How to Make the Most of Netflix: Tips and Tricks

When the live streaming wars, referred to as “streaming,” first erupted, it seemed that Netflix was in real trouble for a while. The service faced criticism for price hikes and a password-sharing ban period. It also gained a reputation for canceling beloved original shows, although it is considered a favorite in this field compared to Max.

Netflix adds excellent content every month and is home to many great foreign shows that you can’t watch anywhere else. If you are watching what Netflix offers, we have a list of ways to enhance your experience (including some solutions for password sharing).

1. Browse Netflix’s Password Sharing Restrictions

Finally, Netflix has banned password sharing. We do not know if that will save the company from its competitors, but it is certainly causing annoyance to customers.

Do you want to help your parents or college kids by letting them log into your account? That will cost you. You will pay $7.99 per month for each additional member on Netflix to have family members or friends far away from you on your plan. With a Standard plan ($15.49 per month), you can add one additional user. With a Premium plan ($19.99 per month), you can add up to two additional members. Those with Basic plans or ad-supported plans cannot add additional members to their accounts.

But there are ways to bypass the rules. If you are going to watch Netflix only on a mobile device and not a smart TV, go to the home of the person who has the account, connect to their Wi-Fi, and log into Netflix on your device. This should allow you to watch content on your device from anywhere, at least for an indefinite period.

At the same time, if the primary account holder does not use a streaming device or smart TV to watch Netflix, there will be no primary home to link to the account, so many people should be able to use their mobile phones or tablets to log into the account. Of course, there’s no guarantee that any of these methods will work in the long term.

2. Remove People from Your Netflix Account

If you want to be proactive in cutting off intruders on Netflix, you can do more than just change the password. Go to your account settings, select Sign out of all devices, and confirm it on the next screen. All users who are using the account – even you! – will have to log in again, whether they are using a mobile phone, tablet, or gaming device. It may take up to eight hours to impact all your devices.

3. Give Everyone Their Own Netflix Profile

When many people use the same Netflix account, interests are likely to get mixed up, making the recommendation process confusing. To ensure that users have a more personalized experience, give everyone their own profile.

Each account allows for five profiles, so your little one won’t get a recommendation for the series “Breaking Bad,” and you can turn “Never Have I Ever” into your teenager’s list. Once the profiles are set up, Netflix asks who is watching each time a viewer logs in, and then takes them to their own starting page.

To set up profiles, go to Manage Profiles > Add Profile. You can change profile settings by clicking on your account, then going to Profile and adjusting the dropdown setting next to the profile you want to make changes to. You will be able to change the appearance of subtitles and specify the notifications they receive via email, and more.


Moving to a New Netflix Account

If you are moving to a new account, whether due to a breakup, Netflix’s new password sharing rules, or any other reason, you don’t have to lose all the history you share with Netflix. The transfer file allows you to transfer your watchlist, viewing history, recommendations, games, and settings. The account holder will need to enable the file transfer, but once that’s done, click on your account picture, select transfer file, and follow the on-screen instructions. We have detailed information here.

5. Turn Off Auto-Play Promotional Videos

In an attempt to showcase original Netflix content, Netflix plays promotional videos upon login. They autoplay with sound, which can be annoying when you’re just trying to browse the app. But you can turn them off: open Netflix in a browser window. Click on the account name. Go to manage profiles. Click on the pencil icon above the profile you wish to change. Go to autoplay controls. Uncheck the box that says “Autoplay promotional videos while browsing on all devices.”

6. Set a Sleep Timer

“Are you still watching?” When Netflix asks this question, the answer is often an awkward “Yes.” After a few episodes of a certain show, Netflix stops playing and shows that annoying prompt, going into sleep mode if you don’t respond. But some of us enjoy binge-watching “Schitt’s Creek” or other cozy content, so if you want streaming to stop after a certain amount of time, there isn’t an official sleep timer within Netflix, but there are ways to work around it for both iOS and Android. On iOS: open the clock app. Go to timer and set it for how long you want Netflix to play. In “When Timer Ends,” select “Stop Playing.” On Android: download NFTimer, which does the same thing. Make sure to tap the three-dot icon in the top right and enable screen lock. Otherwise, when your timer ends, the Netflix window shrinks to a small picture-in-picture window. When screen lock is enabled, the screen turns off and Netflix stops playing. For any operating system: open the timer app. Set it for how long you want Netflix to play. Select “When Timer Ends.” Scroll down until you see “Stop Playing.” Select that, then tap “Set” in the top right. Open Netflix and hit play. Netflix will close when the timer ends.

7. Disable Post-Play

Another way to avoid continuous playback while sleeping (or to reduce overindulgence) is to disable the Post-Play feature on Netflix, which automatically starts playing the next episode of a series a few seconds after the previous one finishes. Open Netflix in a browser window. Click on the account name. Go to manage profiles. Click on the pencil icon above the profile you wish to change. Go to autoplay controls. Uncheck the box that says “Autoplay the next episode in a series on all devices.”

