In our new work series “Smarter Work,” we hear from AI experts about how they leverage machine learning to solve interesting problems and fundamentally change the way we work for the better.
How do you see AI tools changing the way we meet in virtual worlds in the future?
We can think of some common metaphors in the current media landscape of self-driving cars. You can switch between driving the car yourself and then putting it in autonomous mode. You can imagine something similar in virtual meetings. Send an AI to the meeting, then it may materialize in the meeting for a short time, then leave. This is all easier said than done right now.
What are the best uses for asynchronous tools for remote collaboration?
Research indicates that asynchronous communication mediums are leaner – fewer communication channels – but you can use them to compensate for filtered signals. However, it takes more time. We can replace smiles and gestures with emojis and language style in emails. But it will take us four days of sending six emails a day compared to 25 minutes in a meeting. The choice of medium should largely depend on the task, the team, and the individuals.
What do you recommend for teams trying to balance in-person and remote work?
I would say it should be done on a case-by-case basis, and think about: what does your organization and team need to facilitate communication? When can you allow individuals who struggle with high social interaction anxiety or feel marginalized some control over how they represent themselves? When is it acceptable to do so asynchronously? When is it okay to do so playfully?
You might not want everyone in avatars in your formal meeting with the CEO. But if you are trying to get team members to connect and build trust, some playful synchronous communication in a virtual world – like everyone wearing VR headsets and being in avatars – reduces social anxiety and increases agency.
What types of meetings should be held face-to-face?
Conferences, I believe, are the best example of a reason to physically meet because you will meet people you didn’t plan to and didn’t know before. They may exchange ideas. I hear sellers talking about the need for a handshake and projecting trust. When trust and serendipity matter, social presence facilitates achieving those things.
What about asynchronous meetings?
When there isn’t a lot of exchange. When one person is asking questions, then everyone else is receiving answers. When it’s not urgent – for example, when I have orientation meetings with my students. It’s important, but it’s not super urgent. Instead of reading a long email, I would say, “Send me [a video]. Maybe send me a document I can look at while listening to your screen share.” This makes responding much easier.
It’s a slow exchange. Social presence is already there. These are people I know well. They don’t need to establish trust with me. It’s already there. The communication is information-oriented. It’s just moving something along.
How do you envision chatbots enhancing the way we use avatars?
I can imagine training chatbots to speak in your style and training them on your email repository and all the files on your drives. Chatbots could be aware of what is considered private or public, and speak on your behalf, but also help you organize the information that comes up while browsing these meetings. You would see it as a friend, as a pet, as an avatar, and as a tool.
Who benefits from improved remote work tools along with virtual meetings that help shy individuals participate?
Individuals with high social interaction anxiety are more likely to use Zoom features that enhance self-representation. However, it is also increasingly used by non-white users, women, and those with less work experience. We classify this latter group as vulnerable. When considering biases, systemic justice, and the ways in which it is challenging for these individuals to navigate the workplace, it makes sense that these tools distract attention from the traits that cause social anxiety.
What lessons have you learned from teaching your classes remotely?
I now teach all my classes in virtual reality. It’s much better than Zoom for the same reasons that made Zoom so much better than asynchronous lessons where you don’t get a strong social presence, so you don’t build trust and serendipity as much as you do in reality. Besides teaching in virtual reality, I have learned from conducting research on virtual meetings that social presence is key to facilitating strong teams, long-lasting collaborations, and effectiveness in serendipitous meetings. Virtual reality is an excellent tool for achieving these goals.
This dialogue has been edited and summarized for clarity.
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