The air conditioning works in reverse.

The title of the article is “Climate Adaptation is Backfiring” which discusses how climate change affects humans and how responding to this change can also harm humans. The article provides examples of climate adaptation that led to undesirable outcomes, such as the dams in Japan that were insufficient to counter the 2011 tsunami and sea walls in Japan that were unable to prevent the 2011 tsunami. The article also addresses the importance of listening to the voices warning against poor adaptation and how these voices can help us avoid bad adaptation in the future. It notes the importance of making flexible and adaptive decisions to future changes while leaving more options for future generations.

Climate Change Science

This section discusses how climate change affects humans and how we should adapt to these changes. It points out that adaptation may have undesirable effects and can ultimately harm humans.

The section provides examples of this, such as the dams in Bangladesh that were supposed to prevent flooding but worsened it, and sea walls in Japan that could not prevent the 2011 tsunami.

Poor Adaptation

This section talks about examples of poor adaptation and how it can have long-term harmful effects. It notes that some decisions made for adaptation may be successful in the short term but can cause problems in the long run.

The section mentions examples such as the dams in Japan that were insufficient to deal with the 2011 tsunami and sea walls in Japan that were unable to prevent the 2011 tsunami.

Warnings Against Poor Adaptation

This section emphasizes the importance of listening to voices warning against poor adaptation and how these voices can help us avoid bad adaptation in the future. It mentions that it is crucial for people living in areas affected by climate changes to have a say in decisions related to adaptation and that space should be provided for these voices.

The section also states that we must be ready to change decisions, policies, and laws based on future changes and avoid writing decisions in a rigid and fixed manner.

Impact of Poor Adaptation on the Future

This section discusses the impact of poor adaptation on the future and the importance of leaving more options for future generations. It points out that poor adaptation can lock technology and infrastructure into certain decisions and affect other decisions made in the future.

The section also states that we must be ready to change decisions, policies, and laws based on future changes and avoid writing decisions in a rigid and fixed manner.

Impact of Poor Adaptation on Future Generations

This section discusses the impact of poor adaptation on future generations and the importance of leaving more options for them. It indicates that the challenges future generations will face will be greater than the challenges we face today, so we must leave them with more tools to adapt to these challenges.

The section also notes that we must be ready to change decisions, policies, and laws based on future changes and avoid writing decisions in a rigid and fixed manner.



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