المصروف المرن هو نوع من أنواع النفقات التي يمكن تعديلها أو تخفيضها وفقًا لاحتياجات الأفراد أو الشركات. بدلاً من أن تكون ثابتة، مثل الإيجار أو الأقساط الثابتة، فإن المصروفات المرنة تشمل نفقات مثل الترفيه، والسفر، والوجبات، والتي يمكن التحكم فيها أو تغييرها بناءً على الأوضاع المالية والاحتياجات الشخصية. يساعد المصروف المرن الأفراد والشركات في إدارة ميزانياتهم بشكل أكثر فعالية عن طريق السماح لهم بتقليل النفقات عندما يكون ذلك ضروريًا.

Flexible expenses are costs that occur regularly and change from month to month. There are two main types of expenses: fixed and flexible expenses. Flexible expenses are controllable costs that change from week to week or from month to month. Reducing costs by adjusting flexible expenses is generally easier than cutting fixed expenses, as fixed expenses typically remain constant based on contractual agreements.

Definition and Examples of Flexible Expenses

Flexible expenses, also known as variable expenses, are costs that you pay which can change from week to week or from month to month. As a consumer, you are likely to understand that an expense is the cost you incur for the products and services you purchase or use daily. Some expenses are fixed – payments that you make regularly that stay the same from month to month, such as rent or car payments – while others are flexible, meaning the total cost of these expenses changes regularly.

Some examples of flexible expenses include what you pay monthly for groceries, clothing, and transportation, where the total cost of all of these likely varies.

The biggest difference between flexible and fixed expenses is that flexible expenses give you more control over the amount of money you spend on them.

How do Flexible Expenses Work?

You probably know your monthly income. It is also important to know how much money you are spending and what you are spending it on. Generally, every budget should include both fixed and flexible expenses.

Flexible expenses represent the variable spending that you do daily, weekly, or monthly. They can be classified into needs and wants.

Necessary flexible expenses include things like electricity and groceries. While flexible expenses that are considered wants or discretionary include things like entertainment and buying new clothes.

Suppose you visit the cinema regularly and always buy popcorn. This is something you may want to do, but you do not need to. Since both of these expenses are discretionary and flexible, you can save money by not going to the movies and instead watching a film at home with homemade popcorn.

Trying to budget for flexible expenses can be challenging because they can change frequently. Creating a spending plan or using a budgeting app can help you calculate the average amount you spend on flexible expenses, making it easier to track and adjust your spending habits.

Flexible Expenses vs. Fixed Expenses

There are two types of expenses: fixed and flexible. Here are more details about both below.

Flexible Expenses

Flexible expenses are the bills and payments that typically change in amount from month to month and that you can control more frequently. This category can include wants like dining out and buying coffee or the amount you spend on direct entertainment. But flexible expenses can also include necessities like the amount spent on services such as electricity, water, and gas, which can be adjusted by managing your monthly usage.

Fixed Expenses

Fixed expenses are the items in your budget that you have little or no control over. They typically do not change, and you pay the same amount for these expenses every month.

For example, rental agreements and mortgage payments usually come with contracts for set amounts that do not change from month to month. Your payments will only change if the terms of the contract change.

When budgeting for your expenses, it is always a smart idea to look for the best value before committing to fixed payments.

Note: When money gets tight, flexible expenses are those that you can easily cut back on to relieve pressure on your finances. Often, when people start tracking their spending for the first time, they are surprised by how much money they are spending on things they do not need. If you can gain control over your flexible expenses, it will be easier to cover your fixed expenses and avoid late fees and achieve your financial goals.


Flexible Expenses

Money can be saved on flexible expenses. However, this may require a close look at your spending and making some adjustments to your lifestyle. When you are aware of your spending habits, you can look for opportunities to reduce (or even eliminate) some expenses, at least temporarily.

Here are some details about some daily variable expenses faced by most consumers:


The average American household spent about $7,316 on food in 2020, including eating at home and dining out. One way to control food costs is to make dining out less of a priority, as restaurant meals are usually more expensive than groceries.


Consumers spent an average of $1,568 on gasoline in 2020 compared to about $2,094 in 2019. To specifically reduce gasoline costs, you might consider alternative and less costly modes of transportation when commuting, if possible, such as walking or biking.


Costs for admissions and entertainment fees dropped from $880 in 2019 to $425 in 2020. Since entertainment costs are purely discretionary, spending in this area is 100% controllable. Additionally, it is the easiest expense to cut back on or eliminate when looking for ways to reduce your spending.

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. “Budgeting and Savings Tools,” Pages 1-2. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.

U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. “Consumer Expenditures—2020,” Pages 5-6. Accessed Dec. 8, 2021.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-is-a-flexible-expense-5212362


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