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نحن لا نرسل البريد العشوائي! اقرأ سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا لمزيد من المعلومات.

Summary of the episode: Alternative Energy: Environmental Necessity or Political Game? | Fanjan Podcast

In this exciting episode of the podcast, we host Aserine Hamsho, the distinguished engineer and specialist in alternative energy, who shares her professional journey and experiences in the West. Through her talk, she highlights the challenges and opportunities facing Arab women in the fields of technology and engineering, and discusses issues of identity and culture in the context of her daily life in the United States. Aserine, who holds two bachelor’s degrees in different fields, speaks candidly about her experience as a hijab-wearing woman in a male-dominated work environment, addressing how culture and upbringing affect girls’ attitudes towards science and engineering fields.

The episode also delves into environmental issues and the importance of transitioning to renewable energy, addressing the dangers facing the planet due to reliance on fossil fuels. Aserine discusses potential solutions to the problem of global warming and how Arab countries can benefit from their vast solar energy resources. She also provides forward-looking insights on how to integrate modern technology into our daily lives, and its impact on the next generations of Arab immigrants in the West.

Her words blend optimism and realism, as she calls for embracing challenges and adapting to changes, while emphasizing the necessity of teaching new generations the Arabic language as part of their cultural identity. At the end of the episode, Aserine stresses the importance of establishing values of cooperation and innovation in today’s world, making this conversation not just a discussion about energy, but also about identity, culture, and aspirations for a better future.

The Experience of Women in Scientific and Engineering Fields

The experience of women in scientific and engineering fields is one of the controversial issues, as women face multiple challenges related to gender discrimination and cultural restrictions. Guest Aserine Hamsho sheds light on the reality of women engineers and what it takes to affirm their status in male-dominated fields. In the Western world, women are seen as capable of achieving scientific and industrial accomplishments. However, the guest compares her experience to the challenges women face in the Arab world, where there is still a traditional view of women’s roles in society.

Aserine states that slogans speaking of women’s dignity in Islam may not fully reflect reality, as there seems to be a significant gap between what is said and what is practiced. In this context, she talks about her personal experience working at major global companies like General Electric, where she achieved tangible accomplishments, but still feels that the title “Scientist” does not suit her, preferring to be known as an inventor. This point reflects societal pressure on women to achieve remarkable accomplishments, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction with oneself.

The guest also addresses the issue of being seen as a role model, feeling that this comes with an additional burden. While there is a need to present positive role models for women, this may lead to increased pressure on women to achieve greater accomplishments than their male peers. The importance of providing a supportive environment for women in scientific fields is highlighted, as this can enhance their self-confidence and encourage them to excel.

The Role of Culture and Upbringing in Guiding Girls Towards Scientific Fields

Culture and upbringing are considered among the most important factors affecting girls’ inclinations towards scientific and engineering fields. The guest notes that girls often receive implicit guidance from childhood, where toys and activities associated with traditional women’s roles are favored. For example, toys aimed at girls often relate to crafts and cooking, while those related to intelligence and technology are designated for boys. These implicit messages greatly influence how girls view their professional futures.

Aserine explains that when girls reach school age, they are accompanied by cultural guidance emphasizing the importance of scientific subjects, but at the same time, they may feel internal pressure to conform to societal expectations. She emphasizes the importance of supporting girls in STEAM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) without pressuring them to change their natural interests. Instead of imposing the idea that success requires girls to enter certain fields, girls should be given the freedom to choose what they desire.

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Asirine believes that girls need support and inspiration, not pressure to follow certain paths. Every girl has her own unique advantages and interests, and her choices should be respected. The core idea is that girls need an environment that encourages them to explore all fields without constraints, which requires significant cultural and educational changes.

Environmental Challenges and Renewable Energy

Asirine Hamsho addresses environmental challenges and their impact on the future of planet Earth. She considers that the world today is facing a real threat related to climate change, due to the continued reliance on fossil fuels. She points out that many countries have started shifting towards the use of alternative energy, such as solar and wind energy, in an effort to reduce carbon emissions and contain environmental issues. However, this transition must be made thoughtfully to ensure its sustainability.

The guest explains that renewable energy can play a significant role in preserving planet Earth, but this requires substantial investments in research and development. She also asserts that technological solutions must be accompanied by strong political will to effectively stimulate the use of alternative energy. She emphasizes the importance of education and environmental awareness, as increasing knowledge about the benefits of renewable energy can encourage communities to adopt it.

She cites examples of countries like Germany and Iceland that have managed to achieve high rates of reliance on renewable energy, proving that this transition is possible if there is political and economic will. However, she stresses the need to improve energy storage technologies, as one of the major challenges facing renewable energy is the inability to store excess for later use. Developing storage technologies is the key to success in this field.

The Importance of the Arabic Language in Cultural and Religious Identity

The Arabic language is considered an integral part of individuals’ cultural and religious identity. Asirine Hamsho highlights the importance of teaching the Arabic language to her children, linking the language to religious understanding, considering that Arabic is the language of the Quran, and it is important for children to learn their native language. This education is not only to preserve identity but also to understand religious values and principles.

The guest discusses the challenges facing second-generation immigrants, pointing to a study that shows 9 out of 10 of these children lose their connection to the language and religion of their ancestors. She believes that the reason for this is the lack of a supportive environment that promotes the use of the Arabic language, making it difficult for children to maintain their identity. She encourages the importance of creating a community that speaks Arabic and fosters children’s daily interaction with the language.

