Claiming Business Losses on Your Tax Return

In this article, we will discuss how business losses impact your personal tax situation and how to claim these losses on your tax return.

How to Determine Business Loss Limits

Business loss limits affect companies that pay taxes through personal tax returns. Businesses can incur operating losses, but these do not impact the shareholders’ taxes. Business owners with limited liability or who do not participate in managing the business may face limits on their business losses for tax purposes. If your loss exceeds the allowable limit for one year, you may be able to carry over all or part of that loss to future tax years to reduce taxable income in those years.

How Much Can a Business Lose?

Businesses organized as sole proprietorships, limited liability companies (LLCs), partnerships, or S corporations can incur business losses on personal tax returns. Loss limits do not apply to corporations. The operating loss for the year from operations is referred to as a net operating loss. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) imposes limits on business losses in several situations.

Rules for Business Risk

The risk rules determine your business losses based on the amount at risk in the activity. These limits apply to partners, S corporation shareholders, and designated owners of closely held corporations who are engaged in a for-profit business. You will need to use IRS Form 6198 to calculate and report your risk status.

Passive Activity Rules

The passive activity rules also dictate business loss deductions. A passive activity refers to a business owner who does not participate in the business regularly, continuously, or substantially. In other words, this person is an investor or shareholder but is not active in the business. The passive activity rules apply to rental activities, even if the owner is actively participating in the business, unless they are a real estate professional. Losses resulting from passive activities can only be deducted to the extent of the income from those activities.

How Surplus Loss Rules Work

The surplus loss rule comes into play when your total deductions for your businesses exceed your total business gross income, above a limit of $262,000 for an individual taxpayer or $524,000 for a joint tax return, starting in 2021 and beyond. Simply put, any loss exceeding $262,000 (for an individual taxpayer) or $524,000 (for a joint tax return) is considered surplus and cannot be claimed as a loss on your tax return for that year.

Tax Loss Carryover Rules

If your business loss is limited for one year due to surplus loss rules, you may be able to carry over all or part of the surplus loss to a future tax year. Starting in 2021, the provisions for tax loss carryovers from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 have been reinstated, allowing full carryover of tax losses.

Calculating and Reporting Business Losses

To calculate the loss amount, you need to add your business income and subtract your business expenses on your business tax return. If your deductible expenses exceed your income, you have a loss, and you can initiate the process of calculating a Net Operating Loss (NOL). To perform this calculation, you can take certain deductions in full, such as rent or office expenses. Other deductions, such as depreciation or home office costs, are subject to limitations. Use IRS Form 461 to calculate the limitations on business losses and report them on your personal tax return. This form gathers information about your total income or loss for the year from all sources. The business loss is subtracted and compared against the surplus loss limits to determine if your losses will be limited.


Capital Losses

Capital losses differ from operational losses for tax purposes. There is a limit on the amount you can claim as a capital loss. If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, you can claim the excess loss if it is less than $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) or the total net loss on Form 1040 Schedule D.

Getting Help with Business Losses

The Internal Revenue Service has helpful articles on business loss topics. Because IRS regulations regarding business losses can be complex, check with a licensed tax professional if you think you have a business loss for the year. This is one part of your business tax return you do not want to handle alone. IRS Publication 925 has details about the rules on at-risk and passive activity. See the IRS article on capital gains and losses for more information on capital losses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can I claim as a business loss on my taxes? For tax years starting in 2021 and continuing into subsequent years, you can claim a loss of up to $262,000 if you’re an individual or $524,000 for a joint tax return. However, every business is different, and the amount of business loss you can claim on your tax return depends on your type of business, the level of risk you take in your business, and other factors.

Can I deduct business losses from personal income? You may be able to deduct business losses to offset personal income, depending on the amount of loss and other limitations. Personal income (non-business) includes earnings from work, Social Security benefits, and investment gains or losses.



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