Gift Guide Number 8: Your British Dad who brings his own special bag of PG Tips tea when he visits.

1. Comfortable sweater in three colors, priced at $45, for a handsome professor look. (This red sweater is beautiful too.)

Your dad needs a comfortable and stylish sweater at the same time. This beautiful sweater is available in three different colors and will add a touch of elegance to his look.

2. Maldon smoked sea salt priced at $6.50, which my friend Odette, an author, says is “amazing” on fish, chicken, salads, burrata or the rim of a cocktail glass. Additionally, whipped French butter for spreading on morning bread for $12.

This gift will add a touch of unique flavor to your dad’s meals. The smoked sea salt can be used on fish, chicken, salads, burrata, or even on the rim of a cocktail glass. The whipped French butter will be perfect for spreading on morning bread and adding a touch of delicious flavor.

3. New York Times bestselling book about the American Olympic rowing team in Nazi Germany for $12. And two tickets for George Clooney’s movie coming out on December 25.

This gift will help your dad enjoy his time and read an exciting story about the American rowing team in Nazi Germany. Additionally, you will be able to watch George Clooney’s new movie and enjoy your time with him.

4. Framed picture for his office/bedside table/fireplace, starting at $65, or fun framed decorations.

This personal gift will make your dad feel happy and proud of his family. You can choose a beautiful picture to frame and gift to him to place in his office, on his bedside table, or by the fireplace. Additionally, you can choose fun framed decorations to beautify his home.

5. Torn noodle meal kit that can be prepared for four people, with lamb, beef, pork, or vegetarian options, starting at $44.

This gift will allow your dad to enjoy a delicious and fun meal at home. He can prepare a torn noodle dish with lamb, beef, pork, or vegetarian and enjoy it with the family.

6. The maze game he used to love playing with you when you were little, and now it’s the grandchildren’s turn! Priced at $40. Or classic games: Connect Four, Guess Who, and Battleship.

This gift will bring back beautiful memories for your dad and allow him to enjoy his time with the grandchildren. He can play the maze game he loved with you when you were little, and now it’s the grandchildren’s turn to play it. Additionally, he can play classic games like Connect Four, Guess Who, and Battleship.

7. Temporary tattoo because it would be funny to see him with a tattoo. Priced at $5.50.

This gift will make your dad smile and laugh. You can buy a temporary tattoo for your dad and watch him wear it and enjoy the joke.

8. Your favorite daily sunscreen, priced at $22, because he doesn’t use it enough and you worry about him! (Plus one for yourself.)

This gift will take care of your dad’s health and help him keep his skin safe from harmful sun rays. You can buy your favorite daily sunscreen and share it with your dad to keep both your skins healthy and protected.

9. A great after-dinner drink. “Sisters Cristiana, Antonella, and Elisabetta Nunino and sixth-generation Francesca Nunino continue proudly their family legacy, following the path of their grandmother Silvia – Italy’s first female distiller – and their mother Gianola – developer of the world’s first single-ingredient spirit.” Yes! Priced at $46.

This gift will allow your dad to experience a great after-dinner drink. He can taste a unique and delicious spirit that carries a long family history and strong traditions.

10. Donate money in your dad’s name to Transportation Alternatives, which expands bike lanes, adds school safety cameras, and helps make New York City streets safer.

This gift will contribute to making the streets safer in New York City and express your concern for your dad’s health and safety. You can donate money in your dad’s name to Transportation Alternatives and help them achieve their goals of expanding bike lanes and adding school safety cameras.


A message expressing your appreciation for him, because that’s all he really wants. Priced at $5.50.

This simple gift will express your feelings and deep appreciation for your father. You can write a small message expressing how much you appreciate him and how important he is in your life.

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Another Article

Browse our other articles:

  • 2022 Gift Guide for Dads
  • 2021 Gift Guide for Dads
  • 2020 Gift Guide for Dads
  • 2023 Gift Guide So Far

(Torn noodles image via Kottke.)

Note: If you purchase any product through the links in the article, we may receive a commission or sponsorship relationship with the brand, at no additional cost to you. We only recommend products that we really love. Thank you very much.



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