Asirine believes that language is not just a means of communication, but also a means of understanding cultural and religious identity, and learning Arabic should be considered a priority. Promoting the use of the language is also a step towards preserving cultural heritage, which may fade over time if not passed on to future generations. Education in Arabic should be accompanied by teaching the values and ethics of the community, contributing to building a generation capable of understanding their cultural and religious identity.

Challenges of Integration in Western Societies

Many Arabs and Muslims in Western societies face significant challenges related to identity and belonging. Many migrants fear losing their cultures and traditions due to their interaction with Western communities. However, it is important to distinguish between what is related to religion and what is related to traditions. Some migrants believe they can maintain their religion without adhering to traditions that do not fit their new lives. This discussion reflects the view that preserving cultural identity should be done flexibly in accordance with new circumstances.


For example, immigrants can adopt the values of the communities they live in while maintaining their religious values. This includes teaching their children how to interact with different cultures while remaining proud of their roots. Here, the importance of religious identity over national or cultural identity becomes apparent, as Muslims can live as part of American or French society while recognizing their Arabic heritage. This balance between religious identity and local culture can help enhance understanding and tolerance within the community.

These conflicts sometimes stem from the inability to adapt to social changes, leading to a state of isolation. Therefore, it is essential to encourage individuals to recognize the importance of participating in new communities by learning from and interacting with their surroundings. Another example can be in the field of education, where parents can play an important role in guiding their children to take advantage of the opportunities available in the countries they live in, helping to build a generation capable of adapting and succeeding in diverse environments.

Human Identity and the Concept of Homeland

The concept of homeland is not merely geographical borders; it is also an identity and emotions that connect individuals to their place of origin. For many immigrants, the homeland can be the place of childhood or a source of beautiful memories. However, over time, the concept of homeland evolves to include the new communities they inhabit. This change in understanding homeland can be difficult, as it leads to internal conflicts regarding identity.

We must understand that homeland can be multiple, where a person can feel a belonging to more than one place at the same time. For example, a person living in the United States but with roots from Syria or Algeria may feel that they are an American of Arab descent. These complex identities can enhance individuals’ understanding of their world and open horizons for interacting with multiple cultures.

Certainly, there are challenges associated with this concept, such as psychological conflicts that may arise from the incompatibility between the original identity and the new social demands. However, this diversity can have significant benefits, such as fostering empathy and understanding among different cultures. Realizing that homeland is more than just a place can contribute to creating a more cohesive and tolerant society.

Migration as an Opportunity for Change and Growth

Migration is not just a means of escaping difficulties; it is also an opportunity for change and personal growth. Many immigrants come to new countries in search of better living and job opportunities, which requires them to adapt to new circumstances. Migration can open new horizons for individuals and provide them the opportunity to expand their skills and experiences.

For example, a person who migrated from Syria to France or the United States can benefit from the higher education system or job opportunities available in these countries. This change can lead to improving the economic and social status of the individual and their family. Additionally, the new experiences that migrants go through can enhance their ability to adapt and engage with different communities, making them a more resilient and adaptable generation.

However, we must be aware of the challenges that come with migration. There are feelings of alienation and a sense of separation from roots that may affect migrants. Therefore, it is important to have social and psychological support for migrants to help them adapt to their new lives. This includes providing resources and support from local communities, which helps to enhance identity and belonging.

Identity Challenges in Multicultural Societies

Living in multicultural societies carries many challenges, especially for younger generations who may find themselves caught between two cultures. Identity can be a source of confusion and conflict between an individual’s desire to integrate into the new society and their wish to maintain their original cultures. This dynamic requires individuals to grapple with complex questions about who they are and what they stand for.

The offspring
Those who grow up in these environments may feel the need to assert their cultural identity while also wanting to be accepted by their peers. These pressures can lead to internal conflicts, where young people may feel that their identity is neither recognized nor understood. For instance, children from mixed cultural backgrounds may face pressures from both sides, making them feel that they belong to neither group.

Therefore, it is essential to enhance cultural awareness in schools and communities to help individuals understand and accept the diversity of identity. Educational programs should encourage dialogue and understanding among different cultures, contributing to building a more inclusive society. Arts and cultural projects can play a significant role in facilitating this process, as they can be an effective means of enhancing understanding and communication among individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Changing the Perception of Women in Islamic Societies

Women in Islamic societies face multiple challenges related to rights and empowerment. Although Islam has honored women and granted them multiple rights, the current reality often reflects a contrary image. Women can be affected by traditional or misleading interpretations of religion, leading to the restriction of their rights and potential. For example, we find that some communities offer interpretations that make it difficult for women to fully participate in social and economic life.

It is essential to consider how to renew religious discourse that addresses women’s issues. There should be open discussion regarding women’s rights and their role in society, allowing them to participate effectively in all aspects of life. Enhancing education and providing economic opportunities for women can have a significant impact on their communities.

Similarly, debates should be held regarding cultural and religious concepts related to women, which helps to remove any distortions or misinterpretations. Some communities need to reconsider how they understand the role of women in Islam and how to apply that in the modern era. This requires a collective effort from all, whether men or women, to advocate for change and promote women’s rights in Islamic societies.

The episode was summarized using artificial intelligence ezycontent


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