How to Add Your LinkedIn Profile Link to Your Resume

LinkedIn is one of the main benefits as it provides potential employers and professional connections with a summary of your credentials. Displaying your LinkedIn profile is a quick and easy way to get an overview of someone’s professional history.

You can create a custom LinkedIn link to add to your resume, email signature, and anywhere else you want to market your credentials. Hiring managers will easily access your LinkedIn profile and see recommendations and skill endorsements from your colleagues, clients, and managers.

Improving Your LinkedIn Profile Before Adding the Link to Your Resume

You want your LinkedIn profile to be polished and complete. If your profile simply repeats the same information listed on your resume, it won’t enhance your chances of landing a job interview.

A lackluster LinkedIn profile can even hurt your opportunities. No one likes to feel like they’ve wasted a click, and hiring managers may assume that your weak profile is an accurate reflection of your qualifications.

What to Include in Your Profile

Here’s what to include in your LinkedIn profile and how to give it a makeover if needed.

Adding a Summary

In addition to listing your work experiences, make sure to add a summary section to your profile. This section is similar to a resume summary; it allows you to focus on your greatest strengths and work experiences.

You can write your summary in the first person; this is an opportunity to be authentic and show a bit of personality.

Writing a Headline

Be sure to write a headline at the top of your profile – this is similar to a resume headline, which is a brief statement summarizing who you are as a professional.

Note: One element of a LinkedIn profile that makes it different from a resume is that people can give you recommendations.

Requesting Recommendations

Recommendations on LinkedIn are written reviews that support your work. Job seekers should include a variety of recommendations within their profile to show that others respect the quality of their work.

You can request these recommendations from clients, colleagues, professors, mentors, volunteer peers, subordinates, and also from people who have supervised your work.

Including Skills

Skill endorsements are a way to validate your skills and qualifications that hiring managers look for. LinkedIn does not provide a way to request skill endorsements, but you can encourage your connections to give them by endorsing their skills first.

Adding Samples

LinkedIn allows members to showcase samples of their work in the featured section of their profile. You can include writing samples, designs, presentations, spreadsheets, websites, and other examples of your work. Include any information that showcases your skills. Of course, avoid sharing any proprietary information that might harm your employer.

Custom LinkedIn Link Options

Creating a unique LinkedIn profile link can help convey a strong brand while networking and job hunting. Unless you create a custom link, LinkedIn will assign a link that usually contains your name along with some numbers and letters. It’s much better to create a shortened version of your own for employers and connections to click on.

Using Your Name

A custom link can be as simple as just your name, which will be more memorable for potential employers and professional contacts. If your name is taken, consider adding the initial of your middle name or your middle name to the link.

Using a Phrase or Tagline

Another way to customize is to include a phrase or tagline that might be easily searchable by search engines. For instance, someone wanting to establish an identity as a quantitative analyst might include “quantguy [name]” in their link.

How to Create a Custom LinkedIn Link


Here’s how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL:

  1. When logged into LinkedIn, go to your profile page. Then click on the link “Edit public profile & URL” in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. On the right side of your public profile page, you will see your current URL. Directly underneath, you will see a link for “Edit your custom URL”. Click the pencil icon, and you will see a box where you can fill in your new custom URL.
  3. Type a new URL consisting of 3-100 characters or numbers, without spaces, symbols, or special characters.
  4. Click “Save” below the box, and you will be ready with your new custom LinkedIn URL.

Note: Once you create a custom link, it is a good idea to add it to your resume and social media profiles.

Where to Put Your LinkedIn Link on Your Resume

Include your LinkedIn link in the contact section of your resume after your email address.

Example of a LinkedIn Link in a Resume

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, ZIP
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
LinkedIn URL (or personal website)

How to Insert Your LinkedIn Link in Your Email Signature

Email signature with your LinkedIn:

Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
LinkedIn URL

How to Add Your Resume to LinkedIn

In addition to showcasing your LinkedIn profile on your resume, you can add your resume to LinkedIn by linking to it or uploading it. This is an excellent way to provide detailed information about your employment history and experience to potential employers and business contacts.

You can either upload your resume directly to LinkedIn or link to your resume document on another site. Here’s how to do that:

  1. When logged into LinkedIn, go to your profile page by clicking “Me” then selecting “View Profile” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Go to the introduction section in the upper right corner of the screen. This is the part of the page that displays your name, title, and location. Click “Add profile section.”
  3. Open the “Featured” section and select “Media.” Upload your resume from your computer.
  4. Or: In the “Featured” section, select “Links” from the dropdown menu. Enter the URL of your online resume.
  5. Edit the “Title” and “Description” in the pop-up window that appears.
  6. Click “Save.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I delete my resume from LinkedIn?

Deleting your resume from LinkedIn is no harder than uploading the document in the first place. Go to the featured section on your profile page. Click the pencil icon to edit. Then click “Delete.” This method works whether you uploaded the document as a file or as a link.

How can I update my resume on LinkedIn?

To update your resume, go to the featured section on your profile page. Click the pencil icon to edit. Click “Edit” to modify the title and description, or “Delete” to remove your current resume and upload a new document.

Why is my resume unclear on LinkedIn?

Sometimes, resumes uploaded as PDF files on LinkedIn appear unclear due to image quality or compression issues. However, you can often resolve this issue by hosting your resume on another site. Upload your PDF file to your website, then go to the featured section and add the URL instead of the document.


Can I showcase freelance work on LinkedIn?

There are several ways to highlight your freelance work on your LinkedIn profile:

  • Include your title in the headline (for example, “Independent Consultant”).
  • Add a description of your work experiences in the summary section.
  • Add contractor roles in the experience section. To do this, click the “Add” icon at the top of the experience section and fill in the relevant fields.
  • Add work samples to the featured section by uploading links or documents.

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  • LinkedIn. “Your LinkedIn Profile – Overview.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Customize your public profile URL.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Skill endorsements – Overview.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Recommendations – Overview.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Skill endorsements and recommendations.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Showcase samples of your work on your LinkedIn profile.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • StackExchange. “Uploaded text files are unclear on LinkedIn profile page.” Accessed April 20, 2021.
  • LinkedIn. “Showcasing freelance or consulting work on your profile.” Accessed April 20, 2021.


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