What vocabulary words do you like these days?


In this article, we will talk about the words we love and use these days. A few years ago, I learned the word “crepuscular,” which seems fitting for dark winter days, and I have recently been telling my kids to stop with the hysteria. I also read recently in Pandora Sykes’ newsletter about a pair of sneakers with one condition: “they ship from the US, which is a bit annoying.” And when I read “ballache,” I pronounced it in my head “bal-ah-chay” and looked it up online to find out the meaning of this new word I was learning, and to my surprise, it means “a pain in the balls.” Now I’m curious: what vocabulary words do you all like these days? Please share!

Favorite Vocabulary Words:

In this section, we will discuss some favorite vocabulary words that people are enjoying these days. There are many interesting words that people love and use in their daily lives. Some examples include “petrichor,” which means the smell of earth after rain, and “enshittification,” which refers to the deterioration of things or the degradation of a situation. There are also funny words like “hoodwinked,” which makes people laugh when used. Additionally, there are words used as insults like “feckless,” which adds a nice degree of specificity. These are just a few examples of favorite vocabulary words among people these days.

Favorite Words Among Teachers:

In this section, we will talk about the favorite words of teachers. Teaching language and vocabulary is a significant part of teachers’ jobs. There are many interesting words that educators love and use in the classroom. Some favorite words among teachers include “morphology,” which refers to the study of the form and internal structure of words, and “perambulate,” which means to walk, as well as “mellifluous,” meaning sweet-sounding and charming. Teachers enjoy teaching these words and encouraging students to use them in their daily lives.

Personal Experiences:

In this section, we will discuss personal experiences with vocabulary words. We may have funny or interesting experiences with vocabulary. For example, you might have read a word incorrectly and later found out it is pronounced differently. You may also have discovered that a word that seems like an interesting French word actually means something completely different. These personal experiences add a touch of fun and entertainment to the usage of vocabulary words in our daily lives.


In this article, we talked about vocabulary words that we love these days. These words can be interesting, funny, or useful in our daily lives. We can use these words to enrich our language and express our thoughts more effectively. So let’s enjoy learning and using vocabulary words and share them with others.

Source: https://cupofjo.com/2023/11/21/what-vocab-words-are-you-into-these-days/

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