Straddle vs. Strangle Options Strategy: What is the Difference?

The straddle and strangle strategies are options strategies designed to profit in similar scenarios. Long straddle and long strangle strategies allow you to profit from volatility or large movements in the stock price, while short straddle and short strangle strategies enable you to profit when prices are stable.

What is the difference between the straddle and strangle strategies?

Both straddle and strangle strategies aim to profit based on the volatility or stability of the stock price. Both strategies involve buying or selling call and put options on the same security.

Both the straddle and strangle strategies are designed to allow investors to profit based on their expectations regarding stock price volatility. Investors do not need to predict the direction of the movement, just whether the stock price will change significantly or remain stable.

However, this is where the similarity ends. Straddle and strangle

Strike Prices

One of the biggest areas where straddle and strangle strategies differ is in the way they use strike prices in their execution.

In a straddle strategy, the value of the options will begin to change as soon as the price of the underlying stock moves. If the stock is trading at $50, you might choose to buy a call option and a put option with a strike price of $50. You will lose the money you paid in premiums, but if the stock makes a significant movement in one direction or another, you can exercise the appropriate option to make a profit.

In a strangle strategy, for example, if the underlying stock is trading at $50, you can buy a call option with a strike price of $55 and sell a put option with a strike price of $45. You will lose the money paid in options premiums and as long as the underlying stock stays between $45 and $55, exercising the option would not make sense. However, if the price moves above or below those values, you can exercise the option to make a profit.

Execution Costs

Generally, straddle strategies are more expensive to execute because they involve buying options closer to the current stock price, typically in-the-money options, where the strike price equals the price of the underlying stock.

Strangle strategies are less expensive to execute because the options you buy are further out of the money. The trade-off is that strangle strategies require larger price movements before they start to gain value.

Directional Bias

Both straddle and strangle strategies are generally considered directionally neutral, meaning they do not depend on the direction of stock price movement but only care about the magnitude of change or lack thereof in the stock price.

However, since strangle strategies involve buying or selling options with different strike prices, investors who believe the stock is more likely to move in a certain direction can add directional bias to their strangle strategy.

For example, if the stock is trading at $50 and the investor believes it is more likely to increase in value than decrease, they might buy a call option with a strike price of $52 and a put option with a strike price of $42. In this scenario, the investor will earn more from an increase in the stock price than from a decrease in the stock price by the same amount.

Which is right for me?

If you are interested in straddle and strangle strategies, both achieve a similar goal: they allow you to profit from your expectations about stock price volatility. Which strategy is right for you depends on your resources and your willingness to accept volatility in the value of your options.

The cost of straddle strategies is higher and more volatile than strangle strategies. This makes them better suited for investors who have larger capital and are prepared to deal with volatility.

Strangle strategies are less expensive to implement and less volatile, making them a better starting point for investors who are not familiar with advanced options strategies.



Options are a type of derivative instrument, and derivatives can be highly risky. It is important to fully understand the risks before starting to trade derivatives.

The risks are limited in long straddle and strangle strategies to the premium you pay to buy the options. Short straddle and strangle strategies may face unlimited risk.

Both straddle and strangle strategies involve buying options. Buying options contracts means your risk is limited to the premium you paid for the contracts. The potential profit, however, is unlimited since the underlying stock price can rise infinitely.

Short straddle and strangle strategies involve selling options. When you sell options, you face unlimited losses. If the stock price remains stable, you will make a profit equal to the premium you received when selling the options. If the stock price drops to $0, you could lose a significant amount; if the stock price rises, you could incur unlimited losses since there is no cap on the potential increase in the stock price.


The straddle and strangle strategies are advanced options strategies that allow investors to attempt to profit from their predictions about stock price volatility. The fundamental difference is the cost and the change in value required before the value of the options changes.

If you can predict the direction of the stock price change, but feel unsure if it will change, these strategies may be suitable for you.

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– Guy Cohen. “The Bible of Options Strategies – The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies,” Page 120. FT Press Pearson Education Inc., 2005.

– Guy Cohen. “The Bible of Options Strategies – The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies,” Page 127. FT Press Pearson Education Inc., 2005.

– Fidelity. “Taking Advantage of Volatility With Options.”

– Fidelity. “Long Straddle.”

– Fidelity. “Long Strangle.”

– Fidelity. “Short Strangle.”

– Fidelity. “Short Straddle.”



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