Summary of the episode: How to Increase Your Job Opportunities on LinkedIn | Fajn Podcast

Have you lost your confidence? Of course, I went to college, but I failed and returned. I felt that I wasn’t academically good. I spent my twenties working in restaurants as a waiter. I felt lost and couldn’t see anything in my future. I had no vision or anything like that; I was living day by day. I decided to go back to college at the age of thirty-three. The problem was that when I graduated and started applying for jobs, no one got back to me. That’s wrong. This way of applying for jobs is wrong. No one is obligated to find a job for you, and you have to search for it yourself.

I want to take you back to the beginning of your life. I don’t know why I designated your college education as the starting point, but I want you to go back there. Why did you decide to study dentistry? Did you study in Kuwait or Jordan? I studied in Algeria and in French. It was an unsuccessful attempt. It was one of the few options available to me, and it was the cheapest. So, I decided to give it a try. The barrier was the French language; nevertheless, I decided to try. At that time, I discovered that I didn’t know what I wanted. I didn’t have the awareness and maturity to pinpoint my path accurately. We didn’t have the internet or anything like that back then; it was 1989. In fact, in 1989, I went to America. In 1986, I graduated from high school. In 1987-1988, I studied dentistry.

After this experience, I returned to Kuwait and said that college wouldn’t work for me; that was my first attempt. How did you know it wouldn’t work? At that time, I believed that this was the only path to go to college. I thought that being of school age, and if I missed it, I would lose my chance. That was my mindset when I was twenty-one. And since I didn’t succeed, I felt that I lost the chance to go to college. Did you think you weren’t talented enough to be a dentist? Or was the choice unwise, or perhaps your poor grades were the reason? My performance was weak, and language was a barrier. I didn’t know which path I should take. I didn’t have the right guidance. So, I started working.

I went to Kuwait to work. Another opportunity came up for me to try in America. So I applied to the English language institute (TOEFL) in Alabama. My application was approved. The visas were not easy. There was a discussion, and she said, “All your papers are in order, but I won’t issue the visa,” so I asked her why, and she said, “There’s no guarantee you’ll return.” My language was acceptable, and I said it makes sense that there’s no guarantee I’ll come back; I could go there, visit a store, and get killed in a robbery. I could have gotten grades, and a company like IBM would have hired me. My intention was to study and return, but I can’t show you a guarantee for that. She started looking around and said, “If you can bring a letter from a company promising to employ you after graduation, I’ll give you the visa.” That was an impossible request. I thanked her and left. I wrote a letter and sent it to my father’s friend. He has a small company, and we brought it to her. She gave me the visa, and I thanked her.

I went to America. It was a student visa. I got good grades on the TOEFL, which boosted my self-confidence. But I thought that the time wasn’t right for studying. Wait, you said you lost confidence in yourself? Of course, I went to college, failed, and returned. So, I thought I wasn’t academically qualified. Why didn’t this dilemma persist and tell yourself that I’m not academic? When I achieved the third place in TOEFL, despite many people, I told myself, even though I’m good in English and capable of discipline, the time wasn’t right for studying. I stopped learning for a while and started working. I needed to provide for myself.


What happened in 2001? On September 11. The first thing I do when I go to work is check my email and then I go to the sales department. I was the only employee in the IT department who helped sales staff. We had over 400 sales employees. I was the most popular person there before September 11. One day, I went to check on them, but there was no one at his desk. I wondered. I looked around, and there were recreational rooms with televisions, and they were all there. I asked what was happening, and one of them said to me, “Why do you hate us, Khaled?” I said, what do you mean? I don’t hate anyone.

This was a crisis because of what happened afterward. Two weeks later, I was laid off. They said there were staff cuts, and I was one of them. I was working and learning in IT. I felt like I was at a comfort point. But, when they laid me off, I worked for myself, started in mobile phones, and then opened my own store. But, that was beneath my previous level. And when I had my children, I started to think: when my children grow up, what will be their father’s standard? Did it stop at a high school diploma? I wanted them to aspire to something better.

I decided to return to university at the age of thirty-three. When looking back at what happened in the IT company, it turned out to be good for me. At that time, I didn’t consider it a good thing, but it pushed me to improve myself and go back to university. I was thirty-three years old and began studying business management. I completed my studies and then obtained a master’s degree in management. I thought it was time to leave America after 18 years.

