficult circumstances, it might be best to simply share the fact that you will be resigning and announce your last working day.

Career Change

Many people who choose to leave their current position are simply looking for a change in their career: I’m leaving because I want to change my profession from my current industry to another industry. I feel that I have reached a limit in my current role, and I am now looking for new opportunities for professional growth. I am ready to explore a new path in my career. Although I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you, I have received my dream job offer from another company. I have decided to go back to school for a master’s degree.

Organizational Restructuring

Difficult situations within a work team or organization may signal a time to move on. Here are examples of what to say when there are organizational changes: The changes in my company have proven difficult to navigate, and the overall morale of my team and productivity have declined, so I believe it’s time to explore new options. Company downsizing has resulted in me working with a team that is a third of its original size. The company has downsized, leading to the termination of my contracts due to a lack of positions. The company I worked for was restructured, and my department was eliminated. The company I worked for closed its doors. My previous position was seasonal. Several employees were laid off including myself after an economic downturn.

Better Opportunity

Sometimes, a better opportunity may arise or you may change your life in a different direction. You can say things like: A fantastic opportunity was offered to work at a company located near my family. Your company has a great reputation and offers amazing opportunities, so I would leave my current employer in a heartbeat. I received a job offer that pays more. I am leaving the workforce. I am planning to retire. I am looking for a new challenge. A permanent position was offered to me. I am moving across the coast. My previous job was only seasonal/temporary, and now I am looking for a full-time position. I have plans to travel in the near future.

Family Circumstances

Work is important, but it is not the only thing that matters in life. Family or health reasons may be common reasons people leave their jobs. You don’t need to provide details: A family illness requires me to leave my job to become a primary caregiver. I had to leave my job due to family circumstances. My previous job did not allow the flexible schedule I need to take care of my children. I am planning to move to another state. I will not be returning to work after maternity leave because I decided that motherhood is a full-time job.

The Job Wasn’t a Good Fit

In some cases, the job may not fit with your professional or personal circumstances: The job was not aligned with my career goals. I am looking to transition to a position that better fits my educational background. My hours were reduced, and I need a full-time job. There were limited growth opportunities in my previous company. The commute between home and the workplace is too long.

The Worst

Reasons for Leaving a Job

Even if they’re true, there are some reasons you shouldn’t use to explain why you’re looking for a different job. Sharing these reasons for leaving won’t reflect well on you as they may raise questions in the hiring manager’s mind: I’m about to be fired. I was arrested. The company was bad to work for. I was bored at work. I didn’t get along with my coworkers. I didn’t like the job. I didn’t like the schedule. I hated my boss. The job was too difficult. I was fired due to harassment/ tardiness. My parents/ family members made me resign. I didn’t have good transportation to work. There was a need for overtime. I was passed up for promotions. I was going through a difficult marriage.

Ensure Reasons Align

You may be leaving your current job for professional reasons (a better job, career growth, a flexible schedule, for example) or for personal reasons (leaving the workforce, family circumstances, going back to school, for example). Or you may simply hate your job or boss (but don’t say that). However, one thing to keep in mind is that the reason you give to a potential employer should align with what your previous employers would say if they were contacted for more information about you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I ask to return to work after resigning for personal reasons?
If you left your previous job on good terms – meaning you didn’t burn bridges during your departure – you may be able to reclaim your old position. Reach out to former colleagues or supervisors and inquire about any job opportunities, even if they aren’t exactly the same position you held before.

How much notice should I give when leaving a job?
In most cases, it’s standard practice to give your employer two weeks’ notice when you decide to leave your job. This timeframe is typically considered sufficient to wrap up any outstanding matters and handle transitional issues, and for the employer to plan for your absence.

How long does health insurance last after leaving a job?
After losing or leaving your job, you may be eligible to retain your health insurance for up to 18 months through COBRA. COBRA is a federal law that may allow you to continue your health insurance as an employee for a limited time. However, you will be responsible for paying the full cost plus any administrative fees.



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