الصرف هو علم من علوم اللغة العربية يتناول دراسة تصريف الكلمات وتغيير أشكالها من حيث الوزن والتغيرات اللغوية التي تطرأ عليها. يتعلق الصرف بكيفية اشتقاق الكلمات وتشكيلها بناءً على الجذور والقواعد النحوية، ويشمل أيضًا دراسة الأفعال والأسماء والصفات وكيفية تطورها وتغيرها في السياقات المختلفة.

Definition and Examples of Disbursement

How Disbursement Works

Types of Disbursement

Definition and Examples of Disbursement

Disbursement is when a person, company, or organization distributes money to another person, company, or organization, usually from a larger pool or aggregation of funds. You can be the person disbursing money to someone else, or you can be the person receiving a disbursement.

The term “disbursement” is used to describe the transfer of money to and from various entities, including lenders, governments, nonprofit organizations, and the general public. Learn more about disbursement and how it works.

How Disbursement Works

Disbursement is the transfer of money from one entity to another; it is typically a distribution of part of funds from a much larger account.

If a company owes money to a person, bank, or organization, it may disburse the funds to the appropriate party from an account designated for that purpose. If you are owed money from an organization, perhaps from a class-action lawsuit, your payment may come from the disbursement of a larger sum from that organization.

When a disbursement occurs, money is transferred from one institution to another, often via direct deposit, such as an automatic transfer of funds, or by wire transfer, cash deposit, or written check.

When a disbursement takes place, the details of the transaction are recorded, including the payment date, the source of the funds, and the reason for the disbursement.

The terms disbursement and payment are sometimes used interchangeably, although there is a slight difference in their meanings: a payment may not need to come from a much larger account, for example, but a disbursement usually does. Also, a payment can come from money you do not own, while a disbursement typically does not. For example, you would not disburse funds from your credit card to cover a utility bill, but you would pay the bill using your credit card.

Types of Disbursement

Disbursements come from a variety of institutions for different reasons, including disbursements that are:

Federal: If you received a stimulus check or a tax refund, that was part of a disbursement of larger federal funds.

Employment-related: If you are paid for services rendered, that may come in the form of a disbursement.

For student aid: A lender disburses funds to your school periodically, in the form of disbursements, to cover your college expenses.

From an escrow account: If a mortgage lender deposits part of your monthly payments into an escrow account, the lender is required to make timely disbursements from that account to pay property taxes, homeowners insurance, and any other items required in your mortgage terms.

Investment-related: If you receive dividends from investments, those dividends are considered disbursements from the company or companies paying them.

Retirement-related: Many retirement plans have required minimum distributions, which denote the minimum amount of money that must be disbursed to you from your retirement account annually to avoid penalties.


Disbursement is a payment from one party to another, typically from a much larger account, for various reasons.

Disbursements can be made from a variety of institutions, but they typically come from governments, large companies, and lending institutions.

Retirees receive monthly disbursements from retirement accounts every time they withdraw funds.

Disbursements typically show where the funds came from, the date of the transaction, and the amount of the disbursement.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/what-is-disbursement-5195614


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