Returning to university at the age of thirty-three was not an easy decision. I had my business and finished working at five. I was in adult education, where classes started from 6 to 9. I would work, then go study. At that time, I matured intellectually and was able to commit to it. I was getting good grades, thanks to God.

When I look back at what happened, I can say the grades really nourished me. After I completed my studies, I moved to Kuwait and then to Jordan, where I worked for a Kuwaiti company for a while, and the salary was good. But at some point, I decided that I needed to stop everything in my life. I needed to transform myself, and I would not do anything unless it brought me happiness. I wanted to be happy in my work.

I didn’t want to be forced to do anything. After these transformations, I stopped working with that company. I didn’t see where I was going with it. I asked myself, what do I want to do? I had loved using social media since 2007, 2008, and 2009. I didn’t know what to do with it, and when I looked at the West and how they used social media, I saw they had specialists talking about building personal brands. I loved this topic, and I studied it. I started following the people specialized in it. I began talking about it and started posting educational content on social media. I was active with that content at a time when people were discovering social media.

This coincided with a movement in the Jordanian government. There was a Prime Minister who wanted to create a high-level communications department. He brought in people from the private sector. There was one job available in 2009, which was as a digital media manager. At that time, there was no one with the experience, and there were no colleges teaching this subject. When they asked, they heard my name mentioned twice. They said, “Well, let’s meet him.” I passed the interview. I wouldn’t have gotten the position without a master’s degree; it was a prerequisite.

You say that no matter your skills and abilities, without a degree, you won’t reach a high position? I tell my kids that if you have a high school diploma, these are your opportunities. If you have a bachelor’s degree, here are your opportunities. And this is your master’s degree. So why limit your options? What about a PhD? You could be an academic, and your academic path could flourish. Why leave those opportunities? There are some who hold a high school diploma, specialize in something, and learn it themselves, and they succeed. But this is a very small percentage, not for the general public.

How important is this for the digital age? The new generation is different from ours. We, in some ways, are still living in the internet age while they are living in the digital age. Information was not as available to us as it is to them. Generation Z is more mature than we were at their age. The way we raise and guide our children must be different from the past. You have to give them space and some leadership. In entrepreneurship, they say you have to fail fast. It’s good to let them make mistakes. I want them to make mistakes now so they can learn quickly.

You don’t want them to be perfect, yet when they grow up, they find that everything they did was wrong, and they will experience shock. Let them make a mistake now. Do you think this is good? Now, let’s talk about Leila. Do you think she chose her specialization because she feels close to marketing? Do you think she followed her passion? Yes, she did. You had a previous episode with Naif Al-Fuhayd. He has 25 years of experience in human resources with many experiences. He said: “Don’t follow your passion because it won’t put food on your table. Look for demand in the market.”

Do you agree with him? I don’t like to sway my opinions. I am against leaving your job to pursue your passion. Everything has its benefits. The job provides you with security. Startups have rapid growth. One may have high success, and the other not at the same level, and you will not get the growth you want. There is something I want to share with you. Each of us thinks about it in a middle way. I want security and growth, but how can I get both together? My daily effort is not from 9 to 5. It may be from 9 to 7. I can get a job from 9 to 5, and still have the energy for two hours. I should allocate a program in that time and call it “My Time.”

I inventory the things I do every day. Let’s say I go out with my friends to play for three hours every day. It’s good to hang out with friends, but three hours is way too long, so let’s allocate one hour. Play for only two hours now. Suppose you have a long commute from home to work, and there’s traffic. Think of a way to shorten the route and reclaim half an hour. Dedicate two hours to yourself daily, and call it “My Time,” and these two hours are not for your family or friends, but just for yourself. You should invest in those two hours.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? The morning person likes to wake up early, while the night owl prefers to stay up late. You need to take advantage of those two hours before the family wakes up or after they sleep. Invest in reading, learning a language or skill, or turning your idea into a project and nurturing it. You can keep your job and establish an entrepreneurial project for growth in the next two or three years.

