31 Actively Managed Exchange-Traded Funds

Active management ETFs were created as a result of the competition between ETFs and mutual funds. Investors were simply impressed by the simplicity and advantages of ETFs but also appreciated the active management and trading offered by mutual funds. The result was active management ETFs.

What are Active Management ETFs?

Most ETFs are index funds, but some ETFs have active management. Active management ETFs were introduced in the United States only since 2008. The first active ETF was the Bear Stearns Current Yield ETF. Currently, active management ETFs are fully transparent, as their current security portfolios are published on their websites.

List of 31 Actively Managed ETFs

Here is a list of 31 actively managed ETFs:

1. AADR – WCM/BNY Mellon Focused Growth ADR ETF

An active ETF consisting of 20 to 30 investments focusing on sectors in developed and emerging foreign regions.

2. ACCU – AdvisorShares Accuvest Global Opportunities ETF

This fund tracks indices such as the MSCI All Country World Index and consists of specific ETFs for each country.

3. ALT – iShares Diversified Alternatives Trust ETF

This iShares ETF consists of futures for commodities, bonds, currencies, and interest rates as it seeks to expose itself to the differences in pricing of financial instruments and profit from deviations in current asset prices from their historical rates.

4. ELD – WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt Fund

This is an emerging markets ETF aiming to provide exposure to debt in emerging markets in local currencies.

5. EMLP – First Trust North American Energy Infrastructure ETF

This is a Master Limited Partnership (MLP) fund from First Trust that consists of about 65% energy companies and 35% utility companies.

6. FWDB – Madrona Forward Global Bond ETF

This is a Forward International Bond Fund from AdvisorShares managed by Madrona.

7. FWDD – Madrona Forward Domestic ETF

This is a Forward Domestic ETF from AdvisorShares managed by Madrona.

8. FWDI – Madrona Forward International ETF

This is a Forward International Fund from AdvisorShares managed by Madrona.

9. FTSL – First Trust Senior Loan Fund

This is an active ETF primarily aimed at providing a high current income by investing in a diversified portfolio of floating rate bank loans.

10. GAL – SPDR SSgA Global Allocation ETF

This fund aims to provide capital distribution and tracks two indices. The primary benchmark index is the MSCI ACWI IMI and the secondary index is the SSgA Global Allocation Composite Index.

11. GIY – Guggenheim Enhanced Core Bond ETF

This is a Guggenheim/Claymore bond fund centered on outperforming the BarCap index.

12. GIVE – AdvisorShares Global Echo ETF

This fund seeks long-term capital appreciation while focusing on absolute (positive) returns and low sensitivity to traditional financial market indices, such as the S&P 500, over the full economic cycle.

13. GLCB – The WisdomTree Global Corporate Bond Fund

This actively managed fund seeks to track the performance of specific issuers in the U.S. investment-grade corporate bond market that it deems to have favorable fundamentals and opportunities for income.

14. GMMB – Grail McDonnell Intermediate Municipal Bond ETF

This is a municipal bond fund that is actively managed daily, unlike other funds that are not managed frequently.

15. GMTB – Grail McDonnell Core Taxable Bond ETF

This is another bond fund from Grail McDonnell that is actively managed daily, unlike other funds that are not managed frequently.


GSY – Guggenheim Enhanced Ultra-Short Bond ETF

This is another short-term bond ETF from Guggenheim / Claymore that attempts to outperform the short-term U.S. Treasury index.

17. GTAA – Cambria Global Tactical ETF

This is an actively managed ETF that gives investors the opportunity to access various asset classes such as foreign currencies, bonds, real estate, commodities, and other equities.

18. GVT – Grail American Beacon Large Value ETF

This is an actively managed ETF that focuses on large value assets such as common stocks, preferred stocks, convertible securities, and real estate investments.

19. HECO – Huntington EcoLogical Strategy ETF

This fund focuses on companies that aim to provide “green” products and services and strive to modify their internal activities to be environmentally friendly.

20. HYLD – AdvisorShares Peritus High Yield ETF

This is an ETF for high-yield bonds that seeks to achieve high income flow and capital appreciation. Peritus manages this fund and avoids new debt issues with an active value-based approach.

21. IESM – iShares Enhanced US Small Cap ETF

This is an ETF listed in the United States. The iShares Enhanced US Small-Cap ETF seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation.

22. ILB – Global Advantage Inflation-Linked Bond Strategy ETF

This active fund selects fixed-income securities that adjust capital or interest payments according to official measures of inflation.

23. INKM – SPDR SSgA Income Allocation ETF

This fund seeks to achieve total returns by focusing on investments in income and yield-generating assets. The primary benchmark is the MSCI World Index, and the secondary benchmark is the SSgA Income Allocation Composite Index.

24. MATH – AdvisorShares Tactical ETF

This is an actively managed ETF from AdvisorShares that is essentially an ETF of ETFs. At all times, it can consist of ETFs for commodities, ETFs for equities, and ETFs for currencies. Even ETNs.

25. PHDG – Invesco S&P 500 Downside Hedged Portfolio

This fund tracks the S&P 500 Dynamic VEQTOR Index and seeks to achieve positive total returns in rising or falling markets that are not directly correlated with broader stock or fixed-income returns.

26. QEH – QAM Equity Hedge ETF

QEH seeks to achieve investment results that exceed the performance of the HFRI Equity Hedge Total Index, which represents approximately 50% of the active long and short investment fund universe. This is done in an attempt to generate higher returns with lower risk than the S&P 500 over time.

27. RLY – SPDR SSgA Multi-Asset Real Return ETF

This fund aims to achieve a real return consisting of capital appreciation and current income. It tracks two main benchmarks, the Barclays U.S. Government Inflation-linked Bond Index and the SSgA Multi-Asset Real Return Composite Index.

28. RRF – WisdomTree Global Real Return Fund

This is an actively managed ETF from WisdomTree aimed at providing protection for investors against inflation.

29. SMMU – Pimco Short Term Municipal Bond Strategy Fund

This ETF tracks short-term municipal bonds and is actively managed daily, unlike other funds that may not be managed as frequently.

30. VEGA – STAR Global Buy-Write ETF

VEGA uses a buy-write strategy for its global distribution strategy that utilizes exchange-traded products (ETPs).

31. WDTI – WisdomTree Managed Futures Strategy Fund

WDTI employs a strategy that aims to track the Diversified Trends Indicator, which is a rule-based futures strategy index.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the main difference between index funds and actively managed mutual funds?

The difference
The main difference between index funds and actively managed mutual funds is that index fund managers do not make decisions. Passive index funds aim to match the underlying index exactly, so it is enough for managers to buy and sell assets according to that index. On the other hand, active managers do not have an index to refer to, so they need to make all investment decisions themselves.

How do actively managed ETF funds work?

From an investor’s perspective, actively managed ETF funds operate in the same way as any other ETF fund. It is sufficient for investors to just place a buy order to open a position, and then they can hold the fund as long as they wish. While holding the position, ETF fund managers may distribute dividends, but not all ETF funds will do that.

Source: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/list-of-actively-managed-etfs-1214935


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