Winning E-commerce Holidays with a Strong Customer Acquisition Strategy.

When to Start Planning Marketing for E-commerce Holidays

More than 25% of high-growth brands we surveyed begin planning their e-commerce holiday marketing campaigns months before the actual holidays start. The top five months to start planning for e-commerce holidays are September: 25.5%, October: 19.6%, June: 15.7%, July: 9.8%, August: 7.8%.

Key Concerns for E-commerce during Holidays

Focusing only on what matters separates high performance from the rest. The top five concerns for e-commerce during holidays are increased advertising spending: 80.4%, customer service needs: 74.5%, inventory: 72.5%, shipping and delivery: 64.7%, returns: 56.9%.

Acquiring New Customers

You already have something in common with high-performing brands; you likely target the same channels for acquiring new customers during holidays. Over time, the quality of all clicks will degrade, and your marketing performance will decline. The top five channels for acquiring new customers are paid Facebook: 72.5%, paid Instagram: 58.8%, paid search: 56.9%, organic Instagram: 41.2%, organic search (SEO): 35.3%.

Retaining Current Customers

73% of shoppers in North America purchase from brands they know. You should leverage the relationships you have already built with current customers to increase repeat purchases during holidays. The top five channels for current customers are segmented email offers: 80.4%, general email offers: 74.5%, retargeting on Facebook for general site visitors: 64.7%, retargeting on Facebook for pages or products: 62.7%, retargeting on Instagram: 51.0%.

Your E-commerce Holiday Marketing Plan

The ideas shared here, from some of the biggest successes in holiday commerce, can complement what worked well in the previous holiday season. Key points to integrate are: plan your marketing and e-commerce holiday strategy early, target new customers with paid ads before costs spike, segment your email list, and target current customers to boost holiday sales.

There is much to do and test. Stay in touch with customers while preparing. Holidays are about giving. So give your customers an unforgettable experience on Black Friday. In return, they will give you the greatest gift of all; their loyalty and repeat business after the holidays are over.



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