Now, you have started the journey of self-building. You can identify your strengths, a project that can provide you with income, and the services and products you can create. Now, you have experiences you gained for free. You have a reputation and an audience. You can charge people for your service while still keeping your job. After you have a steady income, you can transition. I do not jump into a new project, nor do I stay in my old job without looking for other things.


for someone who is already working. Even students can do two hours a day. Definitely. If we stick with this idea, it’s not for everyone, as it requires a high level of discipline, and ideas, and other things. Isn’t it logical that most people are not qualified to be entrepreneurs? Not everyone. There’s no shame in that. Some people want to be employees. They see their growth on the corporate ladder. An employee can start at a certain level, and their ambition is to become a department head or a company manager.

That’s good if their growth on the corporate ladder. Not just good, but important too. Yes, it is. If we take this path, the career path starts from their graduation from university and taking their first job. Yes. If I am a university student, should I start working? Or should I wait until after graduation? Because this will allow me to focus on my studies while expanding my knowledge in my field.

If you don’t need a job, it’s fine to focus on your studies. There are projects and training volunteer activities in companies. I advise university students to be aware of that, because when they graduate, it means the learning time has just begun. Especially self-education. Now they have the degree, and what I consider the basics. Now we need to move to specialization, so they should see what skills are needed for their specialty and try to study and develop them.

If you are still a university student, and this is my advice to people, not just students, to start building their personal brand. When should I start doing that? Starting from university. Why? If I have a personal brand, I have a personal legacy. I invest in building a digital identity for myself. I may fail in a job or a personal project, but a personal brand will stay with me wherever I go. When you start investing in it in university, you will create it early, and it will open many doors for you.

If I don’t want to create content, I can create a personal identity through active interaction with content. What is lower than creating content is interacting with it. I can go to LinkedIn, set up a list, and if I study at university, marketing, communications, government, or whatever my path is, I should look for large active accounts on LinkedIn in the country I am in and in my specialty. I look at their content and become a regular commenter on it. When they post their content, I actively comment, interact, and write about it, and a dialogue will be created between us.

They will be curious about the person who comments on their content. They will go to your account to learn about you. What does he do? And what is his background? It will be a problem. How so? They will find nothing on your account. We have not talked about improving his account. If he is a university student, what will he write? He will write, “I am a student”. No, he will write, “I have a free portfolio for university students”. It’s true that university students don’t have work experience. However, they can compensate for that in other areas. Like what?

They participate in volunteer activities to prove they have team spirit and what their role in the team was, whether they completed their project or not. First, volunteer activities. Second, any university project he did. He can write, “I presented this project with a number of people. My role in the team was a number of things”. He has projects and volunteer activities. I write about any courses I have taken. I write about the non-university certificates I have obtained. These are four sections.

I look for professors who are compatible with me and ask them to write a recommendation on my LinkedIn account. Now we have five. As a university student, I enhance my LinkedIn profile by using sub-sections and recommendations from professors. How do I make my page look good? Do I write my name in Arabic or English? What description do I write under my name? Usually, they write: “I am a student at a university”. When I look at some, they don’t use LinkedIn much. We need to change that.


Have you invested in LinkedIn? Yes, I have invested. When I look at some student profiles, I subconsciously think to ignore them right away. I ignore any profile without a picture. If it says they are a university student, I will completely dismiss them. Why? I don’t know why. They can’t offer anything to you. There’s a mystery about their path and where they are going. I wasn’t interested because they are like most people.

Maybe here, in your case, an employee. I don’t see it as an option. I wouldn’t hire someone saying they are a university student. They can’t sell me. I’m supposed to look at the activity on their account. This account doesn’t target you. They couldn’t sell themselves to me. I feel that this is a weakness, and I miss it. I agree with you. So, I have listed some issues that I think about on LinkedIn. We will solve them, but then, will you become more active on LinkedIn? Definitely.

We always advise university students not to write that they are students. Because, technically, hiring managers search using their premium accounts as creators, and they are not looking for students. They are looking for job titles. Whatever your field of study, let’s say you are studying law, write “Aspiring Lawyer.” That should be in your headline. Based on that, it appears in search results when hiring managers look for those titles. Then you can write that you are a student afterward.

