What to Include in the Education Section of Your Resume

What to Include in the Education Section of Your Resume

In the education section of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you received, your GPA if you are a student or recent graduate, and any special awards and honors you have received.

Where to Place the Education Section in Your Resume

Current students and recent college graduates or career changers may want to place the education section at the top of their resumes. This is because students typically have limited work experience and want to focus on academic achievements.

If you have been out of school for at least two years, you may move this section down in your resume. By this time, you have enough work experience to highlight that you do not need to rely on your education.

Tips for the Education Section of Your Resume

Consider Subsections. If you have a lot of information to include in the education section of your resume, consider dividing this section into subsections. The main section could include your schools and degrees, and then you could have other sections like “Awards and Honors” and “Certifications” and “Professional Development.” If you held a leadership position in a school-affiliated organization (like a club, sport, or Greek organization), you can mention that below in the “Awards and Honors” line.

Provide Specific Details (If Relevant). If your college major is well-known and relevant (for example, if you graduated from your university’s hospitality college and are applying for a job in hospitality), you can include that before mentioning the name of your university. For example, you might write “College of Hospitality, XYZ University.”

When to Omit Your GPA. If you are a student or recent graduate and do not have a good GPA but have other achievements, you may omit your GPA and list something else like “XYZ Award Recipient” unless the employer requests a minimum GPA. Once you have been out of school for a few years, you can completely remove your GPA from your resume.

You Can Omit High School (After a While). Once you have spent a year or so in college (or are in any further education), you can leave your high school diploma and GPA off your resume. However, you should list your high school diploma (or GED) if it is your highest degree.

When to Omit Your Graduation Date. You do not have to mention your graduation date on your resume, but if you earned your degree 10-15 years ago or if you are looking for a job at an older age, it is advisable to omit the graduation date.

Tell the Truth. It is very easy for an employer to verify whether the education information on your resume is accurate. If they request a transcript, they can simply check your academic record. If you are not satisfied with your GPA, leave it out, but do not falsify it. Be honest.

Template for the Education Section of Your Resume

You can use the following template to help you organize the education section of your resume. Remember that you can alter and remove any of this information to suit your unique circumstances and the job you are applying for.

Examples of the Education Section of a Resume

Education Section Example #1

Hometown College

May 2021

Bachelor of Arts in English, Department Honors


Success 3.8

Example Education Section in Resume #2


XYZ College

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Awards and Honors

Suma Cum Laude

ABC Award for Best Journalism Specialty


Strategic Communication Certificate Level 1

Professional Development

Conference Coordinator, XYZ Journalism Association of America

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Virginia Tech. “Should I Include My GPA on My Resume?” Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CareerOneStop. “Education.” Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CollegeGrad. “Should You Include Your GPA on Your Entry Level Resume?” Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

CNBC. “This is the Age When You Should Remove Your Graduation Year From Your Resume.” Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-to-include-in-the-education-section-of-a-resume-4169507


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