The Zodiac for Founders: How to Find a Business Partner Based on Your Horoscope

By: Daina Winter


After studying some of the millions of business owners using Shopify, we discovered that founders belong to one of five personality types. Try our quiz: What type of entrepreneur are you?

What to Look for in a Business Partner

Before you start looking for a good business partner, ask yourself first about the benefits of having a partner versus running or growing the business alone. Do you need someone to help you tackle the heavy workload of growing your business (there will be plenty of it)? Are you lacking expertise or a comprehensive perspective in certain areas? Do you work well with others? You should also understand the level of partner you are looking for: is it an equal collaborative partner or someone who takes a backseat role.

How to Find a Business Partner

1. Attend conferences and meet-up groups based on location and business interests.

2. Search within your professional network for the right partner.

3. Look for a business partner by talking to friends of friends.

4. Sign up for networking apps.

5. Consider classmates.

Business Partner Compatibility Test

Which zodiac signs are best suited as business partners or founding partners? First, we need to learn more about you. Take our two-minute compatibility quiz below to discover your ideal partner, and then read on for a detailed look at how to make the partnership work, based on your personality type.

Partnership Ideas Based on Your Zodiac

If you’re looking to start a business, is it better to do it alone or with a co-founder? Should you find a business partner to help you take your current business from good to great? The answer may depend on your personality type. Learn more about your partnership potential based on your zodiac sign.

The Charismatic Founder

You are the standout personality this month, the Charismatic. You love attention and you are at your best when you are at the center of things. This is your moment! Why is the Charismatic a great partner?

The Visionary Founder

As a Visionary founder, you are skilled at sensing opportunities everywhere you go. What makes you skilled in business is your boldness. They bring confidence and charisma to balance more conservative traits. They also make great investment partners.

The Practical Founder

The Practical ones are down-to-earth in their approach to work. People trust them because they are serious and consistent. Generally, they are the “worker bee” of the zodiac, working independently and focusing, but they would be a fantastic addition to a certain type of partnership.

Your Unique Founder

Based on your answers and personality type, you may not need a partner to help you build or grow your business. If you have weaknesses or need someone to handle a specific task, consider utilizing services from an expert in that field.

Questions to Ask Before Entering a Business Partnership

Once you meet someone, how can you accurately assess their compatibility with you as a business partner? Ask yourself these ten questions about this person and your relationship. Do they offer ideas, and do they listen and consider your thoughts? Do you know them already and/or do they have strong references? If you are already in a non-business relationship or friendship with this person, have you discussed how you will set boundaries? Are they invested like you in the business idea (time, money, hard work)? Do you share similar goals and a common vision for the business? Do your skills complement each other? Have you mutually agreed on the roles you will each take on in the partnership? If you’ve had a conflict or disagreement with them in the past, were you able to resolve or work through it reasonably? Have you discussed what will happen to the business in case of failure or if the partnership dissolves? Are you both willing to legally and financially protect yourselves by documenting details and expectations on paper?


You answered yes to most of these questions, so you have a better chance of building a mutually beneficial partnership. However, you should explore every “what if,” communicate frequently, and consult with a legal professional to draft an agreement that protects the partnership and the work.

If you answered no to most of these questions, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are completely incompatible. But consider these results a signal that your partnership may need further investigation before you put things on paper.

Frequently Asked Questions About Finding a Business Partner

How can entrepreneurs find a business partner?

As with most things in the business world, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for finding a business partner. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a business partner, spend time networking and connecting with family and friends, and use social media to announce that you are looking for a co-founder.

Where can I find a new business partner?

1. Attend conferences and local meetup groups based on location and business interests.

2. Search your professional network for the right partner.

3. Look for a business partner by talking to friends of friends.

4. Sign up for networking apps.

5. Consider classmates.

Do I need a business partner?

While having a business partner can help accelerate your business growth, it is not always necessary, depending on your skill set and the type of business you are starting. Look at your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your access to resources. You want a partner who can complement your abilities.



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