Now, why did we say headline? I call it the account headline. This headline is very important. Because if you go back to a job interview, they say, “When someone walks into the room for a job interview, they are judged within the first seven seconds.” They will then decide whether they will pass the test or not. The rest of the time is used to confirm or refute this unconscious judgment. The same thing happens on LinkedIn.

Three things are the first things people see when they enter your information. Your name, photo, and account headline. That’s why I’m interested in all the details of these. For example, the name should be in English. I will talk to you about the name in Arabic later. The photo should be of your head, not half-body or full-body. You should be wearing appropriate clothing for the work environment you want to work in, and it should be of excellent quality with a distraction-free background and a bright smile.

In detail. Because a smile opens opportunities and attracts people. These details, as you see, help people visit your account. What do you mean by needing the photo to be suitable for the job you want to work in? The clothing. Yes, what does that mean? If I want to work in a bank, I should wear a banking suit and not casual clothes. A smile attracts people to visit your account.

Will you add me on LinkedIn? I want to see the points I mentioned and compare them with your account. Then comes the account headline. Firstly, the job title should include the company’s name if you are an employee. After that, we list the two most important technical skills, and the last thing is the added value. What value do I add to the company? These are the three things that give the first impression on LinkedIn. When I follow someone and interact with them, they will see these three things, and based on that, they will decide whether to visit my account or not.

We can also talk about the rest of the account details there. I see your account now. It’s in Arabic and not in English. You have opened LinkedIn Arabic. You are really an expert. (I was going to tell you about Arabic/English). LinkedIn has two languages, and you can add more. The important thing is to have a version in English for English speakers and a version in Arabic for Arabic speakers.

I am Khalid Al-Ahmad, and I will help you improve the quality of your LinkedIn account to get better opportunities. This is a tool to help people who do not speak my language pronounce my name. I used it to market my services. There is a happy smile. You have this background. This is the biggest real estate area to promote yourself. You can put your added value, who your target clients are, and what some of your achievements are.

Do you

You think I should set it up in two languages? Yes, specifically in Saudi Arabia, where Arabic is highly valued. In the UAE, you can use only English. Set up my account in English but all the content I prepare in Arabic. This is very important to me.

You create the account, name, and picture. Wait a moment. Don’t look at it superficially. There are details in every part. Show me more of these details. LinkedIn used to be a recruitment platform. Did you know that LinkedIn is the oldest social platform? Older than all of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. However, when it was acquired by Microsoft in 2016, it transformed. It became a platform for building relationships and the largest database in history available on LinkedIn. It has many benefits.

We first talked about the first impression. Then you have other sections like a button under the account title called “Open to Work”. If I am looking for a job, I list every job title that interests me. So, I am either employed or open to work. Exactly, there are three things. I am either looking for a job, looking for employees, or a service provider. Do you want to talk about them? Okay. Usually, when I see someone using “Open to Work”, we will talk about it, wait.

When I am looking for a job, you enter this section. You put all the job titles you are looking for. Then you list the cities you are targeting, and then you write whether you are looking for a job now or your timing is flexible. This option means that I’m not in a hurry. In the end, you have two important options. One is to show that I am looking for work only to hiring managers (featured). It does not show that I am looking for work, and is not in any frame.

Secondly, looking for work shows to all accounts and the frame shows “looking for work”. There are two schools of thought on this subject. Should I show that I am looking for work or not? I advise new students and college students to show it. However, an employee or someone with five years of experience should keep that hidden. Why not show it? It shows weakness. It shows need and vulnerability. It does not enhance your personal identity.

That’s what I wanted to say earlier. I feel this way. If a friend did that, I would advise them to do something else. Anyone who sees that will feel sorry for you or think that you have a problem. It doesn’t leave a good impression. I am against some uses, like when someone posts a resume as a post and says every like you give to the post can give me an opportunity. We are not here to beg.

Now, this is the second point, which is the tags you use for the appearance you want. What is the other part? The summary where you can tell your life story. I didn’t expect you to be so savvy on LinkedIn. If I were to ask you to talk about your personal life, you wouldn’t go this way. Keep going. The summary shows the first four lines. The rest will not be shown. Here, you have an opportunity. You have two tasks. First, you need to stop the browser while browsing your account by grabbing its attention. Secondly, is that it? No, below. Yes, “About Yourself”.

