Below are 17 tips that apply to all stock market investments, but they have been optimized and learned from the world of small stocks and chaos. There are lessons you can learn from investing $0.20 or $2 that you cannot learn from buying a share in IBM or GM.
Keys to Good Investing
Investing in low-priced stocks is not for everyone, but all investors can learn from the lessons of trading small stocks. These lessons include: cutting losses early, letting gains run, not putting more cash into a declining stock, and putting more money into a winning investment. Try paper trading, which is tracking the stocks you would have bought before investing real money in small stocks. If you are investing in small stocks, make sure to use money you can afford to lose only.
1. Cut Losses Early
When stocks start going the wrong way, make the decision quickly and get rid of them like pulling off a Band-Aid. Of course, every investment will fluctuate a little in value, but if the stock drops below the predetermined loss limit you set, it’s time to take the loss and move on. Stocks often continue to decline, making those who cut their losses early look smart. This also opens up the opportunity to buy back at lower levels in the near future.
2. Let Gains Run
Many stocks start moving in the right direction and continue to rise. Stocks usually reach levels that exceed the expectations of most investors. Some of the greatest American companies started as small stocks, and now they trade for $10 or $20 or even $50 a share. If the company continues to grow, smart investors hold onto their shares to ride the wave. Meanwhile, many sell too early, boasting of a 100% rise, then cry when the stocks reach the stars. To avoid selling too early, continually reevaluate the underlying company. If it is gaining market share and increasing revenues and customer levels, you may want to hold it for the long term.
3. Don’t Average Down
Most investors try to compensate for their mistakes by putting more cash into a declining stock. For example, if a stock drops by 30%, 50%, or 88% of its value after the original purchase, they buy more shares. This lowers their average share price.
4. Average Up
Unlike averaging down, averaging up is often a more effective strategy. If an investor buys a stock and it starts to rise, their trade has been validated. Stocks go up, and typically the upward trend is maintained if the underlying company is successful. Putting more money into a winning investment often pays off quite well.
5. Paper Trading
Many people want to move into small stocks but are unsure of how to start. They are also wary of the risks or do not understand the buying and selling process.
Paper trading is the solution. Just track the stocks you would buy, but do it using pretend money. Paper trading will make a significant difference in your trading results and understanding of the stock market. There’s no risk and no need for money!
6. The Biggest Risk for Individual Investors
We’ve dedicated a whole article to confirmation bias, which is definitely the biggest risk for any investor. Learn about it before you trade another stock!
7. Don’t Trust Freebies
Free stock recommendations, especially in the world of small stocks, are a real danger! Hidden motives meet greed when these promoters try to con the masses into buying their worthless last shares. That’s why their communications are always free, whether they are planting seeds through rumor mills, sending unsolicited faxes, or spreading lies through free online newsletters.
Not Following Friends’ Advice… Unless They Are Better Than You
Why trust an unhappy life coach? Why learn from a jiu-jitsu coach who has lost every match? Listen to the people around you who are succeeding in their investments and ignore the others.
9. Sustainability: Seeking Information
You shouldn’t bet large amounts in a gambling game you don’t understand. Similarly, if you’re investing in any stocks, especially if they are small, unstable, and risky, it is crucial to know where you are putting your money.
There are many aspects to any company, and taking some time will ensure you aren’t caught off guard.
10. Buy What You Know
Many investors buy stocks in companies they don’t fully understand. Forget about new and complicated companies; focus on stocks you understand. If you know how to make money, what you hope to achieve, and where the industry is headed, you will have an advantage over other investors.
11. Stick to Good Markets
Especially with small-cap stocks, there are very bad markets filled with low-quality companies. Buying companies on OTCQX or Pink Sheets puts you at a disadvantage, as you will be surrounded by many uninformed investment options. The odds are stacked against any investor buying stocks in these lower-quality exchanges.
12. Keep Doing What Works and Stop What Fails
No matter what you invest in and how you do it, you should focus on successful strategies and reduce losing ones. If you are making profits from small-cap stocks every time, while losing on mutual funds (ETFs), for example, it is likely time to adjust your strategy towards the winners.
13. Be Cautious of the Media
Mainly, the “news” does not predict what will happen, nor does it even tell you what is happening now. Media usually talks about what has already happened. They do a great job of making information seem current or relevant in the moment, but by viewing it from a different angle, you will start to see events that will soon fade, thus improving your investment decisions.
For example, the media had significant coverage of dot-com stocks during the bubble burst. There was substantial coverage of small cannabis stocks before the industry collapsed. In any case, the news tells you what was actually important, not what is happening now.
14. Don’t Buy What Everyone Is Buying
The act of buying what everyone else buys means the investment is crowded. Whether it’s small cannabis stocks or companies linked to Bitcoin or companies from the dot-com rush, you will never get a fair price. Another unfortunate side of this equation is that when the majority hears about the latest craze and jumps on the bandwagon, the rush to the exits is about to begin. You will invest wealth and lose it within weeks, if not days.
15. Contact the Company
This is the best way to do some good research and learn everything about the investment and its prospects. Every stock listed in the market has an investor relations contact, and they will be more than happy to answer all your questions. It’s free, and it can really help you understand whether your investment will be profitable or not.
16. Be Honest with Yourself
Perhaps small-cap stocks and investing aren’t right for you. That’s okay; spend your time and money on something else you enjoy more. If you do invest, make sure you are indeed using risk capital, so if the stocks you purchased start going in the wrong direction, you will still be able to pay the rent.
17. There Is No Magic Method to Invest
Often, investors jump from one concept to another, and usually, they don’t make profits in any of them. If the “stock-picking robot (scam)” doesn’t work, they might turn to options trading. When that doesn’t work, the next step may be short selling. When that doesn’t work, they may try binary options… derivatives… currency trading… commodities…the list is endless.
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Pay attention to these 17 tips for investors. They will help you trade stocks well in a short time.
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