This page provides information on the theoretical peer review performance and citation metrics for Nature journal. Our quick guide to journal metrics is also available for download.
Theoretical Peer Review Metrics for 2022
Submission to first editorial decision: the average time (in days) from the date of receipt of the proposal to the date of sending the first editorial decision on whether to send the article for formal review back to the authors.
Submission to acceptance: the average time (in days) from submission to the final editorial acceptance date.
Submission to first editorial decision – 12
Submission to acceptance – 262.5
Journal Metrics for 2022
On this page, you will find a set of citation-based metrics for Nature journal. Brief definitions of each of the metrics used to measure the impact of our journals are included below the journal metrics. The data is produced by Clarivate Analytics.
Although the metrics presented here are not definitive, we hope they are useful. The page is updated annually.
Two-year impact factor – 64.8
Five-year impact factor – 60.9
Immediacy index – 13.7
Special article factor – 1.10309
Article influence score – 26.4
Usage Metrics for 2022
Article-level metrics are also available on each article page, allowing readers to track access to individual papers.
7,882,355 mentions by Altmetric
Metrics Definitions
Two-year impact factor: the journal’s impact factor is defined as all citations to the journal in the current year for items published in the two preceding years, divided by the total number of scientific items (including articles, reviews, and conference papers) published in the journal in the two preceding years. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Five-year impact factor: the journal’s five-year impact factor, available since 2007, is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years are cited in the current year for JCR. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the previous five years. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Immediacy index: the immediacy index is the average number of times a paper is cited in the year it is published. The journal’s immediacy index indicates how quickly articles in the journal are cited. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Special article factor: the special article factor is calculated based on the number of citations to articles from the journal published in the previous five years in the JCR year, but it also takes into account the journals that contributed to those citations, so that journals with higher citations have more impact than those with lower citations. References from an article in a journal to another article in the same journal are removed, so that the special article factor is not affected by self-citation of the journal. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Article influence score: the article influence score measures the average influence of articles from the journal over the first five years after publication. It is calculated by multiplying the special article factor by 0.01 and dividing by the number of articles in the journal, normalized as part of all articles in all publications. This measure is similar to the five-year impact factor in that it is a ratio of the citation impact of the journal to the volume of article contributions to the journal over five years. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Downloads: downloads reflect the number of direct accesses to the full text or PDF versions of articles directly from the journal’s website. Downloads are defined as HTML clicks, LookInside, PDF, and Epub. Please note that this does not include article downloads from mirror databases such as PubMed Central. (Under license from Clarivate Analytics)
Mentions by Altmetric: the total number of mentions (such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, blogs, news articles, policy documents, and Faculty of 1000 references) for articles published in the specified time period, as provided by Altmetric.
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