The first thing it does is make it stop browsing, then make it curious to click on “more”. So you should either put a statistic or an important phrase that makes them stop browsing. Then you write something interesting to feed their curiosity to read the full story. After that, you tell them a little about your story, because it is important to show the personal side of your personal brand. This is to create a sense between you and them.

Also, write about your achievements and professional experience. Finally, give them a call to connect with you by adding your email. You should make it easy to contact you. Isn’t LinkedIn enough? LinkedIn is there. When you put it in the summary, it will be seen not only by those who contact you directly but everyone can see it now. This is the other part of the page. Next is professional experience. Most people are satisfied with just the job title and company.

You must

You are trained on data up to October 2023.

To mention more skills that were used in that job. Secondly, if we have any presentations, videos, or images, we upload them to the job. Thirdly, the most important thing is the job description. We don’t waste time writing the job description. In the job description, there is no conclusive proof for you. You should write about the accomplishments that are backed by numbers and their impact on the company. Achieved this at a rate of 100% or 20%, leading to an increase in the company’s sales. These are your achievements and their impact on the company. If they are presented in a formatted way, three to five points are sufficient.

This is the part about professional experience. The most important part in the account is the skills. Skills are like keywords in search engine optimization. So, I need to write my skills well in the skills section, and they should be present in the account title, in the summary, and in other places. This increases my chances of being discovered if someone is searching for these skills. They should be divided into two parts: 90% technical skills (hard skills) and 10% social skills (soft skills).

It is important to have relevant skills. Now, not every one of us knows our skills. If I have a list, I can choose from it. There are multiple ways to find what the skill list is for someone with my job title. I can search for my job title and go to the people option, select 10 accounts, and see what skills they have, then I make a list and choose from it what I have.

I can also enter the job title in the search and then select the jobs option, as every job comes with 10 skills. When I see jobs with the same job title, I look at the skills and choose what I have. We should not lie; we should only choose what we own. The easiest ways to build our skills list. What is the logical number of skills you should have? The maximum number of skills was 50, and two weeks ago, they raised the number to 100 because they wanted people to write their tools too. You can add other things. When it was 50 skills, they were selected from LinkedIn’s dictionary, but now you can choose skills outside the dictionary. We have more options now.

What number is the best in your opinion? 50 is enough. So, is 10 too few? To answer this question scientifically correctly, every skill prepared by LinkedIn should have at least 9 or 10 endorsements. No matter what skills you have, endorsements are more important in terms of quantity. How do I get endorsements? When I visit someone’s account, and when there is direct communication between us, I can give them an endorsement. This will show that Khaled has endorsed you.

Does this mean he will endorse you too? Yes, that’s one way, or you can ask others to do so. Personally, I don’t like to ask, I just give. They may or may not respond to you. Education comes next. We only add academic studies at the university. We do not add academic studies in educational institutes, only universities. Should we include the GPA? If your graduation rate has a maximum rate of four, you should enter any GPA above 3.5 and leave it if it is lower.

Secondly, if I am in my age, and your graduation date is old, do not write the year of graduation so that you do not face discrimination due to your age. This is what it seems we have in education. After that, we have the sections, we have the language, and it is important to include both Arabic and English and our level in each. After that, any volunteer work you have done. We also have courses. What is the difference between a course and a certificate? A course is a workshop you conducted, and there is an attendance certificate.


Documented is an international certificate, for example, BMP is considered a certification. What about edX and Coursera? They are in the certifications. What about projects? We can add any publications, like a book you’ve written or research. The more sections, the better. Let’s go back to the images to review some points. If you follow your points, I’ll be another picture that looks like everyone else’s and in the end can’t be distinguished. Everyone does it the same way.

Some people talk from this school, make it italicized, so that will make a difference. I don’t agree with that, but some people talk about it. If all the images are similar but one is slightly different, it might catch your attention more. These are simple things. One added a fly, and I was pushing it. I think your smile distinguishes you from others. I will show you an account to evaluate. Okay, is it yours? It’s Ayman’s account. Nice picture.