8. Browse Hidden Netflix Categories

Netflix has a massive library of content that can be hard to navigate. You can drill down by genre, but for more specific details, you can check out For example, the Netflix app allows you to drill down into thriller movies – but Netflix-Codes breaks them into more specific categories like spy films, supernatural horror films, and science fiction films.

By organizing the Netflix secret category codes, you can also click on and go there directly, find the code, and type it in the browser yourself, like this – replace [INSERTNUMBER] with the code, of course:[INSERTNUMBER]

You can also download the Better Browse for Netflix extension, which adds a new link to the Netflix site navigation to reveal all expanded categories.

9. Host an Oscars or Emmys Party Year-Round

If you’re struggling to decide what to watch on Netflix, head straight to the award winners. Netflix has a section that celebrates the Oscars, organized by genre and popularity, including movies that are already on your own list.

10. Get Better Recommendations

When you watch something you hate, you’re only hurting yourself. If you don’t rate what you watched, Netflix will think you loved it and will recommend more of the same. So if you really like something, the best way to discover more of that is to give it a thumbs up. You can also give it a thumbs up only if you really love it. And press the thumbs down if it’s not for you.

11. Promote Your Own Recommendations

Whether you’re an Instagram influencer or not, you can recommend Netflix shows and movies to your followers and friends. Click on a title and hit share to send it via text. You’ll also get the option to share a recommendation on Instagram Stories (in addition to adding emojis, text, and animated images or polls) and on other services including WhatsApp, Twitter, and more.

12. Turn on Audio Descriptions

When you listen to a show without watching it, you only get part of the picture. Blind people often miss important cues that are clearly illustrated to sighted people. Over the past few years, Netflix has added audio descriptions for titles, 2,275 as of this writing. Audio descriptions provide the narrations that describe what’s happening on the screen. You can see titles that feature this option by going to categories and selecting English – Audio Description, which displays a filtered version of the regular Netflix screen. On the browser, you can see all options by going to

13. Change Subtitles

Subtitles are available for most (if not all) titles on Netflix. But the yellow characters or font type might not be clearly readable for some viewers. Fortunately, you can make some changes. On and the Android app (the iOS app tells you to go to the web), go to account > profile and adjust the parental controls and subtitle appearance settings with a range of options: you can change the font type, letter color, background color, and text size. Click save when finished.

14. Save Mobile Data

It’s easy to consume all your mobile data by streaming video on a mobile device, but Netflix allows you to save cellular data usage on iOS or Android devices: click on your profile. Open the app settings. Click on cellular data usage, where you can switch Netflix viewing to Wi-Fi only or choose a data saver mode.

15. Download for Offline Viewing

If you know you’ll be without internet access, you can download a few episodes of “Bridgerton” to pass the time. Most Netflix original shows are available for download, along with some other shows and movies. Click on a title, press the download icon (if available). Or click the download button in the bottom menu and look for something to download. This is also where you’ll find downloaded content and can delete it. Some titles expire 48 hours after first playing, so be aware if you’ll be without Wi-Fi access for longer. Android users can locate their downloads (in app settings) to store everything on an SD card. Another feature on iOS and Android called Smart Downloads. With this feature, when you watch an episode in a series, the episode you watched will be deleted and the next episode will be downloaded automatically. Turn it on or off by going to app settings > smart downloads. You’ll also be able to specify downloads for you, which saves shows and movies on your device according to Netflix’s algorithm that suggests what you might like.


Delete Your Netflix Viewing History

We all have shows we feel guilty about watching. What if you don’t want dates, family members, or anyone else you may sit with to know about your favorite movie “My Unorthodox Life”? You can delete items from your viewing activity in this way: on, go to your account. Scroll down to the profile and parental controls settings. Select the dropdown menu next to the file name. Select viewing activity. Click the circle icon to the right of any embarrassing content to hide it from your viewing history. If you really want a fresh start, scroll down and click “Hide all”. Here, you can also really reflect on your life and download your entire viewing history.

17. See the Latest Netflix Shows

Every month, Netflix adds many shows and movies (while removing some others). Stay updated on what’s coming and going by clicking on “New & Popular” (desktop) or “New & Hot” (mobile). To add a title to your list when it is released, click on the “Remind me” bell icon.

18. Try Out New Netflix Features

To preview Netflix features before they are widely available: go to account. Scroll down to settings. Select test participation and set the slider to on.

19. Request Netflix to Add a Show or Movie

What if the show or movie you really want to watch isn’t available on Netflix? Ask the company to add it by going to the “Request TV Shows or Movies” page and entering your suggestions there.

20. Watch Netflix Anywhere

When you travel and you’re in the middle of watching your favorite show on Netflix. A new episode releases and you discover that the show isn’t available to watch in the country you are visiting. This is where a VPN comes into play. You don’t have to avoid spoilers online until you get home if you use a suitable VPN for Netflix. We have a guide at PCMag for unblocking Netflix with a VPN.


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