Interview Question: Why did you leave your previous job?

In this article, we will address the common interview question “Why did you leave your last job?” and provide examples of the best answers along with some tips for effectively responding to this question.

What the interviewer wants to know

Interviewers like to ask this question because it reveals a lot about you, such as:

  • Did you leave this position voluntarily, or were you fired or laid off?
  • Are you on good terms with the company you are leaving?
  • Does the reason for your resignation seem acceptable and logical?

How to answer the question “Why did you leave your last job?”

This question can be tough to answer. You may have left your job due to long hours and impossible deadlines. If your answer is not carefully worded, it may come across as lazy or unenthusiastic, which could irritate potential employers. Therefore, it’s best to keep your response brief, honest, and reflective of your personal circumstances, avoiding negativity. This means that even if you decided to resign because of difficulties with your boss or because you didn’t like the company, now is not the time to discuss that.

Examples of the best answers

Here are some examples of the best answers to this question:

Ideal answer #1:

To be honest, I wasn’t looking to change, but a former colleague recommended this position to me. I researched the role and was excited about the opportunity and the company. What you are offering seems like an exciting opportunity and a perfect match for my qualifications.

Ideal answer #2:

I was able to take advantage of an early retirement offer due to company downsizing, and now I am ready for a new challenge.

Ideal answer #3:

I was laid off from my previous job when my position was eliminated due to downsizing, so I am currently looking for a new job.

Ideal answer #4:

I recently obtained a certification and would like to apply my educational background and technical skills in my next job. I couldn’t achieve this goal in my previous position.

Ideal answer #5:

I left my last job to spend more time with a sick family member. Circumstances have changed, and I am now ready to work full-time again.

These are some strong answers that can be relied upon. You can also tailor your response based on your personal circumstances.

What to say if you were fired?

If you were fired from your previous job, it’s important to keep your answer as positive as possible. Try not to blame yourself or your former employer. Provide a brief answer and then move on to another topic in the conversation.

Tips for giving the best answer

Here are some tips for giving the best answer to this question:

  • Be honest: You don’t need to tell the whole truth, but make sure to focus on the real reason for your departure. For instance, you might say you felt frustrated because there were no opportunities for advancement. Start by describing some of the things you accomplished, then segue into saying you faced obstacles in achieving more. You will earn extra points if you can connect your answer to the reason for your current hiring and how you will have more opportunities.
  • Keep it brief and positive: This is a question where you may want to keep your answer short, as there are many elements to avoid. A simple sentence – perhaps two sentences – is usually sufficient. If possible, try to frame your departure in positive terms.
  • Practice: Practice your answers until you appear positive and clear. Practicing (especially in front of a mirror) will help you feel more comfortable when answering this tough question. This is especially true if you were laid off or fired. In such a case, give a short, clear, and emotion-free answer.

What not to say

Avoid negativity: Don’t speak poorly of managers, colleagues, or the company. You may talk negatively about a coworker only to find out that they have a close relationship with the interviewer. However, you can broadly talk about company goals or mention that you disagreed with the direction of the business.


Potential Follow-up Questions

After answering the question “Why did you leave your last job?”, the interviewer may ask potential follow-up questions such as:

  • What can you contribute to the company?
  • What interests you in this position?
  • What do you know about this company?

Key Takeaways

A short and simple answer is best. There’s no need to go into detailed specifics. Be honest, as if your references are checked, lying may be discovered. Try to stay positive and avoid complaints about the company, your coworkers, your former supervisor, or the circumstances surrounding your departure. A fact-based answer that is free of emotions generally works best here.



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