I used to have hair. The picture shows half of your body, which looks enlarged. The picture should be from the shoulders to the head. The smile is nice. You don’t have a cover photo. 90% of accounts on LinkedIn do not have a cover. If you add it, your account will have an advantage over 90% of them. What should I write in it? I worked at the eight only and at a mug. You can use simple ideas.

We can talk about the eight as a company page, by the way. They have an employee advocacy program. How can you motivate employees to be part of the business brand? I have a wish in life, I hope someone talks about the eight the way you talk about LinkedIn. The more I use a social platform, the more I dive into it. I used the job title LinkedIn gave you without adding anything to it. I took the last job title you added and put it in the account title. You could add the company name, the two most important technical skills, and the added value you provide through your work.

That’s for the top part. The about you section is missing. You only have one experience and in education you have one company. You only have seven skills, poor thing. Should I endorse his skills using your account? Yes, why not? But let’s read his skills first. He endorsed your skills in Arabic and digital media.

Interests and companies. What I do is improve them by raising their quality. I will write it for you the right way and without exaggerations. They come to you this way. They come, even as is. LinkedIn is not just for jobs. I told companies that I can improve their employees’ accounts, but they refused because they didn’t want to get rid of them. It doesn’t work that way. You have to invest in employees to make them ambassadors for your brand.

Since I started evaluating from? From there? The company account. Should I write about what I do and ask who you think our guest is today? That’s good. That’s good for content. You should use your account because I see it as a manager from my side. My phone is off. I will turn it on. What was your question? Most of the content in B2B companies on LinkedIn. They work on it a lot. What you said is amazing.

Either they celebrate their company’s employees or they celebrate other companies that benefited from their services. Success stories with other companies or people who benefited from it. In the eight, you can celebrate your guests. See how I can promote myself. Using the eight’s account. I saw on YouTube how, after the podcast was released, you take the topics and raise the short stories, and so on. The same thing you can do with rotating text content or PDF content on LinkedIn.

You can ask the audience or discuss a certain angle of a topic in different ways. This is for the eight’s account, but what about my account? You can use your LinkedIn account to help you prepare. You can take your production to your content, and ask users the questions they have for that guest in a certain field. Such ideas, and free too. We should have brought the ATM card.

I advise you

I am working on a program to motivate employees through interaction with the company’s content. There should be a monthly list. We record all employee interactions with company content through likes, comments, and posts. Each one has a weight, and at the end of the month, we will see who the top three are, and they will receive something. They can win gift cards, certificates, or travel tickets. And the last three will receive a warning. Or goodbye.

Don’t you think this type of interaction can be fake? I will do it for the points. I will tell you something. Are we still on air? I was in a meeting for an hour on Zoom, and when I’m focused on something, I look angry. I look serious. The other person smiled the entire hour. I had another meeting with him and asked about it. Can you tell me the secret behind that? He said he works in sales and faces a lot of people, and I noticed that smiling opens doors. I agreed with him. Since then, I started practicing smiling. Fake it till you make it. I practiced smiling every time I remembered, and it became a part of my expression.

It’s the same thing. When we start commenting on company content, it may initially feel like a false compliment, then it becomes part of the work environment in the company. I have a success story from a company. A company with false compliments? There is a company with a success story called Tamatem. All the employees have a brand and interact beautifully. I’m sure it started off as fake at first. Then it became part of the company culture. That means people comment and interact, right?

Yes, and the goal here is to market the company? Yes, and the company should help develop them to raise awareness about LinkedIn and its benefits. LinkedIn ads are the most expensive compared to other social media platforms. The organic interaction of internal brand advocates will have a significant impact on the company and spread it. Look. You can be critical. The cover is broken, designed for the web.

Yes, there are a number of sizes. In each size, there are lines you should not exceed, and this makes it appear in all of them. Okay, so in the past three years, there have been monthly updates with scary numbers. The page now has a new button called work. Now I wrote: “Download our app”, you can add a button to download it. This will make it faster. Let’s look at the about section. The same goes for companies; it can contain both English and Arabic. I can write in both languages.

