Use Your Grocery Money for Charity: 10 Brands That Do Good with Your Money

When you enter a grocery store in the United States, you will find yourself surrounded by options. The cereal aisle alone can have 50 different options for cold breakfast, and don’t get me started on cheeses, canned goods, and dairy products. Every product comes in an endless variety; thus, going to the store to buy a loaf of bread or a dozen eggs requires expert-level comparison skills.

Beyond the Details of Actual Food

In addition to the details of actual food (price, preferences, dietary needs, etc.), there is also an element of social and environmental responsibility. Simply put, not all food brands are equal in goodness. Some companies care about making the world a better place, and some do not. Knowing which brands give back effectively can be helpful in the grocery decision-making process. When choosing between two items that seem nearly identical, opt for the one that supports school lunch debts for hungry children. It’s that easy. With a list of national brands that engage in charitable work, you can shop easily knowing your grocery dollars are going a long way. Here are 10 brands to support.

Newman’s Own: Fighting Childhood Hunger

When Paul Newman founded Newman’s Own in 1982, he announced that he would donate everything, and the company has indeed done that for 50 years, donating over $570 million to local and national organizations. The company prides itself on great transparency regarding its goals and the amount of donations it provides; anyone can download the updated tax statement from its website. Their three main focus areas are on food security for indigenous children (supporting local organizations in New Mexico and South Dakota), providing nutritional food in schools (supporting FoodCorps and the Food Research and Action Center), and creating fun experiences for children with serious illnesses (supporting SeriousFun Children’s Network). In 2022, Newman’s Own also donated to organizations focusing on food and health in Illinois, California, Florida, and Wisconsin. With a variety of products ranging from salad dressings and popcorn to pet food and lemonade, Newman’s Own makes it easy for consumers to support their national fight against childhood hunger.

Annie’s: Sustainability and Education

Annie’s does more than just make delicious mac and cheese. The company (and its parent company, General Mills) is also committed to sustainable farming as a primary means of uplifting local communities, ensuring soil health, and increasing biodiversity on hundreds of thousands of acres in the U.S. and Canada. Annie’s annual sustainability report, which has been offered since 2011, is based on a variety of non-financial performance indicators to show how their practices are impacting a healthier planet and, therefore, healthier communities. Through partnerships with local farmers and the use of regenerative farming practices such as crop rotation and integrated livestock management, Annie’s supports local farmers and keeps its products climate-friendly. The company also promotes healthy eating and farming by providing college scholarships for young adults studying sustainable agriculture, working with FoodCorps, and granting funds to support over 500 school gardens.

Endangered Species Chocolate: Supporting Independent Farmers in West Africa and Conserving Endangered Species

If you’re going to buy chocolate (and you should), why not buy the kind that is delicious and donates 10% of your purchases to independent farmers in West Africa and organizations that protect endangered species? In 2020, this company donated $500,000 to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund and the National Forest Foundation. This money went to restore nearly 5,000 acres of gorilla habitat in the U.S. and remove 2,500 gorilla traps. Additionally, Endangered Species Chocolate has provided over $300,000 in donations to local farming communities in Ivory Coast, West Africa. Look for the elephant on the brand the next time you buy chocolate to support these worthy causes.


Grounds and Hounds Coffee Co.: Saving Dogs in Need

Millions of dogs suffer in overcrowded shelters across the United States. They have been abandoned, rescued from puppy mills, and abused by cruel humans. While shelter workers do their best to care for these pups, there is often a limit to what can be accomplished. Food, space, and hours of care are not infinite resources. This is where Grounds and Hounds comes in. The company’s stated mission is to support “rescue initiatives and organizations that provide a second chance for pups in need.” In this regard, the company donates 20% of every purchase to organizations across the country. This money has provided over 2 million shelter meals so far, in addition to other achievements. So sure, you can find Starbucks and Dunkin’ on every corner, but brewing at home will save you money and feed a pup at the same time. Plus, they have cute t-shirts.

DAVIDsTEA: Ethical Sourcing, Mental Health, and Sustainability

The next time you brew up some comforting rooibos tea, you can feel more at ease knowing that your hot beverage has been sustainably produced and sourced by a company invested in mental health and the well-being of local farmers. DAVIDsTEA is a Canadian brand committed to supporting local farming communities that grow its tea, collaborating with mental health initiatives (such as Mamas for Mamas and Vent Over Tea), and supporting eco-friendly practices (such as compostable packaging). The company is a member of the Ethical Tea Partnership, which works to improve the lives of tea workers and farmers, donating proceeds from 60% of its teas to the organization. Additionally, the company supports a homework facility in South Africa to provide a safe space for tea farmers’ children to learn, and its clean water project has provided clean drinking water to over 2,600 Nepali children.

King Arthur Baking: Fighting Hunger, Supporting Science Learning, Community Building, and Sustainability

Founded in 1790, King Arthur Baking has been producing its incredibly milled flour for over 230 years, adding specialty flours and mixes to its lineup over time. You can now purchase keto chocolate cake mix and gluten-free cookie cups alongside whole wheat flour and self-rising flour, in addition to many other premium products. But more importantly, the company has placed its values at the forefront of everything it does. The five core pillars of the brand’s community work center around food and hunger, environmental stewardship, community building through baking, diversity, and inclusion.


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