OTCQB هو اختصار لـ Over-the-Counter QB، وهو يعد من أسواق الأسهم الثانوية في الولايات المتحدة. يتم تداول الشركات التي تكون عادةً صغيرة أو ناشئة أو لا تلبي متطلبات الإدراج في البورصات الكبرى مثل NASDAQ أو NYSE. يوفر OTCQB منصة للشركات لتكون أكثر وضوحاً، ويتميز بمتطلبات معينة للشركات المدرجة، مثل الأمان المالي وإعداد تقارير مالية منتظمة. يعتبر OTCQB خياراً للمستثمرين الذين يسعون إلى التعرف على فرص استثمارية في الشركات الإخبارية أو الناشئة، رغم أن تلك الاستثمارات تحمل مخاطر أكبر.

Definition and Example of OTCQB

How OTCQB Works

What This Means for Investors

Definition and Example of OTCQB

OTCQB is the middle tier of three OTC (Over-the-Counter) markets offered by OTC Markets Group. The OTCQB, also known as the Venture Market, targets the entrepreneurial and development stage of U.S. and international companies. Although companies listed on the OTCQB must meet minimum eligibility requirements and undergo annual verification, they are mostly small-cap stocks that carry higher risks than most companies listed on major exchanges. The other two tiers managed by OTC Markets Group are OTCQX, which includes accredited U.S. and international companies, and Pink Sheets, which lists the more speculative companies.

How OTCQB Works

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulates the brokers who operate in the OTC market. The OTCQB market is operated through OTC Link, an electronic pricing system between brokers owned and managed by OTC Markets Group. As of early 2022, OTC Markets Group had listed over 12,000 companies across three stock exchanges: OTCQX Best Market: for accredited and investor-ready U.S. and international companies. It is the most selective of the three tiers, with the highest reporting standards and strictest oversight. OTCQB Venture Market: for U.S. and international companies in the entrepreneurial and development stage. OTCQB companies must provide financial reports and be subject to some level of oversight. Pink Market: also known as Pink Sheets, includes companies that are not current in their disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It has no disclosure requirements and may also include bankrupt companies, which are not included in the other two tiers.

What This Means for Investors

Investors should be cautious when investing in stocks listed on the OTCQB. Although the aforementioned eligibility requirements are designed to ensure that companies listed on the OTCQB have a level of stability, they are mainly small-cap or “penny stocks” that are prone to significant volatility and can be subject to price manipulation, and there is often limited publicly available information about the companies themselves.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-is-otcqb-5215094


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