What’s wrong with doing this, especially with the eight? Does it mean can this be a problem? There is a problem with having two languages. With the eight radio app, the app shows the language based on your device’s language. 70% of people asked this. Why are you defending yourself as a defender of Arabic content and creating an app in English? But your phones are in English, and that’s the reason. I think most people use LinkedIn in English and when they go to the eight page, they see the English page. I’m with you on this point.

It’s good in the about section, and the rest is good. Is the address accurate or just Riyadh, Saudi Arabia? I see here that you didn’t add the full address. Why? Don’t you want people to come to you? As long as you want that, it’s okay. Now, for the content, writing on LinkedIn is stronger than any other social media platform. If the post is text-based, the first four lines will appear, and two lines for videos. We need to invest in that by building an attractive title, like a hook. 90% of the effort should go into writing the title. So, writing titles has volumes and many books on how to write attractively.


It looks good, but you need some spacing. Give it room to breathe. Don’t write like a newspaper. Some write every line longer than the previous one. Punctuation is excellent and the emojis are great. You just need more empty spaces.

Loss of Confidence and College Experiences

This personal experience talks about the journey of an individual who lost his self-confidence after a failed college experience. Once he began working in restaurants, he felt that he had no vision for the future and that he was living each day as it comes. This period of his life was filled with challenges, as he recalled how he returned to college education at the age of thirty-three after spending years working as a waiter. The lack of responses to his job applications after graduation intensified his feelings of failure and deepened his loss of self-confidence. He points out that there is a problem in the way applications and communications are made, where a person must strive to seek opportunities rather than waiting. It is clear that the difficult experiences he went through helped him grow personally and acquire new skills.

Academic Directions and Wrong Choices

The experience also addresses the individual’s decision to study dentistry in Algeria, where that option was available due to academic restrictions in Kuwait. However, he did not have enough awareness at that time to choose the right path. The story illustrates how his choices, based on a lack of awareness and knowledge, affected the course of his life. He failed in his studies due to the language barrier and deteriorating academic performance, which led him back to work. At this stage, signs of failure and self-doubt began to emerge, affecting his future decisions. The individual learned from this experience that it is important to know what you really want and to have proper guidance when making critical decisions.

Searching for Identity and Personal Growth

The individual spent years in restaurants where he learned many important lessons about discipline and commitment. Those years served as a period of personal growth where he gained a deeper understanding of practical values. The precise description of the experiences he lived in restaurants reflects how working in different environments helped him build his character. From working as a dishwasher to a waiter, he gained social and practical skills, and he felt that despite not having a defined career path, he was progressing gradually. This journey from waiting without a clear vision to acquiring important skills reflects the person’s ability to learn from life experiences.

Returning to Study at a Later Age

The individual spoke about returning to study after years of interruption, where he began studying business administration at the age of thirty-three. This return was a significant challenge, but it was also an opportunity to regain self-confidence. Despite the difficulties he faced in balancing work and study, he managed to successfully complete his studies. This experience highlights the importance of education and how it can help a person redefine their career path. The decision to study again at that stage of life represents a bold step reflecting the desire to improve personal and professional circumstances.

Seizing Opportunities and Building Personal Identity

After completing his studies, the individual returned to Kuwait and worked at a Kuwaiti company before deciding to change his career path. He had a strong desire to achieve happiness in his professional life, which drove him to explore new fields. He began to focus on social media and specialize in personal branding. This stage highlights how a person can rebuild their identity through digital means and interaction with the audience. This step helped him enhance his skills and expand his network. At this stage, his ideas began to mature about how to use social media platforms to build a strong personal identity that opens doors for him.


For Young Generations and Families

The discussions also include important advice for young generations and their families on how to make the right educational decisions. Parents are encouraged to give their children space to discover their interests. It points out the importance of utilizing the first year after high school as an opportunity for exploration rather than the pressure to go directly to college. The discussion emphasizes the importance of allowing young people to try new things, even during their study years. This advice shows how proper guidance can make a significant difference in the lives of youth.

Investing in Personal Identity Development Through Social Media Platforms

Building a personal identity through social media is considered an essential part of professional success. It’s encouraged to start this process early, even during university studies. This importance is highlighted in how to present oneself through platforms like LinkedIn, where networking and content sharing are essential for building a strong relationship network. It shows how investing in personal identity can have a significant impact on future career opportunities. This idea reinforces the importance of digital presence in the modern job market and how it can help open doors to new opportunities.

The Importance of Having an Active LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn has become a central platform in the business world, not just for individuals but also for companies. Having an active LinkedIn account helps enhance a company’s image and increase interaction with potential clients. When an employee states that they work for a certain company, the presence of an official page for that company on LinkedIn provides additional information and enhances trust. Without a page, the employee appears to be working in a vacuum, which diminishes the company’s credibility. Therefore, it is important for companies to invest in creating professional pages on this platform.

Company pages help showcase diverse content about work culture, available job opportunities, and company news, thereby attracting new talent. In this context, if someone wants to join a company, they can look for content from former and current employees to understand the work environment. They can also gauge job security by analyzing the employment history of employees.

When searching for a particular company, it is helpful to use LinkedIn’s search feature to access accurate information about employees, positions, and human resources. These steps enable individuals to make informed decisions about the companies they wish to work for.

Engagement and Participation on LinkedIn

Engagement is a vital element in enhancing your presence on LinkedIn. There are three main types of users on the platform: content creators, interactors, and silent accounts. Developing content and creating genuine interaction with others is an important step in building a strong network. If you want to be part of the conversations, you need to invest time and effort in producing valuable content. This process requires discipline and research, but the return can be significant.

Moreover, engaging through comments and sharing the content posted by others is an excellent way to build relationships and achieve the desired visibility. If you write interesting comments or provide new insights, this can attract attention and increase your followers. It is important that comments are valuable and contribute to enhancing the discussion on the topics at hand.

You can also use comments to build relationships with content creators. For example, if you comment on someone’s post in a positive and helpful way, it is likely they will notice you and start following you, opening doors for more opportunities.

The Benefits of Building a Personal Brand

Building a strong personal brand is one of the most important strategies for success in our current era. A personal brand is not just a tool for self-promotion, but it is an expression of identity and professionalism. By building your brand, you can enhance your credibility and attract opportunities that align with your values and goals. To do this, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and how you want to be perceived by others.

You can

Doing this by using platforms like LinkedIn to share your ideas and experiences. You can use this platform as a tool for disseminating knowledge, but it requires patience and consistency. The content you share should be diverse and reflect your interests and professional field. For example, if you work in marketing, you can share articles about the latest trends and techniques in this field.

Developing a personal brand also requires knowing your strengths. You can use models like the Johari Window to identify what you know about yourself and what others know. Through this model, you can discover strengths you weren’t aware of, helping you enhance your overall image on the platform.

Strategies for Engaging with Companies and Employees

Engaging with companies and employees can significantly impact the job opportunities available to you. When you want to work for a specific company, it’s essential to start engaging with that company’s content and its employees. This helps you build a relationship before applying for the job. By commenting on their posts and sharing your opinions, you can capture their attention and increase your chances of getting hired.

When you engage with employees in Human Resources or hiring managers, you enhance your chances of receiving a job offer. You can also send a friendly connection request, mentioning your shared interests or comments you have made previously on their posts. This type of interaction can help build a relationship that leads to greater opportunities.

Moreover, connecting with alumni from the same university or college can be advantageous. These individuals are often more willing to help since they share similar experiences. You can use LinkedIn’s search feature to find alumni working at the companies you’re interested in, and then reach out to them for tips or additional information about the work environment.

Risks of Excessive Self-Promotion

Despite the importance of self-promotion and building a personal brand, it should be done cautiously. Over-promotion can lead to negative responses from the audience. It’s vital to provide value first before asking for anything. If you try to barter for opportunities without offering real value, you may come across as untrustworthy or unprofessional. This strategy could lead to a loss of trust between you and your audience.

When reaching out to executives or individuals in high positions, you should be cautious. Do not send direct job requests before building a relationship. Invest time in getting to know people and attending events and networking. When you cultivate trust, it will be easier for you to ask for help or opportunities.

Avoid also posting repetitive or excessive content. Remember that quality outweighs quantity, so ensure that everything you share adds value. Ultimately, your engagement strategy on LinkedIn should be balanced to reflect your professionalism and genuine interest.

The episode was summarized using artificial intelligence ezycontent


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